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The Cherwell School English FacultyMock Exam Feedback 2011


Question Wording Skills Score1 (Video) ‘List 4 things ...’ Find information 4/42 (Video) ‘Explain how....’ Find and explain 3/43 (Video) ‘Why does...’ Find and explain with inference 4/8

4 (Video) ‘How does the writer use language...’

Write about language 5/12

5 (Video) ‘Compare the ways the texts are presented...’

Write about presentationCompare the texts


My Total READING score: 25 /40My Targets for Reading

Linking phrases: use the sheets we've looked at to raise the quality of language that you use to describe techniques and their effects - all the 'lodge the idea in the reader's mind' phrases.


Question Wording Score6 (Video) ‘Choose a place you know well and describe ...’ 12/167 (Video) ‘Write an article to persuade ...’ 17/24

My Total WRITING score: 29/40My Targets for Writing

Timing: aim to work much more quickly through the first half of the paper, to ensure that you have enough time to do developed Writing answers for questions 6 and 7.

Advanced sentence structures: use the video on Cherwell Online to revise advanced sentence structures, and avoid using so many exclamation marks at the ends of your sentences!!!!

My Total Exam Score: 54 /80

Next StepsOnce you are very clear what your stronger and weaker areas are, target your revision by using the revision videos on Watch the films there, take notes on what you learn, and do the activities.
