Recruit To Retain



Build Your Talent Brand

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Recruit to Retain Build a Recruiting Culture. Repair Your Talent Brand.

Gunn & Associates, Inc.

Rev. February 2009

Table of Contents

1. Visible Corporate Recruiting Culture

2. Entire Recruiting Cycle Measured

3. Business Units Accountable

4. Job Seeker as Customer!

5. Workforce Planning

6. Recruiter Training

7. On - Boarding

8. Teams of 2

9. ATS ++

10. Q!


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Work Plan

Hour Glass

Recruiting Culture Scorecard

Corporate Enterprise 1.  Employee Referral Program 2.  Employer Brand 3.  Hiring Manager Skills 4.  Employment Value Proposition 5.  Comm./PR Staff Support 6.  Job Seeker Satisfaction

Business Engagement 1.  Cross-Functional Cooperation 2.  Recruiting Cycle Events Tracked 3.  Hiring Manager/Recruiter Roles 4.  Hiring Managers Evaluated

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Recruiting Department 1.  Fair Recruiter Allocation 2.  Recruiter Broad Skills 3.  Recruitment Branding 4.  Recruiting Dept. Leadership 5.  Hiring Manager Trust 6.  Co-Brand with Top Suppliers

Technology 1.  Resume Database Retrieval 2.  ATS Effectiveness 3.  Career Website Influence 4.  Workforce Planning Tools

Online Survey:

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Recruiting Cycle Recruiting Cycle Event Days Cumulative

Observe Need — Day One 1 1 Start Open and Approve Requisition 5 * 6 Source Internal/External Candidates 5 * 11 Screen and Pre-qualify Candidates 5 * 16 Phone Interview Top Candidates 10 * 26 Complete Interview Assessments 2 28 Schedule 2nd Interviews (in-person) 5 * 33 Interview Results — Hire Decision 1 34 Offer Craft Offer and Receive Approvals 2 36 Extend Offer (verbal + FEDEX) 2 38 Candidate Accepts (drug/background screenings) 8 46 Accept Three Weeks Vacation Approval 2 * 48 On-boarding Logistics Delay 3 * 51 Candidate Gives Notice — Starts 14 65 1st Day

65 Days * How do we shorten these event time frames?

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Define “Relationship Recruiting”

You get one try so don’t mess it up… select only one:

[ ] dating job seekers [ ] hiring relatives [✔] treating job seekers like customers [ ] networking through Aunt Mary

(there is only one “best” answer)

Recruit to Retain

Relationship Recruiting

Management 101:

“Relationship Recruiting” views the

Job Seeker as the Customer.

  Job seeker, now employee, remains the customer

  Hiring manager now

•  coach and mentor

•  clearing obstacles so his customer succeeds!

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Meet Your Recruiter Recruiters deliver services that drive business results!

1.  Exude confidence and demonstrate competence

2.  Value and recruit diversity and congratulate candidates on interviews and offers

3.  Utilize latest Internet tools and pursue learning and professional certifications

4.  Understand the business and collaborate on job specifications

5.  Build rapport with job seekers and hiring managers, treating job seekers as customers

6.  Contribute Full-Cycle Abilities:

Take Risks | Seize Opportunities | Contribute Beyond Assignment | Share Knowledge | Plan |

Organize | Source | Assess | Sell | Communicate | Market | Persuade | Encourage | Coach |

Interview | Evaluate |Present | Negotiate | Recommend | Thank Others

7.  Report and present successes and metrics

  LOMINGER Competencies Creativity | Priority Setting | Organizing | Problem Solving |Composure |Action-Oriented Approachability | Perseverance | Standing Alone | Comfort around Higher Management

Quality of Hire

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1. Role Analysis 2. Structured

Screening *

6. Source of Hire

3. Candidate Interviewing Treatment **

4. Recruiting Cycle Metrics

5. Satisfaction Surveys

7. Continuous Improvement “QoH”

* AllianceQ with QuietAgent (+ Professional Assessments)

** On-Boarding Excellence Also

Workforce Planning a Priority? Impending Events!

Impending Event:   An aging workforce

  severe skills shortages

  estimated 75% of workers are looking to change jobs in the U.S. skills and knowledge-based economy

HR Leadership: 1.  Share internal workforce and climate data

2.  Drive awareness of the external environment

3.  Spur engagement and retention initiatives

4.  Launch WORKFORCE PLANNING - even an elementary start

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Workforce Planning - Actions Action #1: Workforce Planning at Top of Corporate Agenda

1.  Appoint HR the Champion Business Intelligence | Metrics | Staffing Forecasts | Workforce Scenarios

2.  Forecast where current trends are taking the organization

3.  Build future scenarios based upon recruitment effectiveness trends Time-to-Start | Quality | Talent Pipelines | Turnover by Performance | Costs

4.  Require top management to influence “bottoms up” momentum

5.  Conduct workshops that make   Workforce planning principles institutionalized   Workforce planning as EPS relevant   Line managers as skilled practitioners

HR facilitates workforce planning analysis and reporting.

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Workforce Planning Operational versus Strategic

To Strategic

1.  3 or 5-year horizon that matches organization strategic plan

2.  Input of internal and external demographics, biz strategies, global trends, etc.

3.  Outputs are HR People strategies 4.  Scenarios use futuring techniques to

question current paradigms 5.  Forecasting not only priority – the

process is more comprehensive 6.  Business owns and HR facilitates 7.  Focus by strategic management

executives and Board 8.  Aligns to strategic plan

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From Operational

1.  12-month planning horizon with quarterly focus

2.  Input of internal data with management decisions

3.  Outputs usually a staffing plan and skill gap analysis

4.  Scenario planning using staffing models and variables

5.  Forecasting is key focus 6.  HR owns with business input 7.  Focus by operations and line

management 8.  Aligns to business plan

Credit to and Conference Board Working Group

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#1 Employee Reassignments

#2 External New Hires

#3 Contractor Acquisition

Opportunity: Recognize all three arenas need integration and the latest web –based technologies that match and rank pre-qualified resumes to open postings as the hiring manager opens only one requirements document in any arena.

Three Recruiting Arenas

Internal Branding

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Badge Side One Badge Side Two

Workforce Planning Plus © Gunn & Associates LLC

Management Time: Who’s Got The Monkey?

Here’s a classic discipline that will have the boss thanking you and your

subordinates bragging about your delegation skills. Learn more about

assigning, delegating, and controlling? Order from Harvard Business Online.

Employee Initiative/Manager Trust Value to Organization *

1. Take Action / Advise Routinely Highest Value 2. Take Action / Advise Immediately Higher Value 3. Recommend / Take Action High Value __________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Ask What To Do Low Value 5. Watch / Wait / No Action No Value

Adapted from Management Time: Who's Got The Monkey? | William Oncken, Jr. and Donald L. Wass | Harvard Business Review January 1990

Order from Harvard Business Online:

New Employee Satisfaction   Employee “new hires” complete 30 days after start dates:

Rating Importance

Recruitment process was professional [ ] [ ] Recruitment process was responsive [ ] [ ] New job very interesting to me [ ] [ ] Coworkers and manager welcomed me… … I feel a sense of belonging [ ] [ ] Role requirement fits my skills [ ] [ ]

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Rating 4 far exceeds expectations 3 exceeds expectations 2 meets expectations 1 falls short of expectations

Importance 3 most important 2 more important 1 important

Hiring Manager Satisfaction

  Hiring managers complete 30 days after start dates:

Rating Importance

Quality of candidates presented [ ] [ ]

Speed of candidate referrals [ ] [ ]

New hire start on time [ ] [ ]

New hire fit within team and culture [ ] [ ]

New hire fit skills to role requirements [ ] [ ]

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Rating 4 far exceeds expectations 3 exceeds expectations 2 meets expectations 1 falls short of expectations

Importance 3 most important 2 more important 1 important


These factors strengthen workforce motivation and retention:

Belonging •  Employees desire a sense of belonging, to be a part of the Team.

Communications and engagement initiatives are fundamental.

Achievement •  Employees want to achieve goals in work that matches their interests

and skills; they want to have an impact on the business.

Recognition •  Employees appreciate all forms of recognition, both formal and

informal. “Thank you” in various forms will go a long way…

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Value | Effort/Cost

Value | Effort/Cost

Value | Effort/Cost

Value | Effort/Cost

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Job Seeker as Customer R2R Culture On-boarding

Teams of 2 Recruiters Trained HMs Trained BU Accountability

Employee Referral Program

PR/Com. Staff Help Recruiters Career Web Site Impact

Supplier Co-Branding

Employment Value Proposition Employer Brand

Workforce Planning

Recruiting Cycle Measured


Reference Slides PAGE

19.  Business Intelligence 20.  Climate Surveys 21.  Diversity 22.  Executive Interviews 23.  Executive Interview Questions 24.  FPL Recruiting Culture Under Construction 25.  Manager Success? No Accident. 26.  Job Demand [IT] Data 27.  Labor Trends [IT] Impending Events 28.  Labor Trends [IT] Actions 29.  Managers Schedule Time 30.  Manager Tasks 31.  Problem Solver Self-Assessment 32.  Quality of Hire 33.  Recruiter Monthly Reports 34.  Recruiter Role 35.  Recruiter Self-Assessment 36.  Succession Planning 37.  Talent Defined 38.  Talent Scouts 39.  Task Force Developmental Experiences 40.  What Makes an Organization Extraordinary?

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Business Intelligence   HR leadership pursues evidence-based management by

sourcing business intelligence from payroll, employee surveys, financial systems, “BI” software, labor market trends, industry benchmarks, etc.

  Urgent Questions: 1.  Are today’s recruitment programs hiring future leaders? 2.  Who are the top performing employees across the enterprise? 3.  Which high performers are at risk of leaving? 4.  What can we do to retain top performers? 5.  What skills gaps prevent our goal achievement? 6.  Which employees are ready for leadership positions? 7.  What is our three-year staffing forecast?

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Climate Surveys   How do we determine if Generation X is interested in more than

flexible work schedules and advancement?

  How will we learn if our Generation Y “20-something” staff just want attention and more time off?

  What will we do to engage our Boomers so this “Gray Power” is harnessed to strengthen our competitive advantage?

1.  Institutionalize employee opinion or “climate” surveys [perform annually]

2.  Analyze survey results and assign action plans to leadership who can assign problem solving to high performing and high potential staff

3.  Recognize leadership and hi-potential staff who direct corrective action implementations

4.  Report regularly to entire employee population on status of actions

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Strengthen your brand. Earn Fortune Magazine recognition!

“50 Best Companies for

Asians, Blacks, and Hispanics”

Consider:   Fastest growing minority groups? Hispanic #1 and Asian #2   Recognize managers who build diverse and talented workplaces that

support employee motivation, achievement, and retention!   Promote minorities in company literature and recruitment efforts.   Brochures for your Employee Referral Program that picture diversity

employees… a terrific program theme is “Someone Just Like You!”

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Executive Interviews [“EI”] Executive or “Skip Level” Interviews

  C-level, president, VP, and director levels perform

  The “EI” is a one-on-one conversation [aka interview]

  Veteran high performers and high potential staff are invited to conversational meetings twice a year

  Structured interview data is collected, analyzed, and applied to engagement and retention programs

  Benefits •  Executive management models leadership •  Leadership shares vision and values with future leaders •  Organization keeps the “right people on the bus”

  See ten E.I. questions on the next slide

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Executive Interview Questions These meetings seek to inform, engage, motivate and retain:

1.  How have we made you feel a part of the team?

2.  Describe how you are kept informed of company and business unit goals and successes.

3.  What can I do to keep you and your colleagues better informed?

4.  What would you say are strengths within our corporate culture?

5.  How does our corporate culture support your desire to have a greater impact on the job? Or is our culture supportive at all?

6.  Are you supervised in a way that motivates you to perform at your highest? Tell me about this.

7.  Does your leadership provide you with the resources and work assignments that allow you to contribute and grow your skills?

8.  What additional resources do you need to improve your performance and broaden your contributions?

9.  How have you been recognized for your contributions?

10.  How can we do a better job of “saying thanks” for a job well done?

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FPL Recruiting Culture Under Construction FPL afforded a wonderful opportunity for innovative problem solving…

Environment •  Recruiter allocation less than 8% of HR staffing [employees] •  Contract recruiters 73% of total [benchmark 9.5%] •  Acceptances up 55% to 1,298 January thru May 2008 •  Exempt Hires up 54% to 456 January thru May 2008 [centralized travel budget]

Innovation Launched 1.  Taleo, Gartner “execution and visionary” leader, selected with FPL staff signed

up for SIG participation – 2.  AllianceQ Founding Member [QuietAgent technology] BIG expense reductions 3.  Problem Solver traits introduced into culture with COO support 4.  Recruiters given leadership mission, training, scorecard, and recognition 5.  Retirement Jobs .com with Age Friendly certification enhancing FPL brand – 6.  Hire Vue ability to reduce applicant travel expenses – 7.  ZRG products for web-based interview assessments and written evaluations –

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Job Demand [IT] Data   Five of ten fastest growing jobs between 2006 and 2014 are in information

technology [Bureau of Labor Statistics]

  Federal government will spend $92 billion on IT by 2010.

  IT hiring strongest in the following areas [ data]:

  New York/New Jersey   Silicon Valley   Washington D.C.   Los Angeles   Chicago

  IT skills in high demand:

  Windows and Unix operating systems   Oracle and SQL databases   C, C++ and .Net programming languages

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Labor Trends [IT] Impending Events

Impending Events

  One in six workers in all jobs and industries will be age 55 or older by 2010 (U.S. Department of Labor)

  21 million new IT workers needed in the next five years and a four million worker shortfall is expected (former Labor Secretary Robert Reich)

  39% decrease computer science students from 2000 to 2004 (Computing Research Association )

  Large IT worker layoffs during the 2000-2001 recession and too few entry-level workers identified to take IT roles of retirees.

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Labor Trends [IT] Actions Actions

  Senior workers age 45 to 74 have a desire to continue working so retain older workers [AARP]

  Flexible schedules like flex start/stop and “9/80”   More challenging projects, higher impact, on-the-job learning   Recognition, mentoring and leadership roles   Telecommuting   Lighter responsibilities or reduced hours – medical benefits over pay

  Recruit college, technical school, other entry staff. A SIM study indicates that many companies want to build next generation workers by hiring into roles often outsourced

  System administrator – retain/develop/promote   Help desk worker – retain/develop/promote   Programmer – retain/develop/promote

  Drive productivity through continual process improvement, employee development, modernization, and consolidations

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Manager Recruiting Tasks Recruiting & Staffing Activities

1.  Plan with recruiter, Human Resources staff and/or resource manager 2.  Adjust hiring forecast 3.  Consider re-hiring strong performers who resigned over past years 4.  Develop and prepare current staff for transfer/promotion 5.  Evaluate resumes (“24 Hour Rule”) 6.  Conduct telephone interviews (“24 Hour Rule”) 7.  Schedule and perform in-person interviews 8.  Complete interview evaluation forms and authorizations 9.  Search internal databases for skills and resumes 10.  Open new requisitions including future staffing needs from workforce plans 11.  Sell our company as the place to work 12.  Welcome new hires on Day One and assign a mentor

Remember, you’re always recruiting!

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Managers Schedule Time

  No Openings? Hiring managers invest an hour weekly to update resource forecasts and review resumes within pipeline to support business growth

  Openings? Commit six to eight hours weekly to recruitment, interview, and selection activity

•  ad hoc hours during week or •  regular schedule such as

~ 4:00PM - 6:00PM Thursdays ~ 8:00AM - 12:00 noon Fridays

Expert staffing drives high performance, sustained customer satisfaction,

and revenue growth.

Manager Success? No Accident.

Promote from within or hire from the outside?   70% - 80% promotions net continuity and workplace motivation as benefits   20% - 30% new hires net new viewpoints and culture change

Train managers to: 1.  Understand employee motivation within the Belonging-Achievement-Recognition

framework… employees value the quality of their role, pride in their organization, autonomy, learning, having an impact…

2.  Evaluate employee performance and identify employee potential 3.  Perform role of mentor 4.  Consider prior success as the predictor of future success but also seek “problem

solving” skills and “learning agility” in new hires for all roles 5.  Attract, retain, and develop staff and then unselfishly “launch” them across

business units 6.  Collaborate together on rating high potential employees who should perform

developmental assignments and task force training under different managers 7.  Seek different jobs for themselves to develop their management skills 8.  Realign incentive pay to recognize leadership competencies

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Problem Solver Self-Assessment 1.  Solutions Focused [ ]

2.  Open to reason [ ]

3.  Treat others with respect [ ]

4.  Identify issues and explore alternatives [ ]

5.  Take responsibility for own behavior [ ]

6.  Self control including tongue [ ]

7.  Intent listener to others opinions [ ]

8.  Peacemaker – turns conflict into problem solving [ ]

9.  Stays objective regardless of environment [ ]

10.  Straightforward – presents information accurately [ ]

11.  Willing to confront; attacks problems not people [ ]

12.  Open to feedback – teachable, eager to learn [ ]

13.  Personal style promotes dialogue and good relations [ ]

Rating Key: 3 = strength 2 = skill 1 = development need Total Score: [ ]

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Champion Problem Classification

Points Champion 34 - 39 Skillful 27 - 33 Novice 20 - 26 Future < 20

Quality of Hire = “QoH” Understand QoH indicators and build a great workplace.

1.  Role Analysis. What experience, skills, and competencies are required for each role? •  Job fit is 85% of employee motivation.

2.  Structured Screening. Evaluate candidates with technology and multiple interviews.

3.  Candidate Experience and On-Boarding. Keep job seekers informed. •  The job seeker is the customer •  The hiring manager and recruiter honor the “24 hour” candidate feedback rule

4.  Recruiting Cycle Metrics. •  time-to-start, submission to interview ratio, interview to offer ratio, other •  first year retention rates, cost of turnover, turnover by performance, etc.

5.  Satisfaction Surveys. Assess manager and new employee data 30 days after start date.

6.  Source of Hire. By each position know the best sources for each key role.

7.  Continuous Improvement. Regularly fine tune all recruitment processes.

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Recruiter Monthly Report Due 3rd WD Monthly

Date: ___________ Recruiter Name: _____________________________

1.  Present Workload # REQS ____ # Jobs ____ # Hiring Managers [active REQS] ____

2.  Estimated Resume Submission to Interview Ratio 50% + ____ 25% - 50% ____ < 25% ____

3.  Top Accomplishment Past Month _________________________________________________

4.  Most Difficult Issue in Need of Resolution ____________________________________

•  Expected Resolution date ____ Need Management Assistance? [ ] Yes [ ] No

5.  Resource Needs Next 90 Days ______________________________________________

6.  Hires Past Month [start dates] Total ____ Females ____ Minority ____

7.  Monthly I Confirm with All Hiring Managers

•  [ ] Current Status All Openings [ ] Future Openings from Workforce Plans

•  [ ] Openings Priorities [ ] Openings to Hold, Delay, Close

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Recruiter Role 1.  Coach managers and clear obstacles for them throughout the recruiting cycle. 2.  Facilitate the effective use of systems. 3.  Maintain qualified candidate flow and pre-qualify, refer, interview, assess,

recommend, and negotiate as needed. 4.  Recognize the job seeker as “customer” and promote the “24-hour rule.” 5.  Ensure sustained and consistent EEO outreach and results. 6.  Support building a pipeline of "problem solvers" we can't wait to hire! 7.  Provide recruiting support that grows the business. 8.  Perform with enthusiasm and high energy the roles of:

  Coach – promote an effective and consistent process   Reporter – share metrics so we know how we’re doing   Representative – escalate issues and share successes   Recruiter – provide tailored, flexible and full-cycle support

Recruit to Retain

Recruiter Self-Assessment Rating

1.  Coach hiring managers in recruitment and selection and collaborate closely with them [ ]

2.  Full cycle skills [source, qualify, assess, refer, recommend, persuade, negotiate, close, etc.] [ ]

3.  Maintain qualified candidate pipelines [ ]

4.  Professional/responsive as job seeker is treated as customer [ ]

5.  Rank talent on job history, motivation, KSA and accomplishments, education, competencies [ ]

6.  Continual improvement in systems, processes and problem solving [ ]

7.  Report with accuracy and clarity and escalate unresolved problems [ ]

8.  Recruit diversity [ ]

9.  Demonstrate confidence, good judgment and prudent risk-taking [ ]

10.  Model dependability, enthusiasm, integrity, collaboration, passion, high energy [ ]

Rating Key: 3 = strength 2 = skill 1 = development need Total Score:

  Champion 30 – 28 | Skilled 27 – 24 | Novice 23 - 18 Recruit to Retain © Gunn & Associates, Inc.

Succession Planning


1.  Promote the right people into the right roles at the right times •  Career Profiles | Career Development Plans |Data Management System | Confidentiality •  Identify highly skilled leaders and potential leaders including diversity

•  Keep Gap Analysis dynamic – today’s staff competencies versus tomorrow’s competency needs •  Scenario plan on the future vision of your enterprise

•  Involve senior management in collaboration and review

2.  Utilize following in developing leadership Assessments | Training | Job Rotation | Task Force Work | Temporary Assignments | Mentoring

3.  Benefit •  Lower turnover costs and lower hiring costs

•  Higher employee trust, confidence, morale and retention

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Comment: Layers of middle management lost in corporate reorganizations over the past decade have created severe leadership shortages.

Q: What priority do you assign to building leadership talent pools? A: Priority #1.

Talent Defined

“What is talent?”

HR executives at 250 large/midsized North American organizations defined talent

  86% senior leaders   82% employees with leadership potential   76% key contributors/technical experts   48% entry level employees with leadership potential

  “War for Talent” is again perceived by employers

  “Talent” possesses critical skills and performs at highest levels

  “Leaders” perform their best work and help others do the same

Towers Perrin Survey 2006

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Talent Scouts

“Talent Scouts” are employees with recruiter competencies,

acting as occasional recruiters while building your recruiting culture!

Talent Scouts   add a dimension to your Professional Development Program and   scalable recruiting power without hiring new recruiters

Program   Executives nominate staff with recruiter competencies

  20 to 40 hours weekly over 60 to 90-day assignment   8 to 16 hours weekly for 12-month assignment

  Talent Scouts   have been successful referring high caliber new hires   are high potential employees who will benefit from this experience   are assigned recruiters who coach in process, tools, style, and employment law   coach recruiters in IT, applications and other functional nomenclature   success advertised as a promotion to the Employee Referral Program

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Task Force Developmental Experiences

  Business schools strive to simulate reality in leadership case studies. But your business can assign high-potential staff to solving relevant, complex and real-life business challenges.

Task Force 1.  Participants

a.  gain broad, big picture perspective by working on a cross-functional task force team b.  learn to appreciate the views of other functions as articulated by other participants c.  exercise their skills in listening, collaboration, and persuasion

2.  Corporate Culture   strengthened by local heroes or champions born from task force success

3.  Assignments a.  communicate context and theory up front b.  contain written charter, purpose, development goals, and commitment duration c.  require participant to contribute and grow their creative problem solving skills d.  involve participants actively so they do not become observers e.  monitor learning by post task force coaching and debriefing

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Q: What makes an organization EXTRAORDINARY?

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Build your talent brand. Talk with us. G&A.

A: Talent.
