Network pharmacology: From BioAssay Response Data to Network



Network pharmacology, comparing protein pharmacology networks built from Ligand based approach (Similarity Ensemble Approach) with those built from BioAssay response data.

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Network Pharmacology: From

BioAssay Response Data to Network

Bin Chen, Nikil Wale, Kevin McConnell

and Eric Gifford

Cite: Bin Chen, Kevin McConnell, Nikil Wale, David Wild, Eric Gifford, Comparing Bioassay Response and Similarity Ensemble Approaches to Probing Protein Pharmacology, Bioinformatics

Network of top 2% most highly correlated pairs by BARD using Spearman (Node presents assay, two nodes are linked if their similarity reaches certain

threshold. Node is colored by gene family. Solid edges indicate common edges between two networks. Some non obvious links are highlighted in dashed

red oval.

Network of top 2% most highly correlated pairs by BARD using SEA (Node presents assay, two nodes are linked if their similarity reaches certain

threshold. Node is colored by gene family. Solid edges indicate common edges between two networks. Some non obvious links are highlighted in dashed

red oval.

5-HT7 & D1common active 536spearman 0.571TC=0.84SEA: 1.2e-25
