Network metrics for online community management



These slides were built for the "Number galore (metrics and analytics) panel at Virtual Community Summit 2013. My own elaboration on Edgeryders data. More here:

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The Edgeryders networkin December 2012Density 0.028Average weighted degree 10.87Average distance 2.3

The Edgeryders networkwith moderators removedDensity 0.013Average weighted degree 3.7Average distance 3.3

The Edgeryders networkwith moderators removedModularity 0.5Subcommunities are clearly visible

What are subcommunities talking about?Blue edge = more specialization on one or few topics, red edge = no specialization, all topics equally discussed

Topic treeHow “broad” and “deep” are discussions?

Topic tree (detail)A nice fractal pattern between topics, subtopics, posts and comments
