My Sites in SharePoint 2010



Christchurch SharePoint User Session on My Sites given by Nick Hadlee on 24-April-2012. Looks at My Sites in 2010 and what they might offer an organisation wanting to leverage the social capabilities in SharePoint 2010.

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Nicholas Hadlee

My Sites in SharePoint 2010

My Sites in SharePoint

What are My Sites?

How are they connected to SharePoint

Explore some key features of My Sites

Are My Sites equivalent to other Social Media?



My Sites in SharePoint

What are My Sites

Profile Site

Personal Site+

My Sites in SharePoint

Profile Properties…usually these come from AD (Active Directory) Allows people to maintain and update their own

“Social” Functionality Status, Tags and Notes, Activity Feed

Usually we get here via: People search results People fields in list and libraries e.g. created by and modified by

What are My Sites

Profile Site

A single shared site that is used to display a users company profile

My Sites in SharePoint

Profile Site

My Sites in SharePoint

What are My Sites

Profile Site

Profile Properties

My Sites in SharePoint

Status Message Facebook ultra-light

Tags and Notes Internal and/or External Sites via popup “tagger”

Activity Feed A roll up of activities that include the social functionality

What are My Sites

Profile Site

Social Functionality

Gratuitous Demo

My Sites in SharePoint

A site where the owner isa site collection administrator

Starts with: Private Documents Shared Documents Shared Pictures

What are My Sites

A private site for storing personal and shared content – can be disabled

Personal Site

full control

My Sites in SharePoint

It’s a site where the user can create and do almost anything:

Create sub sites and any other lists/libraries

Can be customised and configured via features e.g. consistent branding

What are My Sites

A private site where the user has full control

Personal Site

My Sites in SharePoint

Although a My Site contains document libraries for an individual user’s personal and shared documents, it is not meant to be a replacement for other document storage such as network drives.

Help users to understand when they should use their My Site to store content instead of another location, such as in a document library on a team site or a shared network drive. Good uses for My Sites document libraries include personal works-in-progress and other documentation that do not belong to a team or project, but do require governance, collaboration, and other functionality that is provided by SharePoint Server…

Best practices for My Sites (SharePoint Server 2010)

What are My Sites

Educate users about the purpose of their My Sites document libraries

Personal Site

My Sites in SharePoint

Personal Site

My Sites in SharePoint

Any content added to the shared document library, shared picture library and blog posts is automatically made accessible via your public profile

What are My Sites

Shared ContentPersonal Site

My Sites in SharePoint

Profile Site

Personal Site

My Sites AND SharePoint

My Sites in SharePoint

Go to the My Site site collection directly

Via a Person field e.g. Created By and Modified By

How are My Sites Linked into SharePoint

My Sites in SharePoint

Via a People search of profile properties Name Department Office Job Title …

Note: The “social” functionality isn’t linked to a persons profile via search…and can’t be

How are My Sites Linked into SharePoint

My Sites in SharePoint

My Sites in SharePoint

My Sites in SharePoint

My Sites in SharePoint

Functionality Round Up

My Sites in SharePoint

Activity Feeds Profile focused updates of colleagues

No document / content updates (needs 3rd parties or custom)

Are extendable

Has a timer job that runs to “generate the feed” – its not enabled by default pre SP1

What’s Unique with My Sites

My Sites in SharePoint

Activity Feeds Can be retrieved in RSS format

My feedhttp://<mysiteurl>/_layouts/activityfeed.aspx

My Colleagues feedhttp://<mysiteurl>/_layouts/activityfeed.aspx?consolidated=true

A specific userhttp://<mysiteurl>/_layouts/activityfeed.aspx?publisher=domain\username

What’s Unique with My Sites

My Sites in SharePoint

Activity Feeds Can be accessed via Outlook with the Outlook social connector

What’s Unique with My Sites

My Sites in SharePoint

My Colleagues – controls the scope of the activity feeds you see

The My Site equivalent to ‘friending’ on Facebook, ‘following’ on Twitter etc … but not really as useful? This controls the scope of activity feeds

Can add manually and initial colleagues are based on the organisation hierarchy

What’s Unique with My Sites

My Sites in SharePoint

Organization Visual representation of the organisation Can be navigated

What’s Unique with My Sites

My Sites in SharePoint

Content For the current user: Cross site collection rollup on your content

For other users: Content you have shared via your personal site

What’s Unique with My Sites

Social Media Segway

My Sites in SharePoint

My Site Status Updates/Activity Feeds compared to… Twitter (Tweet)

No replies, hashtags, direct messages

Facebook Status Update/Wall Postings/etc No likes, comments/replies, hashtags

My Site Colleagues compared to… Twitter ‘following’ or Facebook ‘friends’ via activity feeds

but more limited

Note (again): The “social” functionality isn’t linked to a persons profile via search…and can’t be

What’s Unique with My Sites

My Sites in SharePoint

Reasons to use My Sites Profiles

Publishing profile information Searching Updating (if allowed)

Expertise Location Requires profiles filled out with details such as skills, past

projects It is recommended to use managed metadata for skills and/or

other properties that need “controlled” content…

Content Aggregation and Sharing

Reasons to Use

My Sites in SharePoint

Missing from 2007 MySites My Links – still there but needs to be added via _layouts/myquicklinks.aspx

Embed a tags and notes board on a page

Other thoughts?


Thank You