Log insight demo card prompter



Demo Notes for the LogInsight Demo given at the Reston Virtualization Meetup 2/11/2014 http://www.meetup.com/Reston-Virtualization-Users-Group/events/158219142/

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Open Firefox, Log in as admin/VMware1!

Click on Interactive Dashboard

Set the Dates

• April 11th, 2013 – April 25th, 2013, click SEARCH

Search on “scsi performance”

Expand Hostname and hover over large bar

Change ‘Count’ to ‘Average’

Add “latencyInMicros (vsphere)” and check hostname

Click Update

MouseOver Peaks and note strata-esx2’s peak value

Save the Query

Create New Dashboard “My New Dashboard”

Click “Dashboards”, and show the Dashboard is added

Custom Fields – Go back to Interactive AnalyticsExpand user, and highlight the user ksigel as logging in

Highlight “via X” and click on Extract Field

Create a New Field, and Test the Field

Create a New Field, and Test the Field• Highlight“authenticatedsuccessfully” and Extract

Add expression To previous contextsave

Expand Authenticate Status, show Failure!• Ooh – a failure!

We did not expect that!

Show Failure Event

• Show failed login• Discuss how this

could be added to find brute force attacks and other things

• Discuss how a new dashboard could be created