ITEM3 Social Media Update



Slides from the ITEM3 open meeting about social media use by infrastructure organisations in the East Midlands

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Social Media Update

Paul Webster (Twitter : @watfordgap)

24th April 2012

Social Media is ...

Web 2.0 =Social Media=New Media=Social Networking

. . media rich, interactive, content served based on preferences, open for comments, conversations WITH visitors encouraged.

• Of all the websites visited in UK, 2 are Social Networks - Google (9.5%), Facebook (6.6%), YouTube (3.5%), ebay (1.9%), WinMail (1.4%). Google = 91% of search traffic. (HitWise – Feb 2012)

• 96% of aged 18-35 on one or more network

• Of the 48.6 million adult population (ONS), 77% have a Facebook profile, 66% are YouTube users, 32% are on Twitter and 16% have a presence on LinkedIn. (Umph Sept 2011 – sample of 2,400 adults)

• 50% of Facebook users view their page daily and (February 2012)

• YouTube 2nd most popular way to search for content. 48hrs is uploaded every minute

• One to watch? Pinterest visits up from 50k to over 300k in 1 month. (Nov 2011 Comscore)

Social Networking – the numbers

• Average social network user is aged 37

• LinkedIn it's 44, Twitter 39, Facebook 38 & Bebo 28 (typical user younger)

• 52% of Facebook users are 18 to 34 yrs

• However of active social networking users, 55% of those over 65 are on Facebook & 19% of all users are over 45

• 55% aged 18-34 check their social networks at least once a day (June 2011)

• 30% check their status as soon as they wake up, 81% never turn their phone off (Aug 2011)

So, its not a passing phase, but it is important that organisations direct effort to the right network(s)

(From – Ofcom, &

Social Networking – the numbers

Use of social networks is 23% of time spent on internet in UK, 159% increase in last 3 years.

76% of iPad users also have a desktop PC, but 9% bought one to replace their desktop / laptop

Mobile web access will eclipse wired by 2015, 17% of UK households already use phone as primary web access

Facebook mobile increased by 100% in last year

Android OS use grown from 5% to 47% (Dec 2009 to Dec 2011). Apple is 30%, Symbian <5%. (ComScrore Aug 2011)

Increase from 31% (2010) to 45% (2011) of people who connect to Internet from phone/tablet (ONS – Aug 2011)

59% access social network, 49% to buy, 12% to check-in

43% of users have downloaded an 'app'

Bite-sized learning & volunteering whilst commuting

70% would give up alcohol for a week rather than phone

Over 25 million smartphones in use in UK51.3% of phone market(Ofcom Aug2011 / ComScore Dec2011)

Events AS they happen not AFTERwards

200 million registered users

180 million tweets posted per day

7 million users in UK

40% of tweets are from mobiles

Hootsuite / Tweetdeck to manage it

A place to listen & respond to people. To generate wider awareness of what org does & draw an audience to your site

So, Social Networking is 'the leveller'.

Increases INCLUSION and gives

Communities a voice

It's 'Relational' not 'Transactional'

“The Conversational Web”, not a Broadcast. Listen more than you talk – and interact

Link and Share, and Share again – this keeps the conversations flowing. Share other peoples news more than your own (maybe 10 to 1)

We're all “content creators”. Our message is as valid as anyone's – whatever size organisation. Our campaigning voice can be just as loud

Increased Reach - traditional reporting barriers broken down and communities empowered

Comment and Feedback – agree or disagree, as this builds a community around a topic

Immediacy - what took days, takes hours, what took minutes takes seconds!

Be Helpful – Be Generous - Say Thank You - Share and you’ll be amazed what you get back!

Common CraftWhat is Social Media Video

28 (23.9%)35 (29.9%)47 (40.2%)7 (6.0%)0 (0.0%)

NAVCA Survey

117 Chief Officers - June 2010

Use by Infrastructure Organisations back in 2010

Urban Forum Member Survey 2011. About types of social media use

Inclusion – Voluntary Sector audience• Social networking shouldn't replace face to face communication

• Although 77% of households are connected and 30.1million people access the internet every day (ONS 2011 / 2010), 8.4 million people have never been online

• Of this, 31% in low income households and 45% have no post 16 qualifications

• 75% in BME communities don’t use internet regularly

• 43% put off using social media due to jargon• Away from populated areas broadband and even 3G

access can be difficult (33% < 2mbps in Penrith & Borders)

• 1200+ partners pledged to help people get online, find what they want online & then stay online. Resources to help become a Digital Champion

Social Media Mini HealthcheckCarried out by organisations before social media visit

Current methods

• 81.8% communicate messages clearly some or all the time

• Primary method of communicating with members is e-mail bulletin sent monthly (47%) or weekly (32%)

• Primary way of listening to members views is through ad-hoc requests (47%) or meetings (35%)

• 35% of organisations have a Communications plan

• But 83% of organisations don't have a social media plan

• And only 6% of organisations have social media guidelines

Social Media Mini HealthcheckCarried out by organisations before social media visit

Use of social media

• For communicating to members. Used a lot, Facebook (17%), Twitter (10%) & Flickr (6%), a little Facebook (44%), Twitter (37%) & YouTube (22%)

• For listening, Facebook (5%) & Twitter (5%) a lot and Facebook (50%), Twitter (32%), Blogs (17%) a little

• Cloud tools to increase productivity, little knowledge of Hashtags, RSS, Digg, Scribd & Slideshare

• Tools used a little Google Docs (10%) and Eventbrite (31%)

• Greatest need. Ways to Measure Effectiveness (88%) & Better ways to Communicate (82%)

The problems organisations raised

Where to start

Knowledge / Confidence






Do we really have to?

• Choose the way to convey message.

– Audio → Images → Video

– See Audioboo, Flickr, Pinterest, Bambuser, Youtube

• Choose the context to engage with audience.

– Blog → Facebook → Twitter

• Choose a useful (FREE) tool/s to help streamline work – Finding out → Letting people know → Running events– See Survey Monkey, MailChimp, Eventbrite

The best website for the job

Finding OutSurvey Monkey

What it is- online survey website- drag and drop questions- simple tick-box or grids- multi-users

Finding Out - Survey Monkey

Paid for version includes ...

What it does- generate graphs- download spreadsheets- event feedback forms- logic based on responses

Feedback on how it has been of benefit to organisations

- finding out more about what members needs are

- as a post-event feedback system

- useful graphs for presentations & funding bids

- timesaving vs annual paper based survey

- also see

Finding OutSurvey Monkey

Letting People KnowMailChimp

What it is- mailing list management- e-bulletin design- engagement stats- segmented subscribers

Letting People KnowMailChimp

What it does- emails sent smoothly avoid spam- handles bounces automatically- use templates or build own- easy import from Excel

Feedback on how it has been of benefit to organisations

- build & import lists of supporters & group / segment

- sign-up forms to embed on website

- template based design of campaigns & for re-use

- track e-bulletins sent, bounced, opened and clicked

- social media integration and reach measurement

Letting People KnowMailChimp

Running EventsEventbrite

What it is- online event management- step by step process- free if event is free- booking, maps, tickets incl

What it does- embed on website- attendee books online- send email reminders- link with Mailchimp- badges & check in lists

Running EventsEventbrite

Feedback on how it has been of benefit to organisations

- manual process of handling booking eliminated

- attendance emails and reminders are automatic

- badges and sign-in sheets printed

- link into Mailchimp to contact groups of contacts

- also use with Doodle to select a date

Running EventsEventbrite

Social Media Surgery

People who want to see change + People who use social media = Organisations inspired in new ways of using technology

Informal (Tea & Cake too!)

No Lectures, No Selling, Locally led

Derby, Nottingham, Your area next?

New way to interact – a Quick Response from visitors – QR Codes

Works well for ...- Direct to difficult web address- Print media & flyers- FREE to create and use- Current 'buzz'

Letting people know how to get involved in volunteering ...

Create with - : Read with - (app)Bear in mind …- No major benefit on a web page- Check location has connection- Needs smart phone- Check link hasn't changed

Show all the channels on your main home page

'Add This' (e.g. NAVCA) for sharing and tracking links with others on line ...

What's next?Bite-sized Consumption of learning & information

Mobile Tablets & Phones is only growing

Visual Image & Video based content dominate

Virtual Google Glass – Virtual & Immersive

Smart NFC Near Field Communication payments

But we should always ask, How is this relevant to the sector and how will it help work with communities

Measuring Success- Check how many times links are clicked if using Listen what's said about your organisation using Topsy- Monitor. Google Analytics, Facebook Insights & Wordpress page visits- Measure. Tweetreach, Twitalyzer, SocialBro, Visualize. Infographics on Visual.y, My Social StrandBUT …. real success is not just about the numbers- Tell stories of real people and real changes- Find out how people heard about you- Build relationships & success by joining in conversations- Social media presence an reflection of your organisation- Engage press, funders, authorities with pictures and video- Say Thank You!

Paul Webster (Twitter : @watfordgap)

Thank You