Implementing the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Mobile SDK


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Incorporating the Marketing Cloud Mobile Engagement SDK

 Kevin Poorman  Sr. Mobile Success Architect  Hey, I know this is crazy, but here’s my twitter, follow me maybe? @CodeFriar  

With iOS and Android examples

• What is the mobile engagement SDK? • What makes a successful message? • What features does it provide? • How do I incorporate it into my existing iOS app? • The code.

• How do I incorporate it into my existing Android app? • The code.

• Questions and Answers

A Whirlwind Tour of the SDK Agenda

What is the Mobile Engagement SDK? The Bee’s Knees.

 Still Kevin Poorman  Freestyle Rapper, Taylor Swift’s biggest fan.  @Codefriar  

Mobile Engagement SDK Chuck Norris Approved. •  A set of libraries for the following platforms:

•  iOS,

•  Android

•  Amazon fire platform.

•  BUT NOT these platforms:

•  Cordova/Ionic

•  Windows Phone

•  Blackberry

•  Requires a mobile app to utilize.

Successful Messages are made of these Who am I to disagree?

Kevin Poorman 80’s Music Fan. Other great twitter handles to follow include: @SalesforceDevs and @salesforce

1.  Custom App 2.  Technical Configuration 3.  Audience 4.  Message

So what does the SDK do? It slices, it dices, it mixes, and all this can be yours…

Kevin Poorman Walker & reluctant jogger. Are you still reading these?

How awesome would it be to send messages to your users with relevant information and killer offers like 99% off product X?

Enables eight amazing push variations

1.  Alert Messages 2.  Cloud Page Messages 3.  Alert with Cloud Page 4.  Timed/Scheduled Messages 5.  Transactional Messages 6.  Silent Notifications 7.  Geofenced Messages 8.  Beacon Messages

Alert Messages

Alert messages show your application’s icon, and a bit of text here.

Cloud Page Inbox messages (with or without Alert)

Amazing alert message that opens to

Not actually push messages (shhh.) We pull these messages down to the device and persist them in an “inbox” like system.

Timely messages

Users won’t see this message until 3:15pm on Wed Sept 16th. You can even honor time zones, so users won’t see this message until 3:15, in their time zone.

Transactional Messages

Thanks for joining us today. We know you have a wide choice in buying gas, and we’re glad you chose us. Attached is your receipt.

Silent Notifications The user is not aware that a push notification has arrived.

Beacon Messages

Did you know you’re within 3miles of our best retail store?, it’s right over to your right. Your other right. Yeah, just next to the mall.

These are not Push messages either, but pulled. These messages are activated Whenever the end user’s device is physically within aprox 30 feet.

Incorporating the SDK on iOS [[You] canDoIt:withYourAmazingApp] You.canDoIt:withYourAmazingApp

 The Kevin Poorman  #codeBlooded  @Codefriar  

Show. Me. The Code. In case I forget, this is where you remind me to switch over to xCode or Android Studio.

Incorporating the SDK on Android Public class incorporationFactory implements youCanDoIt { … like I have the space to code that out in java. }  Public class KevinPoorman implements Codefriar {  Public static final integer AwesomeLevel = inifinity+1;  @Codefriar  

Show. Me. The Code. In case I forget, this is where you remind me to switch over to xCode or Android Studio.

Incorporating the SDK on iOS [[You] canDoIt:withYourAmazingApp] You.canDoIt:withYourAmazingApp

 The Kevin Poorman  #codeBlooded, #DF15, #didYouBringABook?, #DidYouPutTheBookInTheBox?  @Codefriar  
