Impacto social del desarrollo de la Inteligencia artificial(Ingles)


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Development of artificial intelligence 1





Date: May 26th 2014

Development of artificial intelligence 2



Development of artificial intelligence 3


Rapid technological advances have enabled man to play in a more efficient manner, which has been a profound change in the instrumentation of society, and consequently leads to new models of production and social transformation. The benefits that entails counting with sophisticated machines capable of taking orders and activities which call exactly thinking machines (intelligent systems ) . However progress is more than technological innovation and industrialization, it will more closely linked to the development of fundamental human freedoms , including economic social freedoms .

       The advantages it brings to have an artificial assistant are nothing more than solve the errors and flaws inherent in human beings , that is to say, the development of expert systems nowadays are being used successfully in the fields of medicine, geology and aeronautics although they are still less advanced in relation to the full product ideal IA . Currently humanity finds itself in a new era, in which the physical and mental work is less important as it is being replaced by the industrial revolution and the computer.

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Technological changes, from ancient times, had generally tended to facilitate human work, replacing physical force by mental ability and intelligence of workers. At present, the development achieved by computer products also tend to replace more routine and mechanics of human mental activity work computers part.

Artificial intelligence is a branch of the current knowledge related to computer science that positively and negatively affects all members of society, from this issue can explain the relationship technology, science and society taking several points of view.

That's why through this article, is to conduct an investigation where the results produced show us a panorama of what the impact caused by the artificial intelligence in society, and their advantages and disadvantages.

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The methodology used was the method of information search in artificial intelligence engaged, supported and reinforced with first-hand information obtained from searches in digital libraries, books and sites.

Searching for information is a set of operations that are intended to make available to users, information that answers their questions.

When we speak of scientific information we refer to that which has been assessed by specialists in the field and validated by the scientific community. According to the amount of research done or the type of information needed , library research will have to be more or less complete .

It is also useful to know the sources of information you should and / or can investigate. According to the type of information they contain and how it is structured can be distinguished:

• Books

• Scientific Journals

• PhD Thesis

• Grey literature (reports or internal reports not published commercially) .

• Patents

These information sources are often called primary contain original information. Your goal is to communicate the results of knowledge and creation. Can be found in different formats, whether in print, including books, magazines. Or in special formats such as CDs, digital files.

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Chapter 1. Artificial Intelligence

1.1 . What is Artificial Intelligence?

The AI is the branch of science that deals with the study of artificial intelligence

elements, from the point of view of engineering , proposes the creation of elements that

possess intelligent behavior. Put another way , the AI aims to build systems and

machinery presenting behavior that if it were done by a person , it seems that 's smart.

Learning, adaptability to changing environments , creativity , etc. . , Facets are usually

related to intelligent behavior .

Also, the AI is very interdisciplinary , and it involved disciplines as varied as

neuroscience , Psychology, Information Technology , Cognitive Science , Physics ,

Mathematics, etc. . ( Juan Jesus Romero , 2007)

With respect to current definitions of artificial intelligence (AI ) authors like Rich & Knight

[ 1994 ] , Stuart [ 1996 ] , who generally defined AI as the ability of machines to perform

tasks at the moment are found made by human beings; other authors as Nebendah

[ 1988 ] , Slim [ 1998 ] shed more complete definitions and define how the field of study

that focuses on the explanation and emulation of intelligent behavior in terms of

computational processes based on experience and ongoing knowledge environment.

( Marin, 2008)

1.2 . Approaches to artificial intelligence .

You can define two views or approaches to IA , a technological point of view or

engineering and scientific standpoint .

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On the one hand , the engineering branch seeks to create computer systems that

perform tasks for which intelligence is needed. This approach is pursued for solving

specific problems , without limiting techniques to use to those used by intelligent beings.

Moreover, the scientific branch of the IA can be defined as "the study of intelligent

behavior , and its finally get a theory of intelligence that explains the behavior that

occurs naturally intelligent beings , and to guide the creation of entities able to achieve

this artificial intelligent proceed. " ( Gomez , 2000)

Classical techniques from the technological point of view have been relatively successful

, and their products ( Expert Systems , Knowledge Based , Systems etc. . ) Are widely

used . The main technical problem is that you are not able to adapt to the changing

environment and must have an explicit knowledge of the problem to address it

successfully. These systems have to be programmed and can not self-program and thus

adapt to new environmental requirements . To resolve this problem, we have developed

various computational approaches globally known as Adaptive Techniques [1 ] . ( Juan

Jesus Romero , 2007)

Adaptive techniques [ 1] are those that, applied to a problem, they are able to continue to

function properly despite changing environmental circumstances .

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1.3 . Agents .

Within the artificial intelligence and their implementations interact with her agents ,

where David Poole says that an agent is something that acts in an environment . An

agent may , for example, be a person, a robot, a dog , a worm , wind , gravity, a lamp or

a computer program that buys and sells .

Intentional agents have preferences . They prefer some states of the world to other

states, and act to try to reach more states preferred. Unintended agents are grouped

and called nature. Whether or not an agent is intentional is an assumption that may be

patterned or not be appropriate . For example , for some applications it may be

appropriate to model a dog as intentional, and for others, it may be sufficient to model a

dog as unintentional.

If an agent has no preference , by definition , no matter what the world ends in the

state , so that no matter what he does. The only reason is to design an agent with

preferences instill - prefer to make some states of the world and try to achieve them. An

agent does not have to know your preferences . For example , a thermostat is an agent

that detects the world and become a heater on or off. There are preferences embedded

in the thermostat to keep the occupants of a room at a comfortable temperature , even

though the thermostat arguably does not know their preferences . The preferences of an

agent are often designer preferences of the agent, but an agent can sometimes give

objectives and preferences at run time . ( David Poole , 2010)

1.4 . Agents : How to act with reason ?

An agent has been a belief that remains over time . For an intelligent agent , the state of

beliefs can be very complex , even for a single layer. The experience in the study and

construction of intelligent agents has been shown that an intelligent agent requires some

internal representation of its belief state.

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Knowledge is information about a domain that is being used to solve problems in that

domain. Knowledge can include general knowledge that can be applied to particular

situations. Therefore, it is more general beliefs about a specific state.

A knowledge-based system is a system that uses knowledge about a domain to act or to

solve problems.

Philosophers have defined knowledge as true, justified belief . AI researchers tend to

use the terms knowledge and belief interchangeably more . Knowledge tends to mean

the general information that is taken to be true.

Belief tends to mean information that can be revised based on new information . Often

come with beliefs measures how much should be believed and models of how beliefs


In a system of artificial intelligence, knowledge is often not necessarily true and is

justified only to be useful . This distinction is often blurred when an agent module can

treat any information as true, but another module may be able to review that information.

( David Poole , 2010)


Decomposition of online agent

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Figure 1.4.1 shows a refinement for a knowledge-based agent. A knowledge base is

built offline and online is used to produce actions. This decomposition of an agent is

orthogonal to the view of layers of an agent ; an intelligent agent requires both the

hierarchical organization and knowledge bases . ( David Poole , 2010)

1.5. Applications of Artificial Intelligence .

 Applications are widespread and diverse and include medical diagnostics , factory

processes programming robots for hazardous environments , play games , autonomous

vehicles in space, translation systems and natural language tutoring systems , among

others as David Poole says. ( David Poole , 2010)

 Instead of treating each application separately , we abstract the essential features of

this type of applications for studying the principles behind intelligent reasoning and


Scientists have dreamed of for years to get machines that could react with the

environment , similar to how humans do so . The classifier systems " with learning " or

Learning Classifier Systems ( LCS hereinafter ) can be considered as an approximation

with AG learning from interaction with the environment.

In general, an LCS takes a set of inputs and produces a set of outputs which indicate a

certain classification of inputs . A LCS "learns" how to classify its inputs. This often

involves "show " the system many examples of input patterns and their corresponding

correct outputs .

This technique may be located at an intermediate point between Genéticos2

Conexionistas3 Algorithms and Systems . ( Juan Jesus Romero , 2007)

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Genetic algorithms [2] Proposed by John Holland as an abstraction of biological evolution, rather

than as an optimization technique.

Connectionist systems: [3] When two processes are active brain with together or when there is

an immediate succession, one of them tends to propagate the excitation to the other.

Chapter 2. Impact of artificial intelligence on society.

2.1. Social impact of the development of IA .

In our present humanity is at a time when our work both physical and mental , is

somehow " less important " as it is being replaced by the industrial revolution and

especially by computers, in conjunction with artificial intelligence (AI ), is hogging much

of the work we do humans, since with the use of machines greater accuracy and

precision is obtained in the processes or tasks of an activity , as such , are used with

more frequently in areas such as medicine , industry, mechanics, home use telephones.

However, many times we find ourselves in situations where people confuse the concept

of Artificial Intelligence as through television , film , etc. . , We note that " future years"

people occupy flying cars , robots performing all necessary activities within the

workspace, among others; but the reason is not only involved in these aspects such as

artificial intelligence and they are currently using. ( Antonio Lopez Pelaez , 2005)

Such as within the artificial intelligence we can see smart homes targeted by the

Automation which are integrated systems using a network of automated mechanisms.

Interfacing with various devices using infrared , radio frequency , metallic supports ,

among others.

That hallway lights are activated to pass without pressing any switch, turn the heat using

a simple phone call, generate alarms when intruders are not home, the electric stove is

turned off automatically program the irrigation system you monitor the status of lights

and shades through the television with a remote control from any phone and this without

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requiring any effort but simply a machine who is able to receive orders and act without

protest , complaints , anger , go to if it is a breakthrough.

So close IA society know that every day a new aspect of the computer either by the

mass media is , specialized or just everyday experiences and reading is very common

that we find terms whose meaning is us unknown.

Definitely robotics have a strong impact on society , generating a transformation of the

meaning and value of the work itself . Automation and robotics tasks (including

household ) would bring with it new behaviors recreational, leisure time and changes in

interpersonal relationships. ( J. , 2004 )

Likewise , the extensive use of robots probably affect work patterns and business

organization, as companies will adapt to take advantage of the full potential of robotic

systems . Higher unemployment , lower demand for skilled labor , riots and union

demands would be unavoidable challenges posed new stage.

To imagine the severity of the consequences , just consider the evolution of the

phenomenon predicted by experts in automation and advanced robotics . He estimates

that by the year 2042 is expected an estimated 80% automation of all activities and in all

sectors, both economic and social - globally. ( J. , 2004 )

The International Federation of Robotics suggested that stock market growth is

concentrated in the U.S. and Europe. They forecast between 1998 and 2002 , growth in

sales of industrial robots in Europe would exceed 10 % per year and in 2002 will reach a

45% increase over the number of robots have been installed in 1998. Also indicated that

the number of robots in operation would continue to grow in the near future and robots

density (measured as the number of robots in operation per 10,000 workers ) grow in all

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European countries. Simultaneously, the cost of robots would fall, while its versatility

and capabilities continue to expand. ( Gomez , 2000)

2.2 . Relations of artificial intelligence .

Artificial intelligence is related to :

• Heuristics .

• Intelligent Systems .

• Machine Vision .

• Natural Language Processing .

• Neural Networks.

• Robotics .

• Search .

• Planning.

Heuristics . The heuristic is the analysis and extrapolation of data based on past

experience and its consequences , this section is of vital importance for the internal AI in

computer games.

Expert Systems . An expert system can be defined as a knowledge-based thinking that

mimics an expert to solve a particular field of application system.

One of the main features of expert systems is that they are rule-based , ie , contain

predefined knowledge used to make all the decisions .

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Neural networks. Neural networks are inspired by the functionality of biological neurons

devices applied to the recognition of patterns that make them suitable to model and

make predictions in complex systems.

Robotics . They are machines controlled by computers programmed to move,

manipulate objects and enhance work while interacting with its environment. Robots are

able to perform repetitive tasks faster, cheaper and more accurately than humans .

( Marin, 2008)

Home Automation . The Larousse Encyclopedia Automation defines as: "the concept of

home automation that integrates all the security , energy management ,

communications, etc. .

The term " science " used to describe the part of the technology ( electronics and

computers ), which integrates the control and supervision of the existing elements in an

office building or in a residential or just any home. Also, a very familiar term to all is "

intelligent building " although come to refer to the same thing , we tend to apply more

generally to the field of large office blocks , banks, universities and industrial buildings .

In the field of technology is a breakthrough in artificial intelligence by being able to put

together various sciences to create a machine to "think " , and robotics also because it

integrates both mechanical, electronic and computer engineering with social sciences,

with the only achieve a benefit for humanity by creating a machine that can interpret the

language , human orders, etc. .

And finally the economic sphere , these technologies require a lot of money , because

art technologies are needed. All money invested recover over time with the inclusion of

the machinery in the new industries as these technologies are produced en masse for

public sale . (Peter, 2003)

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2.3 . Consequences of Artificial Intelligent Systems for human society .

The widespread use of artificial intelligent systems will bring prosperity and welfare to

the population of our planet. Intelligent systems such as robots, intelligent automation

and counseling programs within computers , all the work will not want to do. Be free

from material concerns and we can enjoy life .

But this is a new "industrial revolution" and the transition of our society from a work-

based society, one in which human labor is of little importance and in which much time

will have to be handled carefully . Widespread unemployment can be avoided by

spreading the available work among all who are willing to work . The proposed method

is a reduction of weekly working hours . Finally, the work week will be so low that one

has to be found distinct mechanism of revenue and maintain purchasing power . This

may be the "social dividend" . Every citizen of the state and shareholders would receive

a monthly dividend . Funding for this would come primarily from the proceeds of the

robotic factories. ( David Poole , 2010)

Would the robots a threat to humanity? A robot with the primary objective of satisfy

humans would be helpful , but a robot whose main objective would be to their own

survival would be very dangerous . Since I think much faster and more accurately we

will use all available resources for their own purposes , and we would be helpless . Such

a robot must be illegal and must be destroyed as soon as it is detected .

Some theorists warn that the increasing incorporation of robots lead us toward an

economy and a more polarized society .

The view of the experts is that there would be a significant number of changes that

would take place on a relatively short time , which would increase the problem of

adaptation to a wide range of workers.

It would be difficult for workers with low levels of quantification or improper conformation

to fill jobs that require the skills and flexibility to adapt to changing technological contexts

in a period as short as that time is provided for automation of 50 % of all activities in

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many industrial fields. The fall in employment as a result of new production systems and

robot-based services could lead to a society in which many people were not able to find

a job.

The emerging society will not be a leisure society . While there is forced inactivity for

many , revenues depend mainly paid work , placing a significant leisure away from the

unemployed. This would result in a dual society in which not only a large number of

people would be unable to find work but also many workers would have to endure a

reduced job security in the most demanding jobs . In this scenario , the division between

a secure and well-paid and insecure minority most likely to cause social tensions.

( Antonio Lopez Pelaez , 2005)

2.4 . Economic Effects.

The massive presence of expert systems will lead to a new economic revolution . This

revolution has already begun with the use of computers. But it will be some time yet

before we have truly intelligent , they are cheap and all-purpose robots . By then we can

expect a new economic revolution occurs.

Similarly as in the first economic revolution , many jobs will become obsolete , people

have to be relocated to other jobs and daily working hours will be reduced. In the past,

the newly invented spinning machines , the manual spinning replaced . By inventing

cars horses , stables and car manufacturing were replaced . But because of the

inventions and technological changes , today live better than people 200 years ago.

( Juan Jesus Romero , 2007)

In the cities of prosperous nations , the current average life is much better than the

fabulously wealthy King Louis XIV of France. For example, the king had no central

heating in his palace , had only an open fireplace. Read by the light of flickering

candles . I could not turn on the light in any room or hallway. If you wanted hot water,

had to call a servant to the look and had to wait. We opened the faucet. When I wanted

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to listen to music, had to convene an orchestra. We press the button of the electronic

equipment , whether it's radio, television or whatever. Messages are sent via horse and

responses hour or a month later received . We got up the phone and immediately talk

with anyone on earth. All these differences are a result of the technology ; the ever

growing support machines give us, humans.

It seems that , ultimately , at the end of this economic revolution , work, meaning by this

a paid activity , decrease rapidly or more will no longer exist . People will be engaged in

what they like , but might not bother to ask for compensation for their efforts. Robots,

smart mobile systems , along with intelligent general purpose machines, provide all the

material they need. ( J. , 2004 )

2.5. Using intelligent systems thinking .

Once intelligent systems work even better, can certainly think much faster than humans

( its internal clock has millions of cycles per second) and will be more accurate to think.

We humans often confuse concepts or concepts have very inaccurate .

Once the Intelligent Systems in computers have been in use for many years, their

concepts should be very precise and very detailed . We can easily copy the structure of

concepts and rules of conduct for all new systems.

So we can see that eventually , computers can think much better and much faster than

what humans can never do . But they are still machines , we will indicate their goals ,

they do not give us the goals .

Computers like that will be helpful to humans in our daily activity. The can be informed of

everything that happens to us, by means of sensors we carry, and they can give us very

expert advice . And this will make our choice of objectives and our activities are much

more effective. ( Antonio Lopez Pelaez , 2005)

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The development of technologies has been throughout history the modernizing element

of the productive apparatus of society. However, we must not fall into an exaggerated

optimism to think that the mere introduction of these technologies automatically produce

the miracle of transforming the quality of life. There is currently a mismatch between the

organization of our societies and the expectations generated by the recognition of our

own technological capabilities.

We live in futuristic societies of the past, excessive, misunderstood, enigmatic and fed

by a development that we can´t assimilate expectations, as it occurs faster than our

social evolution. Balance is achieved only when the social transformations with scientific

and technological advance healthy nature, not in permanent opposition to artificial

intelligence will.

Also, making a small display in the future, it becomes clear that the impact will be

different telecommunication services , computer and especially artificial intelligence or

intelligent systems are linked to these developments in the lives of the citizens will be

increasingly important .

The internet is getting faster , television will be digital and interactive , new entrants offer

interesting alternatives to basic telephony , home automation enter fully into homes, and

through intelligent systems brought some already underway in medicine , industry,

agriculture and other branches .

Within society in general Artificial Intelligence is a science that causes greater impact ,

machine learning , resulting important the process of making intelligent behaviors , a

system to improve its behavior on the basis of the experience through the process of

repetitive tasks and also have a notion of what is wrong and you can avoid it, is very

interesting .

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Perform the development of this article based on the impact that causes artificial

intelligence in society is a very important issue, since different societies have now

changed the way they live, how they communicate and how perform their work and

activities of daily living; is worth mentioning that only in Mexico, it is estimated that

approximately 80 % of households have one or more cell phones. In addition, 37% of

households own at least one “smart" technology.

Within the development and implementation of intelligent technologies that begin

occurring in daily activities and occupations, then find an extracted graph where LIAA

Laboratory identifies what part of society thinks about the technologies implemented in

artificial intelligence.

in agreement, 60%

counter, 35%

I do not care, 5%

Implementation of human activities IA

Picture 1.

The graphical image 1 was conducted a survey with people between ages 15 to 50

years, in 2013. As shown 60% of people think that the implementation of artificial

intelligence is favorable, since they agree to be implemented within their activities, 35%

disagree with the use of artificial intelligence in its activities, and 5% said not interested

in this issue, or whether or not to use these technologies.

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The graph above is just an example that reflects the impact that we presented to

the society the use of artificial intelligence, have technologies available to society in

general. And to finish off this article also found that even though there are people who

oppose or " fear " the inclusion of technologies and artificial intelligence in the various

branches that were mentioned, most of society is in the best position and a power open

to achieve that balance between the use of artificial intelligence to human activities that

until today are performed today mentality.

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Within the general society of artificial intelligence is a science that cause greater impact to people is, machine learning , being important the process of making intelligent behaviors that a system can improve their behavior based on experience through the process of repetitive tasks and also have a notion of what is wrong and you can avoid it is very interesting , that in the workplace that many people come to use in the future.

From these intelligent behaviors that they will present machines or robots in the future, is what society fears they will be or displaced from their work places sit , and thus affecting its economy , as the including those machines in industry, schools, homes , hospitals, etc. . Becomes the future .

It is for this reason that major simultaneously in which these technologies are evolving with the use of artificial intelligence , likewise evolve our society . Finding a balance between the activities , tasks , decisions, among others, that made human and that can be performed by intelligent machines people.

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Lopez Pelaez Antonio, K. M. (2005). New Technologies and New Migrations: strategies to enhance social. Europa: The IPTS.

Marín, R. (2008). Inteligencia Artificial y Sistemas Inteligentes. McGraw-Hill.

Pedro, P. C. (2003). Inteligencia artificial con aplicaciones a la ingeniería. Alfaomega.

Poole David, M. A. (2010). Artificial Intelligence:Foundations of Computational Agents. Cambridge University.

Romero Juan Jesus, D. C. (2007). Inteligencia artificial y computación avanzada. Colección informática.
