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EvaluationVarsity Productions

“ever felt under pressure?”

Using, developing and challenging forms and conventions of real media products.


• TV series we have looked at include an introductory sequence, we have incorporated one into our own film to quickly set the narrative and introduce the concepts of the film. • Linear narrative

Introductory sequence > Introduce narrative > Middle > Problem > Unsolved

The ending is left unclear, allowing the audience to interpret their own view on what has happened. We ultimately wanted to show the pain and suffering the other characters had inflicted.

We have worked closely with our genre using conventions to portray meaning:

The combination of our main product and ancillary texts.

Opening scene(Introductory sequence)

• Non- diegetic Music• Soundtrack - Kids- MGMT • Introducing narrative• Establishing shots – Set the time and setting of the scene.• Medium long shots• Short takes• Props• Teenage environment

Party Sequence. Dissolves and cross fades create the illusion of a party, where drinking and drugs are involved. Cross fades, blurs and slow motion convey this.

Close up and low angle shots show the character’s state, highlighting the effect that the alcohol and drugs have.

The combination of mise en scene, editing and sound to create an effective party sequence.

Obscure angles such as the birds eye view shot represent the party and the drinking activities of the character’s.

Conveying dominance , peer pressure and a negative influence.

Our narrative includes themes of peer pressure and have implied this in our product a number of ways.

High/ Low angles

Point of view


Height levels

Medium long shot (alone)

Speech/tone of voice

Ending scene – the narrative continues but as the shots change the desperation of the narrative becomes clearer.

Reaction shots and shot reverse shots.

Low angle shots.

High angle shots.

Close up shots.

Mid Shots.

Magazine Film Review.

Screen shots from film

Sophisticated lay out

Bright colours make text stand out

Details of the film and rating make it appear much more professional

Summary of film.

Audience feedback

“Good choice of music, it helps the story to flow.”

“The editing is really good, when it shows how drunk they are at the party”

“The narrative moved too quickly”

“The camera work worked really well”

Based on our audience feedback we would keep the music the same as it contributed to the effect of the piece, but however we would make the narrative clearer and easier to follow by making the distinction between scenes much clearer.

New media technologies in the construction and research, planning

and evaluation stages.

Inspirations Ideas

Blocks Product research Effects

Researching Characters

Reviews Communication Market Research

Slide share

Planning schedules Research Upload work



Editing Music

Adobe Premiere Pro

Time line – This allowed us to try out different orders of our film, adjusting the narrative seeing which works and what doesn’t.

Information/Effects – allows you to experiment with effects as fades and dissolves, we used the, a lot in our film to show continuation.

Audio/Tools – music and speech within the clip can be adjusted, this allowed us to decide between chosen songs as well as manipulating sound and speech.

Program – a constant view of what you are changing and allows you to view your project whilst in progress.

Project Box – where we export and imported clips from our video camera.


Work uploaded


Group name

Varsity Productions Blog - http://varsityproductions.blogspot.com/
