Chiara Chiappini - Swift and the future of iOS app development


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Swift and the future of iOS

Chiara Chiappini @chiarachiappini



Jun 2014

June 2015

Some point this


Swift announced at WWDC 2014

Swift 2 announced at WWDC 2015

Swift will be open source

4 key features of Swift



4 key features of Swift



4 key features of Swift



4 key features of Swift



Swift Playground


Swift and Objective-C Swift let name ="Chiara"

print("Hello \(name)")

Objective-C NSString*str =@"Hello Chiara";

NSLog(@"%@", str)


Xcode vs Appcode


Dependency managementCocoapods vs Maven vs Gradle


sudo gem install cocoapodspod init

edit PodFile (similar to editing pom.xml)pod install


platform :ios, '8.0'use_frameworks!

target 'SwiftTalk' do pod 'Alamofire', '~> 3.1'end

target 'SwiftTalkTests' do pod 'Quick', '~> 0.6.0' pod 'Nimble', '2.0.0-rc.3'end

Protocol vs Interface


protocol Sweet { var sugarQuantity: Int { get }}

class BlackChocolate: Sweet { var sugarQuantity: Int = 10}


Unit Tests


XCTest vs JUnit

testing framework integrated with XCode


XCTest exampleclass MyTestsXCTests: XCTestCase{ let myNumbers = [1,2,3] func testNumbersWithXCTest() { XCTAssertEqual(1 + 1, 2, "expected one plus one to equal two") for number in myNumbers{ XCTAssertLessThan(number, 4) } }}


Use @testableimport XCTest@testable import CodemotionExamples

class CodemotionExamplesTests: XCTestCase { func testBlackChocolateHasSugar() { let blackChocolate = BlackChocolate() XCTAssertEqual(blackChocolate.sugarQuantity, 10, "Expected sugar quantity is 10") } }


Quick and Nimble

Quick:behaviour driven testing frameworkNimble: fluent assertions



func testNumbersWithNimble() { expect(1+1).to(equal(2)) expect([1,2,3]).to(allPass(beLessThan(4))) }


func testStringWithNimble() { let myString = "Hello!" expect(myString).to(equal("Hello!"))

expect(myString)==("Hello!") expect(myString).to(beginWith("Hel")) }


Quickclass MyTestsQuick: QuickSpec { override func spec() { describe("Testing numbers") { context("when adding 1 and 2"){ it("results as 3") { expect(1+2).to(equal(3)) } } }


Testing and CI


Continuous Integration

early feedback


Continuous Integration

early feedbackteam peace of mind and alerting


Continuous Integration

early feedbackteam peace of mind and alerting

standardized build


Continuous Integration

early feedbackteam peace of mind and alerting

standardized buildrecord of results


Continuous Integration

early feedbackteam peace of mind and alerting

standardized buildrecord of results

support release process


Continuous Integration

early feedbackteam peace of mind and alerting

standardized buildrecord of results

support release processfirst step to continuous deployment


CI for mobile

maturityemulators and real devices


CI for iOS

Xcode server


CI for iOS

Xcode serverJenkins


CI for iOS

Xcode serverJenkins



Xcode service and bots

Xcode service integrated in Xcode


Xcode service and bots

Xcode service integrated in Xcodemanage bots from Xcode



Xcode plugin or Xcode tool


Jenkins Jobs

build and unit test the app


Jenkins Jobs

build and unit test the apprun functional tests


Jenkins Jobs

build and unit test the apprun acceptance tests

build application archive (ipa)


Jenkins Jobs

build and unit test the apprun acceptance tests

build application archive (ipa)tag and archive the ipa


Jenkins Jobs

build and unit test the apprun acceptance tests

build application archive (ipa)tag and archive the ipa

send to TestFlight@chiarachiappini

What we learntWhat is Swift

What we learntWhat is Swift

How to practice

What we learntWhat is Swift

How to practice Some Java-Swift language equivalences

What we learntWhat is Swift

How to practice Some Java-Swift language equivalences


What we learntWhat is Swift

How to practice Some Java-Swift language equivalences

ToolsTesting and CI

Go for Swift!
