To Everything There Is a Season, Part 2 (LDS)



This presentation is the second part of a three-part presentation focusing on LDS standards in dating for youth. It also discussed the importance of love and respect as the foundation for love.

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To EverythingThere Is a Season Part


Sacred BoundariesNovember 29, 2009

We can and must do a much better job as parents and leaders in teaching our

children and youth about sexual purity.

Teaching about sex is primarily the parents’

responsibility.But family and Church

leaders should also support parents.

Our lives and happiness are

protected by sacred boundaries.

Chastity is the fortress that protects love, self-respect,

relationships and the family.

The temple is a symbolof that fortress.

Physical intimacy between a married man and woman is a

beautiful, powerful,sacred bond.

For married couples, physical intimacy, when properly expressed, is the key to

emotional and spiritual unity.

Respect is the key to trust, and trust is the key to

enduring, romantic love.

When expressed with gentleness, great respect

and unselfishness, physical intimacy heals the marriage


When expressed outside of sacred boundaries, physical intimacy always has painful

and often disastrous or devastating consequences

for a lot of people.

Who Will Your Choices Affect?

• Partner• Parents• Brothers and

sisters• Grandparents• Cousins• Close friends

• Acquaintances• Church leaders• School teachers• Your future

spouse• Unborn children• Others

If you enter into a physical relationship too soon, you too often make life commitments before you are emotionally


Foundations for Enduring











Physical Affection









Love Physical Affection

But as we seek acceptance or popularity, attention and affection, we sometimes do

so without a foundation.

Physical Affection

Physical Affection


Physical Affection



Physical Affection




Physical Affection


Physical Affection



Physical Affection




Physical Affection

Soothed by rationalizations, we step across sacred

boundaries, and often talk ourselves into doing things

that we would not otherwise do.

Aaron Wilburn: Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and the Lord

“Satan may tempt you to rationalize that sexual

intimacy before marriage is acceptable when two people are in love. That is not true.”

—For the Strength of Youth, p. 26


The Holy Ghost

Do you have it with you?

You are the first and most important guardrail. It’s

about what is going on inside of you. No one can protect

you like you.

“Necking, petting, intimacies and improprieties of every kind should not be

indulged in at any time in dating or in courtship. Love and affection are

precious, and virtue must never be placed in jeopardy.”

—For the Strength of Youth (1965), p. 13.

“Do not date until you are at least 16 years old. Dating before then can lead to

immorality, limit the number of other young people you meet, and deprive you of experiences that will help you choose

an eternal partner.” —For the Strength of Youth (2001), p. 24

If you are “going out” before 16 or steady dating after 16, you have crossed a sacred

boundary and are in danger.

When you cross that boundary, you may not have the protection of the Spirit.

Familiarity leads to boredom which leads to

experimentation which too often leads to transgression.

You may not want to date at all. That’s okay. There is plenty of time for dating


“Going Out”

• “No one has asked me out. What’s wrong with me?”

• “Me too! Me too! I can go out too!”• A steady, romantic relationship

should only happen when you are of marriageable age

Okay Before Dating Age

• You can be good, old fashioned friends!• Talking together in groups, such as at

Mutual, school, dances, parties• All with your parent’s knowledge and

approval• Electronic communication is not a

substitute for face to face relationships

Not Okay Before Dating Age

• Pairing off• Two people intentionally alone is

essentially a date• Physical affection with romantic

intent• “Accidental” meet-ups

Early romance often slows and stunts emotional and

spiritual growth.

You will develop confidence in yourself through friendship

and social interaction, not romance.

How do you show affection when dating?

When is it appropriate to hold hands?

When is it appropriate to hug someone?

When is it appropriate to put your arm around someone?

When is it appropriate to kiss someone?

Having the Spirit with You

• Your greatest safeguard is to have the Spirit with you all the time

• Draw close to the Lord through daily prayer, scripture study, attendance at Church, Mutual, seminary

• You must be willing to be obedient• You must repent

Joseph and Potiphar’s wife: What happened?

“How...can I do this great wickedness, and sin against

God?” —Genesis 39:9

Joseph had integrity with himself, he had the Spirit, and he knew who he was.

You can, too. But it’s up to you.
