Take a walk with me in Elbasan, Albania




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A glimpse into my life in Shqiperi

My “family”


• Dallas is my precious puppy that I rescued a year ago. She was 4 weeks old when a friend found her for me, and was close to death. She is now healthy and spoilt, and a good companion for me. Even the Vet is amazed at the changes in her, but its all thanks to prayer and TLC.

• Dallas is obedient [when it suites her] and also very friendly with people. She is a good tool in meeting people and drawing a crowd, especially children. . . But the Albania word for puppy is “bubi” [pronounced booby]. . . So often when I walk her down the main street I am followed by chorus calling out “bubi, bubi” . . . Good thing not many understand the connotation of this word in English.

Dallas and some “friends”

The Family I stay with. . .

What a Blessing. . .• Beni and Bardha

Celanji are close friends of mine. They have taken me [and Dallas] in and given me room and board as a Blessing. This has been a huge help in enabling me to stay longer in Albania as I have to trust God for daily provision.

• They have a little boy, Joel, who is 19 months old. Bardha is also expecting her 2nd little one at the end of the yr.

• Joel is very close to me and lavishes me with hugs everyday.


• In the mornings I am helping to teach grade 1 [ACE system] to Joni Wakely. He is the youngest child of Nick and Sarah, who pastor a church in the city. I have been teaching him for 9 months now.

The Wakely Family

English lessons

• I was also giving English lessons to children, but this is temporarily on hold. I am still in contact with the children. And look to start courses not just with them but with some of the ladies in the church as well.

Visits to the Orphanage

• I visit the Catholic orphanage at least once a week, to love on the children, help feed them etc. the children range from 1 day to 7 years old. A lot of them have some type of disability. [usually mental]

How I’ve grown

Miracle Stories:

• Little Nikoli [now called Ryan] was adopted by a dwarf couple from America. He has settled in nicely into the family, and loves his new sister. [it was filmed for Discovery Health Channel – so you might have seen his story].

Naritani – look how much I have grown

• “Tani” was born with a digestive system that hadn’t formed properly, and there was little hope he would survive. He also has Down Syndrome. But he has thrived in the year I have known him. He is almost 2 yrs old now. [in the first picture he was 9 months old but looked much smaller]

Little Rejni /David

• Was born without lower legs and was abandoned. He has been in the orphanage since he was 1 day old. He will be a yr old end of July. He is in the process of being adopted at the moment.

• I have had the privilege of meeting his adoptive parents. They are a wonderful Christian couple. They told me that when David goes home, a local hospital [specialising in children’s prosthetics] is giving him free care and prosthetics till he is 21…. Isn't God amazing?

A miracle in the making: Baby Lucia

Lucia:• We are really crying out

and trusting God to intervene in this little girls life. She is completely abandoned by her parents. We are trusting for funds and possibility to go for reconstructive operations. [Albania does not have the facilities]. We are also trusting for her to be adopted into a loving home.

Some more faces from the orphanage

Church Life

• ilir and Rudina Koci pastor the local church I attend, in Elbasan. They have 3 gorgeous little girls.

At the moment, it’s a small church

The next generation

• The church is sowing a lot of time into the next generation. These girls are from the Home of Hope orphanage. They have vocal lessons and discipleship on Saturdays.

• There is a generation gap in the church. [ages 15 – 20/25] it’s a missing generation. We are trusting for them to come into the church.


• Claudia [pictured here with my dad and I] is a German missionary who has been here since 1992. she is married with 2 sons.

• She is a close friend but also someone God uses to continuously stretch me. she is my guitar teacher, as well as my vocal coach. And I love her dearly.

Encouraging the singles gals

• This group of girls are really close to me, and we have lots of fun together. But beyond that, they are all single, which at their age in this culture is a big NO NO. so I spend a lot of time encouraging them to wait for God’s best… building identity etc.

Swimming lessons

• Fiona is a close friend and I love teaching her kids swimming.

• I do have more students lined up. Even some adults. It should be a busy summer.

Relationships/ Evangelism

• I spend a lot of time forming friendships with people who are not Christian. This is my ex- landlady. She is now a born again Christ Follower and we had the privilege of baptising her (in her bathtub). At the moment I am praying with her sister Veri [daily] . . . She has been diagnosed with cancer and we are trusting for complete healing and salvation. . . For the whole family.


• I make it a goal to strive for unity among the churches in the city. I have friends in every church, and am friends with most of the pastors. I try to help restore friendships and build new ones. I love to network with people.

And of course there is time for fun:

There are trips away

Friend’s and Family have visited:

Some scriptures God has given me for this nation:

• Isaiah 46: 8- 13b• Remember this,

fix it in mind, take it to heart, you rebels. Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other…

• … I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning. From ancient times, what is still to come. I say: “my purpose will stand and I will do all that I please. From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far off land, a man to fulfill my purpose.

• What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I do. Listen to me you stubborn-hearted, you who are far from righteousness. I am bringing my righteousness near, it is not far away; and my salvation will not be delayed.

• Isaiah 61:4• They will rebuild

ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations.

• Psalm 45: 10-11• Listen, O daughter,

and give ear: forget your people and your father’s house. The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord.

• James 1: 27• Religion that God our

Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

• Joshua 1: 14b-15• You are to help your

brothers until the Lord gives them rest, as he has done for you, and until they too take possession of the land that the Lord your God is giving them. After that, you may go back and occupy your own land….”

Thank you:

• I know it’s a long presentation but i hope you enjoyed it. I really wanted to give you a glimpse into my life in Elbasan, Albania.

• And why here? … because there are many who need to know the love of God and the good news of the forgiveness we have through Jesus’ sacrifice…..

• Here are some of the ones who needed to hear about God’s love for them, keep praying for their salvation.

Moza and her two children


Fice [and her son Toni – I don’t have a photo of him yet]

Bardhi, Harry, Tani, Bledi and other staff at fastfood express


And so many more. . .

• Again. . . Thank you… be blessed.

• Kerri Nixon

• email: kerri.albania@gmail.com

• Website: www.albania.journey-on.org

• {website is still being constructed – will let you know once its up and running}
