Ssm Romans Week 9 Slides 102509


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GOSPEL, 10-21


The gospel does not annul God’s purpose

The gospel fulfills God’s promise

The gospel confirms Israel’s prospects

Divine Selection Considered

Current Rejection Clarified

Coming Restoration Confirmed

Mercy Spurned Righteousness Rejected Restoration Assured Rejection Explained Unbelief Described Salvation Promised God’s Sovereignty Man’s Free Will God’s Providence

Israel’s Past Israel’s Present Israel’s Future


God does not make soft hearts hard, he makes hardened hearts brittle.


Followers of James Arminius BIBLICISM HYPER-CALVINISM

Followers of John Calvin John Wesley George Whitefield Free Will The Spirit draws; the sinner

responds Unconditional Election

People may simply say a sinner’s prayer to be saved

Salvation is an exchange of life People are predestined to heaven or reprobated to hell

Sinless Perfection Depraved but able to respond Total Depravity Can Lose Salvation Safe but Chastened for Sin Eternal Security Nazarene, Pentecostal Fundamental and Evangelical Reformed Churches

Left Balanced Right


• A parenthesis is an explanatory clause where the context would be complete without it.

( … )


• God chose Abraham though he was an idolater

• God chose Isaac over Ishmael though Ishmael was the firstborn

• God chose Jacob over Esau though Jacob was not the natural choice

• God has chosen the Gentile over the Jew


• You can never use God’s sovereignty as a scapegoat for your irresponsibility.

Point 1.

• Sincerity does not count for spirituality.

The Law’s Termination

1. The only purpose of the law was to bring you to Christ, not bring you to heaven

2. Christ himself is the fulfillment of the law

Point 2.

• There is no unpardonable sin in the dispensation of grace.


• The word confess means to give assent and to acknowledge.

Point 3.

• Whatever is in the heart has to show up on the lips; otherwise it is not really in the heart.

Point 4.

• You can't believe the gospel if you don't love it, and you don't really love it and believe it if you're not willing to obey it.

Point 5.

• You can't believe he can save you if you don't believe he saved himself.

Defn:• Calling is the appropriation of faith

because calling means to invoke his name.

Defn:• Calling is the appropriation of faith

because calling means to invoke his name.

Point 6.• While salvation is by grace through

faith, every dispensation has a different work of faith attached to it to appropriate the faith personally.

Point 7.

• In this dispensation salvation is by confession and calling; that means evangelism has to be by testimony and confession.

Happy Feet

1. They are blood-washed feet, Lev 8:24

Happy Feet

1. They are blood-washed feet, Lev 8:24

2. They are protected feet, Eph 6:15

Happy Feet

1. They are blood-washed feet, Lev 8:24

2. They are protected feet, Eph 6:15

3. They are clean feet, John 13:6-10

Happy Feet

1. They are blood-washed feet, Lev 8:24

2. They are protected feet, Eph 6:15

3. They are clean feet, John 13:6-10

4. Don’t have crippled feet! 1 Kings 15:23

Point 8.

• If the lost have an obligation to confess, we have a corresponding obligation to preach.

Point 9.

• If you want more faith then get into the word, because faith comes from hearing that is Biblically informed.

Point 10.

• You don't get more faith by getting more faith; you get more faith by being more skilled in the word.

Concluding Applications

1. The object of faith is God, so know him, Dan 11:32

Concluding Applications

1. The object of faith is God, so know him, Dan 11:32

2. The origin of faith is the Bible, so hear him

Concluding Applications

1. The object of faith is God, so know him, Dan 11:32

2. The origin of faith is the Bible, so hear him

3. The object of faith is the will of God, so submit to him

Concluding Applications

1. The object of faith is God, so know him, Dan 11:32

2. The origin of faith is the Bible, so hear him

3. The object of faith is the will of God, so submit to him

4. The operation of faith is the work of God, so obey him

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