


Presentation on Happiness for Power Talk Session, SSGC

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Presentation By Khwaja Naveed Manager, IT Department

Self-discipline and lasting happiness are




Unhealthy food habits may cause serious health problems

You will realize soon that this unhealthy habits are

driving you fast to departure from life.

Happy people are successful in what

they do.

They find great pleasure in

whatever they do.

Happy people enjoy better health.

What fits yours busy schedule better,

exercising one hour a day or being dead

24 hours a day ?

Happy people are liked by others.

They always have a smiling face and often laugh loudly.

Happy people always count their blessings,

not their failures

They never curse their

circumstances in crisis situations.

Happy people are creative and thoughtful

by nature.

Creativity leads to mental satisfaction

and happiness

Happy people are generous and considerate.

Greed and selfishness lead to frustration and


When one door of happiness closes,

another opens; but often we looks so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which

has been opened for us. – Helen Keller

If you follow this path, Happiness and Success will be yours.
