Grade v presentation lesson.-final


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Prayer:Dear Lord , we are gathering here

today to learn more lessons. Help

us to obey and listen to our

teacher. Give us strengths and

wisdom to understand our lessons

easily. Give us also our teacher

more strengths to teach. This we

ask and pray in the name of

Jesus Christ, our Lord . Amen.

Dear Lord , we are gathering here

today to learn more lessons. Help

us to obey and listen to our

teacher. Give us strengths and

wisdom to understand our lessons

easily. Give us also our teacher

more strengths to teach. This we

ask and pray in the name of

Jesus Christ, our Lord . Amen.


Tongue twister

I wish to wish the wish

you wish to wish,

but if you wish the wish

he wishes. I won’t wish the


you wish to wish.

Review on Predicting outcomes

What would happened next?

The people were cutting down the trees in the forest, Bad weather comeswith successive heavy rains.

The sky grows dark. The thickening clouds block the sun. The once-mild breeze begins to blow harder. Suddenly a bolt of lightning flashes across the sky, followed by a roll of thunder.

A crowdTwenty drivers sit in their racing cars, nervously waiting. The noise grows louder as the crowd buzzes with excitement. The official on the platform begins to raise the green flag.

Motivation:Reading the Verse Choir

An old woman who swallowed a fly.

B. Development of the lesson

Presentation:Oral Reading

Read this one-stanza poem.There was an old woman who lived in a shoe.She had ten children and shedidn’t know what to do.All day long her children stayedoutside to play.At night time they all packed and called it a day.

Analysis and Discussion:

What are the things that you can see in the presentation?

• An old woman

• A shoe

• Ten children

• Children were playing

• An old woman and her children living in a shoe

• A shoe as big as a house

• An old woman swallowed different kinds of animals

Reality• An old woman

• A shoe

• Ten children

• Children were playing

Fantasy• An old woman and her

children living in a shoe

• A shoe as big as a house

• An old woman swallowed

different kinds of


A situation or an event that couldreally happen in a real life is a

REALITYA situation or an event that is magical or make-believe andcould not really happen is a


Generalization:What do we call a situation or an

event that could really happen in

a real life?

What do we call a situation or an

event that is magical or make-

believe and could not really


Value Integration


God is our creator

C. Post Activities:

Tell whether the picture is reality or fantasy.

Batman came to save people.

During full moon a horse flied to the moon.

2. Enrichment ActivitiesEach group given an

envelop with an activityinside.

IV. Evaluation:Read each group of

sentences. Tell wether it is Reality or Fantasy.

And write the correct answer in your paper.

I. I saw Aunt Nena crying when she was peeling onions. Onions hurt her eyes.

2. The children enjoyed riding inmulti-colored jeeps. The jeephad wings and they can fly.

3. Batman stopped a bus from falling off the bridge. He pushedthe bus backward.

4. She sells seashells in theseashore. Children like to gathershells. These shells are used fordecorative purposes. Some shellsare small. Others are big.

5. A young princess saw a frogin the well. The frog can talk. The princess was afraid. She went away but the frogfollowed her. The frog said,“Take me into your palace.”

V. Assignment:

Write 5 sentences which is reality and 5 sentences for fantasy.

Thank you children>>>>
