Exam three review F13


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Art History Review

Here are a sample of slides to help you review the terms and concepts from class discussion and the readings.

Art and Religion

How would you describe the interplay between art and religion?

• How art explains the dogma of a religion• Art can confirm the faith of believers• An intermixture of art, religion and politics• Art facilitates religious ritual

Cubiculum of Leonis, Catacomb of Commodilla. Late 4th century.

Jacopo Grimaldi. Interior of Old St. Peter's. 1619 copy of an earlier drawing.

Reconstruction Drawing, Old St. Peter's Basilica. c. 320–327; atrium added in later 4th century. Approx. 394’ long and 210’ wide..

Church of Santa Costanza. c. 350.

Santa Costanza (ca. 350 CE)Rome

Harvesting of grapes - example of syncretism

Hagia Sophia (532-537 CE)Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorias of Miletus, ArchitectsIstanbul, Turkey

San Vitale (526-547 CE)Ravenna, Italy

Emperor Justinian and Theodora

The Islamic World Empires Video

Islamic art and religion

Mihrab, Great MosqueCordoba, Spain 965 CE

Qu’ran, Kufic scriptCalligraphy 700-800 CE

Muhammad as prophet (570-633)

•Receptor and translator of revelations of God•Not divine, no saints in Islam•Depends on individual accountability with God

Five Pillars of Islam

• Shehadah (Witness) – no one worthy of worship but Allah

• Salat (Prayer) – five times daily individual prayer

• Sawm (Fasting) – Ramandan• Zakat (Alms) – tithing• Hajj (Pilgrimage) – based on original 622 CE

Hijra by Mohammad from Medina

Great Mosque at Cordoba, Spain(786-987)

Virtual Tour

Quibla wall


Prayer Hall, Great Mosque, Cordoba, Spain. Begun 785–786.

Taj Mahal. Mughal period, reign of Shah Jahan, c. 1631–1648.

South and Southeast Asia.

Standing Buddha. c. 5th century CE.

Seal Impressions (a., d. horned animal; b. buffalo; c. sacrificial rite to a goddess (?); e. yogi; f. three-headed animal.).

c. 2500–1500 BCE. Each seal approx. 1 ¼” × 1 ¼”.

Ashokan Pillar. Maurya period, c. 246 BCE.

Great Stupa, Sanchi. Founded 3rd century BCE, enlarged c. 150–50 BCE.

Video link

Early Stupa; Later Stupa; Watchtower; Stone Pagoda; Wooden Pagoda.

Standing Buddha. Kushan period, c. 2nd–3rd century CE. Height 7’ 6”.

China and Korea.

Soldiers. Qin Dynasty, c. 210 BCE.

Chinese Characters.

Fan Kuan. Travelers among Mountains and Streams. Northern Song Dynasty, early 11th century CE. Height 6’ 9 1/2”.

Xu Daoning. Section of Fishing in a Mountain Stream. Northern Song Dynasty, mid 11th century CE. 19" × 6’ 10”.

Chinese Scroll Painting Video

Ancient Africa.

Crowned Head of a King. 12th–15th century CE. Height 9 7/16”.Ife, Yoruba (Nigeria)

Roped Pot on a Stand. 9th–10th century CE. Height 12 11/16” Igbo-Ukwu site, (eastern Nigeria)

Conical Tower. c. 1200–1400 CE. Height of tower 30’.

The Americas Before 1300.

Colossal Head, San Lorenzo. c. 1200–900 BCE. Height 7’ 5”.

Ceremonial Center of the City of Teotihuacan. c. 100–650 CE.

Palace (Foreground) and Temple of the Inscriptions. Palace, 5th–8th century CE;

Temple of the Inscriptions (Tomb of Pakal the Great), c. 683 CE.

Maya Writing.

Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent. c. 200 CE.

Pueblo Bonito. 830–1250 CE.

Seed Jar. c. 1150 CE. Diameter 14 1/2”.

‘Cliff dwellings,’ Mesa Verde, Colorado (1100-1300)

Great Serpent Mound. c. 1070 CE. Length approx. 1,254’.

Monk’s Mound (1000 CE) Cahokia, iL