BMI-Africa - Overview Presentation



Overview of BMI-Africa programs. For more on us, please go to

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“With our hands we help our neighbors, with our mouths we speak

of the kingdom”- Pastor Robert Engelhardt

Catskill Mountain Christian Center1

Bethesda Ministries International (BMI)Overview

• BMI is an independent Kenyan based international humanitarian organization, founded on the core principles of the Christian Pentecostal Church

• Established on July 26, 1982 in Bungoma Kenya by Protestant Bishop Julius Wafula Macheusi who, since graduating from Bible College, has been ministering for over forty years

• Co-directed by his wife, Pastor Christine Macheusi and a dedicated global team of Elders (which is also monitored by various U.S.-based organizations)

• Since BMI’s humble inception, the ministry has spread to over 200 indigenous churches and tens of thousands of congregants in five African nations (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi)

• Though the mission is faith-based, our secular outreach programs enable BMI to positively impact the largest possible cross section of African people

• BMI has traditionally conducted business as the “Bethesda Missionary Fellowship of Kenya” at its “Word of Faith Christian Center” (WOFCC) headquarters

• We are in the process of forming a U.S.-based 501c3 nonprofit corporation entitled, “BMI-Africa”

• BMI is a self-sufficient organization based entirely on private donations


Understanding the African PerspectiveIt is impossible to comprehend the seemingly insurmountable difficulties facing the self-funded BMI, unless one appreciates the daily challenges of the average African. Below are some statistics on Kenya which are provided to illustrate the plight of all Africans.

• Young population -- The median age is only 18.7 years old (of 40 million people)

• High literacy rate -- 85% over age 15 are literate, 91% of males, 79% of females

• Short “School life expectancy” -- 10 years for males, 8-9 years for females

• Low life expectancy -- The average life span is ONLY 57 years old (vs. 75 in US)

• High infant mortality rate -- At 57 deaths/1,000 births

• Poor country -- Average annual income is approximately $500

• Low standard of living

• Little running water

• Many homes do not have electric

• Most cook outside on wood fires

• Many sleep on cow dung floors in mud huts

• MANY health issues

• Malaria is rampant


• And many other maladies uncommon in the developed world


BMI Goals and Programs• The overarching goal of BMI is to address the many challenges of Africa, by

implementing a corresponding program for every basic human need

• Enhance spiritual well being

• Improve education

• Improve healthcare

• Improve quality of life by breaking the curse of poverty

• Provide skills to enable Africans to become self sufficient

• BMI has dozens of active initiatives under the following major Programs

• Church Construction

• Ministry

• Feeding

• Water

• Sanitation

• Education

• Micro Loans (SAACO)

• Technology

• To conserve time to follow is a brief explanation of these programs.4

Water and Sanitation Programs Overview

There is a silent killer prowling in Africa…one which --

• Claims more lives - through disease - than wars have taken through weapons…

• Kills more people than ALL of the world’s hurricanes, floods, tsunamis, and earthquakes combined

• Affects the most vulnerable , the -- poor, young, old and women

• Seldom is discussed in the world press

• Is typically not considered to be a “threat” to humanity by Westerners…

…water – the lack of clean water and proper sanitationThe water crisis is Global

• 70% of the planet is water, yet only 2.5% is fresh, though much is unsuitable for drinking

• Over ONE BILLION people in the world (one in SIX!) do NOT have clean drinking water and many of the same, do not have access to hygienic toilet facilities

• Related to a host of waterborne diseases which

• Contribute to over 12 million deaths/year (University of Nairobi)

• Kill more people than ANY other disease in the world (World Health Organization)

In Africa -- Water is life -- yet millions currently lack disease free drinking water or access to proper modes of sanitation such as toilets, latrines and outhouses

• The crisis is complex as it is directly related to

• Poverty, Healthcare, Women’s Rights and Economic Productivity, Children and Education

Note: Most of the above statistics are from our friends at Living Water International ( and “Charity: Water” (


Water and Sanitation ProgramsPoverty & HealthPoverty

“Water management is a key factor in the global battle to remove the scourge of extreme poverty and to build secure and prosperous lives for hundreds of millions of people in the developing world.”

World Health Organization, 2007

• There is a direct correlation between lack of water and poverty

• Approximately 66% of those without safe water subsist on less than $2 a day and half of these, or 33%, live on less than $1 a day

• This means roughly 300 million people in the world live on less than ONE DOLLAR a day (this is equivalent to EVERY person in America, living on ONLY a buck a day or have a yearly income of ONLY $365 dollars)

• Our world is poor

Health“Clean water and sanitation are among the most powerful preventative medicines for reducing child mortality. They are to

diarrhea what immunization is to killer diseases such as measles or polio: a mechanism for reducing risk and averting death.”

United Nations Development Program, 2006Unsafe drinking water, inadequate sanitation, and/or poor hygiene account for

• Over 90% of ALL world illnesses

• 50% of the occupied hospital beds in the world

• The deaths of 42,000 people a WEEK -- 90% of which are CHILDREN under the age of five

• 4 billion cases of diarrhea causing 2.2 million deaths each year - the equivalent of 20 jumbo jets crashing every day!!

In Africa, “dirty water” diseases lead to the following maladies

• Malaria, Diarrhea (Bacterial and Protozoal), Hepatitis A, Filariasis, Dysentery, Typhoid, Gastroenteritis, Amoebic Dysentery, Giardia, Schistosomiasis and many other life threatening diseases...

Water and Sanitation Programs Women & Economic Productivity -- Children & Education

Women & Economic Productivity“Research in Uganda found households spending on average 660 hours a year collecting water. This represents two full

months of labor, with attendant opportunity costs for education, income generation, and female leisure time.” United Nations Development Program, 2006

• Access to clean water is a major time and energy drain which becomes a self-limiting, yet mandatory daily chore that prevents people from leading more productive lives

• In sub-Saharan Africa alone, 40 billion hours of labor are wasted each year carrying water over long distances

• Many women spend 60-80 hours a month collecting water, and often have to carry it several miles.

• In Africa, the women is usually the collector of water

• Due to poor conditions and the need for more wells, the heartbreak is that the water they secure is often unfit for human consumption

• Water collection takes so much time, that women have little discretionary time for child rearing, leisurely activities or personal matters

• The search for water prohibits people from escaping the reality of poverty

Children & Education“Over half of all schools worldwide lack safe water and sanitation, jeopardizing the health and education of millions of

schoolchildren. Most of the 115 million children currently out of school are girls. Many are denied their place in the classroom by lack of access to decent toilets at school, or the daily chore of walking miles to collect water.”

UNICEF, 2005Water-related diseases

• Cost 443 million school days a year and claims the lives of children under the age of five at the rate of roughly one every 15 seconds

• Affect more than 150 million school-age children who contract parasites like roundworm, whipworm, and hookworm; Often each child will be the host of up to 1000 parasites at a time, causing anemia, stunted growth, and other debilitating conditions

• Cause many impediments to learning such as reduced cognitive potential and increased absenteeism, attention deficits, and higher and early drop-out rates

Water and Sanitation Programs Summary

BMI understands the complex interrelationship between the need for healthy water and proper sanitation facilities and has structured two separate , but complementary programs to combat the aforementioned issues

The BMI Sanitation Project has

• Constructed many sanitary latrines that have greatly improved the health of countless people and prevented the spread of many diseases

• Followed the philosophy that safe drinking water is a right, not a privilege

The BMI Water Project has

• Provided sanitized drinking water to an entire community since 2006

• Erected two 48,000 cubic meter capacity water tanks and a sophisticated pumping system to provide enough drinking, bathing, light crop and cleaning water for thousands of citizens of Kenya

• Been a huge success and is now the model for several other smaller BMI initiatives which have been limited, not by desire, but by funding


• Raise sufficient funds to properly equip and expand the successful Bethesda water projects to dozens of new locations

• Work with international and governmental groups to implement new sanitation sites

• Partner with existing Well Drilling organizations

• Lower the incidence of waterborne diseases in all BMI regions

Feeding Program

• Many Africans only eat one meal a day which is too often high in carbohydrates and low in necessary protein and other nutrients

• According to USAID, 800 million people in the world are considered “food insecure” with the preponderance living in Africa. The five countries BMI assists are no exception to this dilemma

• The BMI feeding program, based out of the WOFCC campus, prepares healthy and nutritious meals for over 300 children a day who also benefit from the adjacent Water Project

• The professional staff of BMI has developed a series of high protein, yet highly cost effective meals for the Children of Bungoma

• Goals

• Establish U.S. donations to expand the base of people utilizing this project; then replicate the feeding program throughout Africa

• Secure feeding program sponsors through web-based initiative


Education Programs Bethesda Girl’s High School

• BMI sponsors several educational initiatives, including various Bible And Polytechnic Colleges, as well as a prospering Girl’s High School which is the focus of this section

• Founded in 1992 in tandem with the Bethesda College, BGHS is a successful, private, nondenominational secondary school for girls which is located on the WOFCC campus

• Originally founded as a coed school, the focus has shifted to an all girl school due to many governmental initiatives and the overwhelming need for equal education for females

• In Africa there are 33 million primary school-aged children who are not enrolled in school

• 30% of women who join coed schools drop out

• 65% of Kenya is under the age of 18

• There is a huge need for Girl’s Schools due to high dropout rate of girls in Kenya/Africa and because there are traditionally and culturally less opportunities for women

• There are presently 100 girls in full time attendance

• Goals

• Improve educational standards as they directly contribute to better health, more resourceful workforce, and a more stable society

• Lower attrition rate of HS girls by combating the inequities in education for females

• Provide safe learning environment that also address all new government requirements

• Train a new generation of women to become leaders in the community

• Secure funding for one full $600 scholarship (Room and Board, Tuition and supplies) for each of the fifteen girls in attendance

• Raise funds for the completion of a 350 girl High School (ground has JUST been broke!)


Why Donate to BMI?

There are hundreds of humanitarian and relief groups in the U.S. all asking for their piece of the pie; so why donate to BMI?

1. Forty years of ministry with a 27 year track record of humanitarian aid with a long history of success

2. U.S. accountability as ALL funds are channeled through New York based CMCC and monitored by our U.S. Delegate

3. No middleman, no administrative overhead -- EVERY PENNY donated is DIRECTLY used with no deduction for any extraneous costs

4. Funds made be directed to either the BMI “General Fund” or specifically to ANY project or program via any combination (split) of your choice

5. Funds will be used on thousands of “forgotten people” (orphans, widows, children, homeless) in areas where other international humanitarian groups do not serve

6. The need is overwhelming and 99% of all people served have NO access to ANY other form of relief

7. The buying power of a dollar is exponential in Africa; even the smallest of donations can mean the difference between life and death, satiety or hunger


Thank You


On behalf of the many needy people of my country and all of the African nations of BMI, thank you in advance for your time

ANY HELP would be greatly appreciated

“Teaching the word, doing the work and touching the world”


Bishop Macheusi

Kenyan Contact:Bishop Julius W. Macheusi

U.S. Representative:Joseph Villarosa

References:Pastor Robert Engelhardt