12 the alleluia and pre gospel pryer


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Historical Prospective of the Liturgy


ipodiakonos zoran j. bobic

The Alleluia chant and Pre-Gospel prayer• People: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

Bible References: Revelation 19: 1 - 4

While the Alleluia is being sung, the deacon takes the censer, put incense into it, approaches the priest, and says:

• Deacon: Master, bless the incense.

• Priest: Blessed is our God always, now and for ever: world without end.

The Alleluia chant and Pre-Gospel prayer• And whilst the Deacon censes in the customary way, the Priest standing

before the Holy Altar shall say in a low voice:


O Lord and lover of mankind, make the imperishable light of Thy divine knowledge to shine in our hearts; and open the eyes of our understanding that we may apprehend the preaching of Thy Gospel. Implant in us likewise awe of Thy blessed commandments, that trampling under feet all the lusts of the flesh we may pursue a spiritual life, thinking and doing always such things as are pleasing in Thy sight.For Thou art the enlightening of our souls and bodies, O Christ our God, and unto Thee we ascribe glory, together with Thine eternal Father and Thine all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and for ever: world without end. Amen.

The Alleluia chant and Pre-Gospel prayer• Old Testament doxology: (untranslated)• Alleluia;• Praise ye Yahweh;• Amen;• Hosanna;

• Alleluia belong to “Hallel” (the Psalms of Praise);

• Alleluia was placed at the close of the psalms in Masoretic text;

• In Septuagint it is placed at the head of each psalm;

• In Vulgate it is placed at the head of each psalm;

• Alleluia = cry of praise and joy to God;

The Alleluia chant and Pre-Gospel prayer• When did they insert “Alleluia” in Liturgy of the Catechumens?

• No evidence (it must be in the early centuries);

• However 1st evidence is from St. Germanus I of Constantinople (8th century);

• Second: Pope St. Gregory, century earlier;

• Method of singing is responsorial-antiphonal (from Syro-Antiochene Church);

• Alleluia = sung 3 times by people;

• Then verse of the psalm, by cantor;

• Then Alleluia = sung 3 times by people again;

• Verse of the psalm = “alleluiarion”

The Alleluia chant and Pre-Gospel prayer• Incensing is preparation for listening to the reading of the Holy Gospel;

• It was designed to draw the thoughts of the faithful heavenward;

• It is sign of prayerful reverence and homage to the Gospel of Christ;

• Smoke = symbolizes the grace of the Holy Spirit;

• This symbolism reaches back at least 11 centuries;

• Evidence is from St. Germanus I of Constantinople (8th century);

• It was not universal practice;

• Slavs adopted the practice by the early 15th century;

The Alleluia chant and Pre-Gospel prayer• “O Lord and lover of mankind…” = personal prayer of the priest;


• Priest prays worthily proclaiming the Gospel;

• Today the pray is for and in name of the people;

• This prayer was borrowed from Greek Liturgy of St. James;

• It comes from 10th century texts;

• Many churches adopted this prayer in 14th century;

• Slavs adopted between 12th – 14th century;
