The ten commandments of a good software tester


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The Ten Commandments of a Good Software


Being a software tester

is a lot like being a


You need meticulous patience

an eye for details

And quite often you will be unappreciated by the people you’re trying to help

The following 10 Commandments are a

tester’s guide to successfully investigating

software issues – whilst retaining your sanity.

1. Don’t trust a developer

It is your responsibility to doubt. A sceptical approach to testing

significantly improves the quality of your


2. Be inquisitive

Be curious about how the application works, how specific functions and modules interact together.

3. Replicate bugs

Replicating bugs may be time consuming,

but by doing so you will save both yours and

your client’s time in the long run.

4. Treat testing as a challenge

Try to approach every new task as a challenge and the opportunity to potentially learn something new

5. Do not argue with the developer. Probably you are right

Anybody can make a mistake.

Understand that the programmer

will naturally want to defend his work

6. Try to outsmart the system

Think of another way to get from A to B

Be creative, and don’t be put off trying something just because it has not

been tried before. Originality brings


7. Stand by your opinions

You are here to find out what is wrong, not to pander to someone else’s misconceptions. If you know that something is wrong, prove it and discuss the problem. Remember, your job is to take care of the quality of the software.

8. Stay organised

Try to systematise your work, be sure to scrupulously describe bugs. If you find bugs, report them immediately and don’t leave them for later.

9. Be proud of your job

Your role as a tester is to ensure high product quality and thus ensure the reputation and prestige of the company.

10. Learn from the experts

Read articles and blogs about testing, learn about new tools, and try to streamline the testing process in your company. Remember that learning is an ongoing process. Don’t dismiss any new information until you have tested it. You work in an exciting field, so enjoy yourself and be a champion.

By going to work with a smile, persevering with your job and learning from every challenge, you can have real fun as a software tester

One more time Remember

1. Don’t trust a developer

2. Be inquisitive 3. Replicate bugs 4. Treat testing as a

challenge 5. Do not argue with

the developer

6. Try to outsmart the system

7. Stand by your opinions

8. Stay organised 9. Be proud of your job 10. Learn from the


It is a great line of work to be in, and it makes a genuine difference to the end-user. So give yourself a pat on the back and keep on

doing what you do best!