7 Questions to Ask before Making an App


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7 Questions to Ask Yourselfbefore

Making a Mobile Appwww.applify.co


A white label app is produced by one app development company that other companies rebrand the concept to make it appear as their own.

It is by far the simplest way to mark your presence in the app development industry and offers for a low risk business option. The app creation is easy for lack of competition, and with the demand for mobile apps rising, now is the time to make sure you do.

Here’s a list of 7 questions you should ask yourself

before launching a white label mobile app


1. What Industries Would You Sell To?The most important thing to ask yourself is which industry you want to sell to. It is a primary question you should ask yourself since you’ll have to look for a white label platform that offers the components you need to bring your app to the market.

Additionally, knowing your target niche will allow you to have a head start for making a marketing plan. It isn’t advisable to dive in a business endeavor headfirst and just hope for it to work well.

Planning and foresight are essential for a successful business venture, especially those seeing rapid growth like mobile apps.

2. How Would You Sell?Like any other business, the mobile app market is also a business that requires constant sales and marketing to keep the business afloat. So, before you target a white label app platform to invest in, you have to come up with a solid sales plan relative to the app market. Here are a few things you should learn before making the plan-• The best ways to sell through small businesses• Best marketing tactics for your app company • Lead generation spots • Functionality that aids business growth• Best presentation ways of your plan Most importantly, learn what you need to about selling the product you want to make. This way, your product will have a better chance of success for your white label venture.

3. How will you do branding for your business?Having a brand name is extremely pivotal, because that’s how your clients know you. To develop a brand, you’ll have to do a lot of research, give it thoughts, and be subject to a lot of trial and error. Hence, do not take this lightly. Here’s why it is so important-• Your customers recognize you with your logo• Your customers remember you with your tagline • Your customers believe in your product with your vision • Your customers trust you with your missionNone of these – Logo, Tagline, Vision or Mission can be taken for granted since these are the key factors in making a solid brand. Not doing so will allow your competitors to take over. Your brand becomes what you represent it as. Believe in yourself and what you’re doing. Only then will others believe in you.

4. What are the most important features: for you and for the customer?After having laid these foundations, start looking at the types of apps you wish to work on. The simplest means to do this is identifying through the app store. Evaluate- • Competitors Apps• Reviews on competitor apps to find what they’re lacking • Ways you can do it better than them Do not hesitate from talking to those in the niche that you’re targeting to build your app for. Discover what features the direct consumers of your app are looking for through the reviews on competitors. Contact your niche’s firm heads and personnel and find out what they need to simplify their jobs. This will provide for great app ideas.

5. What are your support and training requirements?Launching a white label app requires more than simply building an app and

dumping it in the app store along with a million others. After having laid the groundwork, including the concept begins the actual process of bringing the app to the users that can benefit from it. Examine carefully your strengths and weaknesses. Ask yourself if you’re better with the sales or the technology, and are you going to be good long enough. Evaluate how much training you are going to need. And in what nuance, do you need to be trained the most.

Then, find a platform that provides training specific to the areas you need assistance with. When you’ve decided to invest time and money in a business, identifying flaws and weaknesses and devising plans for strengthening them is way cheaper than having to pay for losses they incur at a later point in case of absence of training and support.

6. Will you require a graphics designer?It wouldn’t be a 100% lie to say people do judge a book by its cover. As

humans, we are naturally compelled to use what pleases our eyes better, even if it may not be the smartest decision. While there are plenty of pre-existent templates that you can chose from to complement your niche, designing something that stands out will give you better chances of being chosen than your competition.

Hire a graphic designer with a creative bent of mind to give you that edge because even if looks are not central to a good app but are very essential nonetheless.

The game ‘Prune’ had a different idea with a calming design, thus making it one of the top charters in the paid apps on iOS.

7. What is your end goal- a company or some money?Lastly, you need to know your end goal. Are you looking at delivering an app that would just corner your competitors, or do you just want to make some extra money to clear off your bills? Starting a mobile app company can go from giving you a moderate additional income to giving you a full time career. It all comes down to how much energy and time you are willing to invest in the idea.

Keep your end goal clear- a company or some money.

As consumers of mobile products increase by the

day, more business houses are rushing to catch up, and

cash in.

If you plan on establishing an app development company, a lot of planning and self-affirmation will go into it. A solid plan and thorough industrial analysis of the selected niche can help you set your white label business venture on the path of success.