Social Media Strategy & Branding Resource List



Tools and websites to help you use social media more effectively, shape your brand and measure your success.

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Maximize Your Social Media Resource List

Tools for Monitoring & Measuring Success

Klout: Connect your Twitter, Facebook and other accounts to get your score. Scores run 0-100, the middle is where to be. Also will give you engagement stats on all of your social interactions.

SumAll: Shows follower growth, reach, shares and more for most social networks.

Twittercounter: Track your Twitter followers over time, compare against others. Shortens links, gives detailed metrics on how your links are doing.

Twitter Helpers

Account management: Programs like Tweetdeck, Seesmic or Hootsuite will all make it easy to watch social streams, schedule posts and shorten links in a hurry.

Lists: Make Twitter lists for your news uses and your audience at

Branding Tools

Google Alerts: Set alerts for “your name” –

Social Alerts: Set alerts on your name, those on your beat

Google+ Authorship: Set up your Google+ account through this for help your SEO and more.

Watching Trends and Topics

Trendsmap: See popular Twitter keywords on a location map

TameIt: Trending links, keywords and people in your Twitter network Tame.It

MagicRecs: See who is being followed on Twitter right now by those in your network Follow

Compiled by Mandy Jenkins, 9/2013