Anniversary safi sabba joe size




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Simon productionsPresents

Simon productionsPresents

50year journey together


Our stars

Joe Simon

Phyllis Simon

It all began here…

"Hallo, Hoe gaan dit?"


Chaim Levin & Mina Wolpert

Menachem Simon & Rachel Blumenthal

South Africa is,where they were raised…

"   את מקודשת הרילי

זו כדת בטבעת וישראל …“ משה

Where they met, got married,and where an exciting new journey together began…

And the Simon Family

Got bigger and bigger…

The Bechor: Yair

It’s a girl! Michelle

Another boy, Rodney

The youngest, Nahi

With love, devotion and spiritthat stand upto every life test.

As parents, you've been wonderful, truly among the best.

You raised them with faith in Hashem,

with Torah Valuesand Mitzvot

Bar Mitzvahs….

Being amazingrole Models to us all,

throughcommunityworkand Chesed

Above all else is that you trulypersevere…

Never giving up on family and values,of this, you are perfectly clear.

With Grandparents…

Aunty Flora & Uncle Max Simon

Uncle Alan Pollard (Canada) Uncle Max and (Israel)Uncle Alan Levin (USA)

With Aunts and Uncles…

The Simon’s

The Levin’s

The Pollard’s

With our dear cousins…

Now you are reaping the harvest,and it’s such a joy to see,

This loving coupleFor whom,So thankful are we.

You married 4 children…





and gained 4 more…

And started a new life in

now get to have fun…With the Grandchildren !!

With Avishai, Leora and Mali…

With Ilan Maayan and Ami…

One of the greatest joys of life,your loving kids and grandkids,

who wonderfully number twenty five.

With Yakira, Uriel, Eliana,Yehonatan, Yehuda and Hodaya

As grandparents you both have that very special touch.

That's why all grandchildren love you both so very very much.

With Racheli, Chaim, NechamaAvreimi and Tamar

You make them laugh, you make them giggle. You make them dance, and sing, and wriggle!

In all those years,we shared very special moments…

some small challenges

like getting everybody to smile

for the Family photo session..

All precious memories.Many family vacations,

Community events,Graduations, chagim,

Simchas, births….and all this in just

50 years…

50 years


50 years

50 years


Freidel & Eliyahu Kaufman Levin

Chaim Levin Mina Wolpert

Meir Yosef & Rivka Wolpert

Yosef & Yetchil Blumenthal

Menachem Simon Rachel Blumenthal

Shmuel & Flora Simon

Alan Levin Phyllis Levin Joe Simon


Yair & Dvorah Simon

Rachel, Chaim,

Nechama, Avremi, Tamar


David & Michelle Felbert

Avishai, Leora,



Rodney & Nikki Simon

Yakira, Uriel, Eliana,

Yehonatan, Yehuda, Hodaya


Nahi & Vivi Simon

Ilan, Maayan, Amichai

Flora Simon PollardMax Simon

A big family tree…

Freidel & Eliyahu Kaufman Levin

Chaim Levin

Alan Levin Phyllis Levin

Mina Wolpert

Meir Yosef & Rivka Wolpert

Yosef & Yetchil Blumenthal

Menachem Simon

Joe Simon


Yair & Dvorah Simon

Rachel, Chaim,

Nechama, Avremi, Tamar


David & Michelle Felbert

Avishai, Leora,



Rodney & Nikki Simon

Yakira, Uriel, Eliana,

Yehonatan, Yehuda, Hodaya


Nahi & Vivi Simon

Ilan, Maayan, Amichai

Flora Simon PollardMax Simon

Rachel Blumenthal

Shmuel & Flora Simon

And many generations…

Dear Sabba Joe and Safi:We love you bothvery muchand wish you many more years of happinessand good health!

Mazal tov!From all of us(you know who we are…)

And now a Special message

for you...