Safi 1996

Safi 1996. n Safi as viewed from the northwest looking to the southeast

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Safi 1996

Safi 1996

Safi as viewed from the northwest looking to the southeast.

Safi 1996

The “Map”. The POST. And the Total Field


Safi 1996

The “Map”. The POST. And the Total Field


Safi 1996

POST to 287N measured.

Safi 1996

287N to POST. 986.1550m or


Safi 1996

Angle 287N-POST-289N measured.

Safi 1996

289N to POST. Distance?

Safi 1996

POST to B measured.

Angle B-POST-289N measured.

POST to 289N missing

Safi 1996

289N to 287N computed from British survey map coordinates.

Distance is 1842.77m or 1.1450mi.

Safi 1996

Law of cosines:

Law of sines:

)(Cos2222 Cabbac






A Sin



Safi 1996

Trig supplies remaining sides and angles.

289N to POST distance is 1314.9738m or 0.8171mi.

Safi 1996

POST is at intersection of circles.

(135610.32, 123322.23)

Safi 1996

A little more trig gives the location of B and the orientation of the segment POST-B.

Safi 1997

Remeasured in 1997.

POST to 289N was 1317.3132m.

POST to 287N was 986.1419m.

Safi 1997

287N to 289N– -2.0292m/1842.77m– -1.1012m/km– -69.7703in/mile– 0.11% error

POST to 287N– 1.32cm/986.1550m– 1.3385cm/km– 0.85in/mile– 0.0013% error