New Energy Part 3C-2 Reassessing Fundamental Forces of Nature

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In this section, we look at how New Energy science is causing us to re-examine fundamental forces in Nature such as gravity and inertia. We can now understand how a certain type of "perpetual motion machine" is practical and how we can manipulate electron orbitals to extract free, clean energy from the quantum vacuum.

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New Energy for an Ultra-modern Vietnam

Part 3: The ScienceSection C: Implications

June 2014 Saigon New Energy Group

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New Energy and Basic Forces in Nature

• Gravity & Inertia• Natural “perpetual motion” machines• Electron orbits • Plasma field interactions

Dr. Harold Puthoff shows that gravitational mass and its associated gravitational effects are

shown to derive from ZPE

According to Puthoff and Zakharov, when a mass is present, it charges the quantum vacuum in its vicinity and these charges

give rise to “gravity”

H.E. Puthoff and S.R. Little, “Engineering the Zero-Point Field and Polarizable Vacuum For Interstellar Flight”, 2010.

Puthoff associates the low frequency range of the Zero Point Energy field with van der Waal's force and gravity

This is important because, if we are able to increase or decrease ZPE, we can then change gravitational forces

• And this means antigravity is possible – something that traditional physics has difficulty permitting

“Cosmological Antigravity” is one result

• Astronomers now think that ZPE can explain antigravity effects that have been observed repelling galaxies away from one another

(Science Vol. 282, Dec. 18, 1998, p. 2157)

“Quantum Levitation” is another result, using the repulsive Casimir effect to power nanotechnological machines

Inertia• Ernst Mach thought

that we could only understand inertia if we have some unmoving reference frame

• He suggested that the stars in the sky could serve this purpose


• Today, New Energy scientists understand that the Zero Point Field (especially, its high-frequency components, which can go up to 1044 Hertz) serve as Mach’s cosmic frame of reference

Rueda, Haisch and Sunahata have shown that a particle traveling through the quantum vacuum experiences a Lorentz force from the magnetic components of the zero-point fluctuations that turns out to be directly proportional to acceleration

This suggests that the density of the Zero Point Field is directly responsible for what we call “inertia”

The bound electrons in our body reacting to the sudden change of direction is what we

commonly experience as inertial forces in, say, a roller coaster

Two interesting things follow from this insight:

• The principle of equivalence -- that inertial mass and gravitational mass have the same values – no longer need to be independently postulated

• If the density of the zero point field can be decreased in a localized space, “inertial shielding” is now possible

Thus to summarize on how ZPE informs our understanding of gravity & inertia:

The inertia effect is a distortion at high frequencies in the Zero Point Field, whereas gravity results from low frequencies in the Zero Point Field

Let’s look now at how New Energy science helps us understand the “perpetual motion machines” that we see in nature all the

time: atoms, galaxies, and the like

For a long time, scientists had a hard time explaining how electrons could orbit their nuclei without their orbits decaying

over time

Or for that matter, how planets orbit their stairs or how solar systems orbit galactic cores without “burning fuel”

Now we know the answer to this question:

Stars, electrons, solar systems… all of them absorb energy from the Zero Point Field to keep them in the proper orbit

Claverie, Diner, Sutterfield, Boyer, and LaViolette all agree on this point

Puthoff gives us the “parent pushing the child on a swing” analogy to think of the relationship between the Zero Point Field

and the electron

Here, the Zero Point Field is the parent standing behind the swing, and the

electron is the child sitting on the swing.

The Zero Point Energy acts on the electron as a resonant re-enforcing mechanism

What happens if we adjust the Zero Point Energy in a given space up or down?

You guessed it!We can make the electron jump orbits

Add enough Zero Point Energy, and the electrons will jump outward to the next stable orbital

Remove enough Zero Point Energy, and the electrons will jump inward to the next stable orbital

And of course, energy is released in these movements

Let’s look at one more set of physical interactions which is affected by ZPE

• That is plasma interactions

Now, we’ve already seen how galaxies

basically interact with one another

like plasmas in the laboratory

And we’ve also seen that plasma physics can be used to develop systems which extract ZPE

How, then, is ZPE affecting plasma interactions?

First of all, let’s remember that plasma interactions are primarily electrical and magnetic

Gravity does not play a major role here

As ZPE strength increases, voltages are reduced and the speed of plasma interactions slows down.

Resistance is unchanged and capacitance goes up

The lower ZPE strength billions of years ago means that plasma interactions would have

occurred more quickly, thus speeding the formation of our physical Universe

As certain plasma

filaments were “pinched”,

planet and star formation

would have occurred

These early planets would have had much higher voltages and currents than today,

causing lightning-like electrical discharges to occur between planets

This is intriguing because some ancient cultures on Earth tell stories about huge

“thunderbolts” being thrown about by the “gods” (i.e. planets)

Talking about the formation of galaxies and solar systems is a good way to move to our next topic, which is how New Energy science

helps us to re-think our cosmology.
