How to use facebook to get recruitment ready strategic social profiles


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How to use Facebook to ge t rec ru i tment ready?

Social MediaWhy do I need a pro fess iona l

soc ia l med ia p resence?


You can’t afford not to More than 1.9 billion people use social media It’s the business card of the 21st Century It will help grow & expand your networks and deliver business

growth It’s a great way to keep in touch with your industry

Create Brand YOU

Use Facebook to be found and get no t i ced


Set your personal URLMake it easy for others to find your profile, and for you to refer professionals to your profile, by tailoring your own domain name on Facebook, if available.

Simply log into your account and use the following link and options will appear. Follow the prompts.

Select your privacy settings

Review privacy, time line and tagging sections to select how visible you wish to be to others and control who can post to your timeline or tag you in photos.

Choose a strong cover photo

The huge banner at the top of your profile (851x315 pixels) is the place to post a photo that reflects your personality while aligning with the image or industry you wish to portray.

Add a professional photo

This is the smaller one that sits to the left of your banner. It’s a good idea to use the same picture across all your social media profiles for brand consistency.

Choose your headline and descriptors wisely

From the choices provided, select those that are most suitable for promoting brand ‘you’.

Fill in the ‘about me’ box

This is accessible to search engines. You can make this similar to your LinkedIn headline and be sure to include your key strengths

In the ‘contact’ info section

Consider including a link to your LinkedIn profile and even your email address you are using for job applications and searches.

Take care to

Leave out controversial activities/groups or pictures, birth year and race and any other potentially objectionable material.

Share interesting status updates

Articles about your industry, business, a quote from someone – use updates to show readers what you read and what your interests are.

Get your name out there

How to use Facebook s ta tus updates fo r p ro fess iona l

reasons .


5 Things to Do

1. Join groups in your industry, network with them, track jobs posted. Become a valuable contributor to that community and promote yourself and company

2. Follow professional events posted to Facebook and participate in ones local to you

3. Post status updates to notify your network of your job search progress, ask for contacts, or share information

4. Follow fan pages of your target companies and join the discussions on their wall

5. Use professional apps to share your blog or resume on your profile, or invite others to comment on a particular topic

Create an ad


Do something out of the box

An out of the box and rarely used approach to attract the attention of your target market as a job seeker is to create an ad for yourself on Facebook for Business. For a few dollars a day, you can write yourself an ad stating that you’re looking for a position in your chosen industry. This should give you free rein to write a creative ad to promote yourself.


Facebook Ads can be targeted to show up on member’s pages only in particular city along with a lot of other specific targeting criteria

While you are limited to 25 characters for the title and 135 characters for the body, you are able to target who will see your ad with filters like location, keywords and workplaces

A sharp, professional photo is key when posting an ad


Since you must provide a URL for organisations interested in your ad, direct them to your Business Page, LinkedIn and other professional profiles/sites

If you haven’t got these to a professional level and are having trouble, consider engaging a professional social media profile business to help you out. It can be hard writing about yourself!


How to use the s ide bar fo r search?


Find information on people, companies,

groups, jobs and more

Search by typing a word in the empty search

box at the top of your homepage


You can fi l ter by workplace,

locat ion and eduat ion


Access company pages, type in “careers” and

you’ l l find company career



Find and engage in profess ional ,

educat ion, industry, job

seeker groups


Locate career specific apps by

searching ‘careers’ ‘jobs’ or

‘job search’

Company research of Facebook fan pages

Many companies use Facebook fan pages to reach potential employees and customers.

For the job seeker they are a source of information on the Company, its brand, culture, jobs and employees.

Search pages of your selected companies, ‘like’ their page and check out posted information like the ‘wall’, ‘job openings’ and other information on their page.

Strategic Social Profiles

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