Athens IoT Meetup #1 - (Petros Angelatos)


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24/03/2014 v1.5.1

development & deployment for connected devices, made simple

The team behind Resin.ioOutreachOperations Business

Sales Engineering

Core EngineeringDevices & OS

More powerful devices, more complex software

Embedded software now demands the full lifecycle supportwe’ve been giving to web, cloud, and mobile.

Software for devices is a nightmare

● Devops skill needed for simplest


● Finding the device on the network

● Installing and managing an OS

● On-device compilation incredibly slow

● Cross compilers very complex to set up

● Painfully long iteration cycles

● A misstep can brick the device, causing

frustration & delay

● Setting up Command & Control

servers in the cloud

● Hard to reach devices

● Home-brewed update systems

● Easy to brick a device in the field

● Software rollouts taking weeks

● Many opt to never update, or

require physical presence (very


● Outdated operating systems

● Unprotected or compromised


● Need to secure update system

● Device theft exposes data

● MITM attacks

● Hacked hardware is a PR


Development Production Security

Programing for the cloud has surged ahead, but we program devices (“firmware”) like we did in the 80’s.

We’ve been thereWe’ve been supporting a network with hundreds of screens in 5 countries, for two years.

We’ve had to go out on weekends, in the snow, with drills and USB sticks, upgrading software.

We spent a lot of resources on infrastructure that had little to do with our specific application. is the platform we wished we had.

Leaders invest in best practices, others suffer the consequences

Browsers and smartphones update often, mostly without

explicit permission. Users accept this as


GM and Toyota have had to recall millions of vehicles for software updates in 2014. Tesla Motors issued over the air updates instead.

Nest thermostats shipped with an inactive zigbee antenna since 2011. In 2013 they were updated to integrate with Nest’s new smoke


NASA sent new software to the Curiosity rover while it was

flying to Mars. Upon landing, the new software was installed.

The rover now runs the 11th version of its code.


Operating system

Execution environment

End-to-end security

Monitoring, command & control


Code deployment


The solution

takes care of the rest

what developers

focus on brings mature cloud development tools to the Internet of Things.

How it works: adding devices

1 2 image

Write image to device(s)

Connect and power up device(s)

The device automatically registers on the network and appears on the users’ app dashboard

How it works: code deployment

On-device software architecture

● All containers update safely and reversibly. Our own agent (Supervisor) runs in its own container

● Layers shared between containers are stored only once

● Docker and Yocto userspace update using conventional methods

● All software projects we depend on are under open source licenses

The Vision: 100% updateable

Get in touch: Petros Angelatos// // +44(0)7506915517
