Taxes; Are They Fair? By: Jasmine Wise


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Taxes; Are They Fair?

By: Jasmine Wise


• Unfair taxes mainly occur in the U.S. Millionaires pay less Taxes & middle class pay more.

2011-2012 Timeline


Location = Location

Where and When?

• In New York, families are having trouble paying for simple things like groceries, because of taxes. Taxes have been happening since 1913.

•Children of all ages and races are affected negatively, by there parents, (in the middle class), having to pay unfair taxes.

President Barack Obama is trying to helpthe cause. He has set a plan for the government to try to make taxes be the same amount for everybody.

Effects On Me

• Unfair Taxes affects me because, my parents, being your average middle class family are forced to pay high taxes. That means less money for my family.

• This also affects me in the future because as an adult, if I am in the middle class, I will also be forced to pay Taxes that are unfair.

This Means Every Millionaire

Now this sign hasmultiple meanings.Most of Americans, agree that we should not tax the rich only, but to have us pay the same amount, or close to it.

By: Jasmine