Chains of the Constitution


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The U.S. Constitution enabled a greater amount of freedom and prosperity for a greater number of people than any system ever devised by man because it

limited government to its proper role of protecting our God-given rights.

Chains of the Constitution"A Republic, if you can keep it." -Benjamin Franklin

Many media personalities keep Americans focused on

“big” differences while carefully ignoring the

lockstep march away from the Constitution.

Yes, We Need YOUR Help!“Education is our total strategy and truth is our only weapon.” -Robert Welch


1. Educate yourself so you can educate others2.Work in concert on the monthly agenda3. Specialize in a strategic action project

Bill of Rights' 10 Amendments:Are there any they haven't violated?

1. Freedom of religion, speech, press, right of assembly, petition2. Right to keep and bear arms3. Limitation on quartering soldiers4. Limitation on searches and seizures5. Protection of accused in capital crimes6. Right to speedy trial by impartial jury7. Trial by jury protected, no double-jeopardy8. Excessive bail, cruel and unusual punishment prohibited9. Enumeration of rights does not mean there are not other rights10. Powers not given to Federal reserved to states or people

Communist Manifesto's 10 Planks:Are there any they haven't implemented?

1. Abolition of private property2. A heavy, progressive or graduated income tax3. Abolition of all rights of ­inheritance4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels5. National bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly6. Communication and transport in the hands of the State7. Factories and instruments of production owned by the State8. Equal liability of all to work; establishment of industrial armies9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries10. Free education for all children in public schools

Is it too late?“Our only possible safety lies in victory.” -Robert Welch, JBS Founder

We're on the verge of losing our freedom and prosperity to a totalitarian New World Order.

Can America stop it?

Can we restore our Constitutional Republic?

Those who think it's “too late” have no idea how unspeakably terrifying and hopeless totalitarianism is. Otherwise they'd be fighting now as if their life depended on it.

What can stop them?

Lone rangers? Debating societies? Neoconservatives? Political parties? Or a nationally coordinated educational army working in concert to

inform millions of Americans.

Thank a veteran Bircher!By getting the right information to the right people at the right time, we win victories!

The enemies of freedom are organized, influential and entrenched in the government, media and academia and they are leading us towards ever bigger government and centralized power on a global scale.

The enemies of freedom are powerful, but why isn't America already subject to international control? Birchers have thwarted repeated attempts to impose socialistic supranational government since 1958.

Constitutional Checks & BalancesA constitutionally limited federal government would be

20% its size and 20% its cost, solving 80% of our problems!

Separation of Powers: Congress has the duty to stop presidential usurpations and judicial activism. Congress can defund, repeal, regulate and remove wrongdoers. Congress answers to the people. The entire House of Representatives and one third of the Senate can be replaced every two years.

Division of Powers: State and local public servants have the duty to stop federal abuses of power at their borders. Elected officials must obey the Constitution and reject unconstitutional usurpations. State and local officials are accountable to the people through regular elections.

We The People are responsible for our government representatives. Our public servants answer to us. We have the duty to be informed about the performance of their duties. A responsible informed citizenry removes and replaces wrongdoers.

The Ripple Effect

One Bircher can create a ripple of conversation that changes the knowledge in a community.

Chapters and Sections can change the culture to bring about less government, more responsibility, and – with God's help – a better world by providing leadership, education, and organized volunteer action in accordance with moral and constitutional principles.

The Power of 500Depends on YOU

500x 100

Birchers each influencingvoters directly or indirectly

50,000 voters tip every electionin a congressional district towardsthe most constitutional candidates

Socialist voters elect socialist leaders. Constitutionalist voters elect Constitutionalist leaders.

Steer the conversation in your congressional district by working in concert on the strategically important monthly action agenda.

Impact Elected Officials: Federal, State, County, City, Schools, etc.



Funnel “If you're not having fun Birching, you're not doing it right.” -John F. McManus, JBS President


Family Church Friends

Editorials Neighbors Talk Radio Colleagues Workshops

Event Tables Professionals Organizations

Political Parties Public Servants

Speakers Bureau Business Owners

Media Personalities Community Leaders

Elected Representatives


1. Get them informed2. Keep them informed3. Equip them to inform others

Win YOUR Country Back by winning YOUR district – one friend at a time!

It's easier to win people to principles than to win them to politicians.

People in the funnel lean our direction. Moving them through the funnel “by the inch is a cinch, by the mile is a trial.”

If we don't keep informing them until they become concerned enough to join, the neoconservatives will mislead them.

Each member should have between 10 and 100 people in their funnel. The more we have, the more we influence.

Be a good listener as you share information with people so you sense when to ask if they're ready to join the 500.

Some who may never join still support what we're doing and will chip in for fundraisers and attend public events.

Top Tools:To step-by-step get people on the same page with us until they join: (#1) The New American (issues, reprints, Freedom Index); DVDs; Workshops; (#2) International Merger; Shadows of Power; (#3) Restoring America; Bulletin

ICEBREAKER: Ask open-ended questions, “What concerns you about the direction our country is going?” Listen and commiserate before sharing information. Don't bring up problems without offering solutions.

Turn Off & Tune OutTurn Off & Tune Out

Learn to communicate more effectively.

Out-of-Control GovernmentOr Government Will Control YOU

A responsible informed citizenry begins with YOU. The John Birch Society provides the information you need and equips you to inform others.

The “Agenda for the Month” in the Bulletin tells you how to influence political and community leaders and create an informed electorate. Each Bulletin has close to a dozen action items that get assigned to about that many members in each Chapter.

Members report back to their Chapter for a new assignment each month and Chapters file reports that are utilized by every level of the organization.

Chapter Leaders are volunteers. Your dependability saves them time and is much appreciated. It takes a constant ripple effect to change the culture.

The Monthly Action AgendaDrives Our Educational Outreach

We must pray like it depends on God, because it does.And we must work like it depends on us, because it does.

How fast do you want to win?

51%When the Power of 500

is present in 218 congressional districts

we win.

Exponential GrowthWhether your community has 2 members or 2 Chapters - if each

member recruits one new member each quarter, you'll rapidly grow

enough influence to win:

1st Quarter: 42nd Quarter: 83rd Quarter: 164th Quarter: 32

TangentsNeutralizing movements that undermine the work of

patriotic Americans to preserve freedom.

A responsibility that goes along with educating is

enlisting people in effective action so they don't end up

in tangents.

A responsibility that goes along with recruiting is

listening and not enlisting those devoted to

counterproductive tangents.


Chains of the ConstitutionLand of the FREE & Home of the BRAVE

“In questions of power, then, let no more be said of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” -Thomas Jefferson

In other words, let's put 'em on a short leash: Indignation and shame for every federal and state legislator who doesn't sponsor legislation to stop usurpations and for

every other public servant who doesn't protect our God-given rights.
