Why You Need A Book In Your Marketing Plan



Whether you want Kindle only, a paperback to sell at your events or store, to get into libraries and bookstores - or even make it to bestseller, having a book adds power to your marketing strategy and positions you for success. With a book, you gain immediate credibility and authority and Amazon has 300+ million registered buyers, all who are potential new leads to your product or service. It does not matter if you are a writer or not, we have a program available for you to get your book done and out there working for you! Learn more at http://www.DistinctPress.com

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Why You Need A Book In Your Marketing Plan

Having a book, especially a bestseller immediately gives you CREDIBILITY

and positions you as the leader or expert in your niche.


Most bestsellers nowadays are put out by people who are involved in running and operating SUCCESSFUL businesses. They are speakers, trainers, coaches,

healers and entrepreneurs.

Having a strategically written bestseller positions you in a way that is compelling and will arouse interest

in your targeted niche.

New interest always means new leads and because you are now an

author, you can up your fees to match your new found status.


A Bestselling author is immediately positioned as a person who has authority

on their specific subject. After all, they wrote the book on it.

When you have this authority,

you begin to get MEDIA ATTENTION.

Radio and television programs are always seeking to speak to people who are considered authorities on specific


This will also expose you to new potential clients and customers. Radio and

television are usually very expensive places to advertise your service or product, but when you become the

authority on a subject, they are chasing you to fill their air time.


Just like with gaining that expert status and authority, your credibility level

rises. The added exposure you will gain from radio and television will lead to

more media OPPORTUNITY.

In addition, speaking opportunities may open to you and before you

know it, you will have built a great deal of credibility in your niche.

Do you think that this will add to your bottom line? You bet it will, because you are now positioned at the go-to




In the world we are living in today, even presidents and government recognize the

need of utilizing social media platforms. The world we live in today revolves around

social media. Having A BESTSELLING BOOK is a popular subject on social


When you are featured in the media, it is news. Each of these milestones need to be shared and discussed, and the more people

are sharing your powerful message or solutions to common problems, the more

people will know about you.

Strategically, you should incorporate different social media platforms to spread the word about your book and keep the momentum going.


A successful marketing plan around a book, especially a bestseller will find its way to the top of search engines

such as Google.

If you are being talked about in traditional media, in social media and your book is on Amazon, the

world sees you as a PUBLISHED AUTHOR and that makes you a

credible authority and expert.

Now when people Google your name, they will see that they are dealing with the real deal. A book is a great way to position yourself high up on search

engines so you can be found by those searching for you and they will see you

in your best light.


Most people will use the excuse "I am not a writer" and miss out on this amazing

opportunity. If this is you, I challenge you to consider hiring a ghostwriter or someone else to write it for you.

There are do it yourself writers programs online and people who will write a


There are also numerous ways of collecting content, like recording yourself

and then having those recordings transcribed and then passing it to an

editor to clean your content.

There is also the "let me write a check and you write my book"

process. The point is, don't let the excuse of not being a writer stop you

from getting a book done.


Attaining that coveted BESTSELLER STATUES on Amazon is not a very

difficult feat. You can hire someone who does bestseller engineering. If you have

never heard of this, Google it.

Or, you can create a book launch campaign that will send so many people

to your book on a specific day that a bestseller will happen for you too. No

matter how you go about it, getting bestseller status is something you want

to achieve for your book.

The benefits of publishing are many, and above I have only shared a few. I have not even mentioned that a book is a

source of recurring income.

Even if your book makes $100 a month on Amazon alone, imagine that extra

$1200 at the end of the year, or $12,000 at the end of ten years.


A book is work that you do (or pay someone else to do) one time, and yet

the benefits last forever.

You position in the marketplace immediately shifts and this

brings new pre-qualified leads and customers to your door.

Doors to NEW OPPORTUNITIES also open as you may get invited to speak or present on the subject you discuss

in your book.

If you are strategic about it, you can also use your book to build

your social media fan base.

Some authors have even seen the need to create specific products around the

subject of their book, and of course, this has also created an additional and recurring revenue stream for them.

There are hundreds of reasons to write and publish your book, and

work to make it a bestseller.

But perhaps the coolest is this…

Imagine forever being able to tell your friends, family, and all new clients that you meet, the following magic words…

"I am a bestselling author".

Take some time to do some research and feel free to reach out with any comments or questions you may

have. Just remember, a book is the BEST MARKETING STRATEGY

that exists in the marketplace today.
