Digital Technology - THINK Improvement


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We all have heard the story.There was once a Soap factory.

The owner was faced with a peculiar problem.

The machine would sometime leave some boxes unfilled and

that was just the way things were.

The machine would sometime leave some boxes unfilled and

that was just the way things were.

The factory owner got thinking!

He called the consultants to solve the problem.

After diagnosing the problem the solution was developed.

An advanced laser system that would detect the unfilled boxes

which can then be removed before packing.

It was very expensive solution and also would stop the conveyer too

much, that would hamper the production.

Worried, the factory owner asked a person who worked on the prepacking process for some


The worker came up with an idea.

His solution was an inexpensive industrial fan that would blow the

lighter empty boxes off the conveyer.

This would not stop the conveyer and plus, it was easy to maintain and a really affordable solution.

This would not stop the conveyer and plus, it was easy to maintain

and a really affordable solution. So what can we learn from this story.

Just like the fish who discovers water last

Businesses often look for drivers of growth and improvement


You see People who work their work carry with them powerful

ideas that can bring great value to all involved.

Smart businesses appreciate this fact and empower their workforce

to lead improvement in their workspace

And create a reservoir of ideas

That leads to massive improvements in the long term.

And it has become even more relevant for Today’s businesses

which depend on knowledge workers working on complex,

multi-tiered processes.

In principle all processes are the same.

Every process is a collection of tasks or sub-process.

The output of one process is the input to next process.

Each tasks is made up of more tasks which together make up the

complete process.

Each process can be measured by the quality of output and time

taken for completion.

So the root of improvement lies in improving the quality or reducing

the time taken.

Let’s see how that is super easy if you think improvement!

THINK Technology

With the concept of automation and technology to support it

Many tasks can be automated



Technology can be utilized to add more value to existing tasks

leading to massive improvements in time and quality metrics.

Ability to think technology for process improvement is a key skill for

today’s knowledge worker. And an important weapon in think

improvement arsenal.

THINK Best Practices

Improvements ideas are the true sparks that can explode the

performance to whole new levels.

Serious business know that ideas have to be developed and

leveraged, and for that to happen

Ideas have to take more tangible form so that they can be

transacted shared and built upon.

For Breakthrough improvement to happen these good ideas cannot

be limited to silos

They have to be leveraged wherever possible

The ability of knowledge workers to tap into these ideas build upon it and even contribute their own ideas, is the

second key skill to keep their processes constantly improving.

THINK Benchmarking

There is no end to how much one can improve. Comparing our process to a similar one in another team or a different company

or even a different industry, can give us a fair idea of what we are doing and what others

are doing.

it is a great source of inspiration for fresh new ideas that can

catapult any process to whole new levels.

This ability to realistically measure up one process with other similar ones will ensure that we can leverage the

best that is out there. It is the third key skill in the think improvement arsenal.

THINK Analytics

We have access to overwhelming amounts of data from our


This data has lots of clues to understanding the business more


Analysis of this data to identify patterns is making sense of

what’s happening.

Various statistical tools that can predict patterns that emerge. This

is a true enabler for businesses today.

Ability to make sense of the huge data and leverage the extracted

intelligence is key skill no 4 to ensure that you are picking up all signs that is governing your business environment.

Think Improvement is digital learning program designed to empower today’s

knowledge worker with mind-set and skills for bringing improvement in business

processes and create massive value for the organization.

Addressed at developing these key 4 key skills from ground up for


It’s an absolute must package for all businesses.

who believe in empowering their workforce to bring breakthrough improvements for the business.

When you sign up for think improvement you never stop

learning with our ‘Continue in the cloud’ program.

That gives you Free Access to Premium Learning Site for 1 year. Here you get access to valuable

insights for process improvement.

Get acquainted with latest tools, tips and techniques.

That you can implement quickly and create profitable

