A New Year's Eve Journey


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New years eve

A New years eve JOURNEY

How do you celebrate New Year Eve?

In Germany we are calling the celebration into the New Year Silvester.

The 31st is a pretty normal day and most of the people have to work until midday.

Of course, food is essential and some are doing a fantastic fish dish, called Karpfen (carp) and others are making the traditional Kartoffelsalat mit Wrstchen (potato salad and Frankfurter).

But it various. It only has to be delicious.


Another Tradition is Bleigieen (lead-pouring).

You melt the lead, put it into cold water and some kind of figurine comes into being to forecast the new year.

We are decorating the party location with balloons, streamer and lots of confetti.

12 oclock everyone is going outside to watch the fireworks, which are supposed to scare away ghosts. We are clink glasses with our loved ones and wishes a

Gesundes Neues Jahr