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Music Video Textual Analysis: ‘Love me like you’ Little Mix

Shot type and camera movement

Midshot / Handheld


This midshot suggests that this music video comes under the pop genre. It is obvious as the location of the dance floor of a club is a code and convention of the pop genre which reveals that they are young and out making the most of their life. The artist is seen wearing a glittery prom look alike dress which suggests that the music video includes the typical stereotype to pop songs – cheesy; upbeat with the artists usually made to look attractive so that they can impress the men. The lighting is very low-key, however colourful disco lights are seen in the background showing that the night is live and the atmosphere is enjoyable and fun. The lyrics that are sung when this mid shot is shown Implies that she is singing about a man and is trying to get his attention portraying to the audience that she is desperate, lonely and needy. Adding to show that she is lonely, she is sat at a table by herself as if she is waiting for this specific man to come and speak to her.

A z Music/lyrics

‘So baby, baby, come and save me’ These lyrics link to what’s happening in the music video as she is sat by her self lonely.


Cuts to the next shot.

Shot type and camera movement

Midshot - handheld


This midshot suggests that again, this music video comes under the pop genre. However, compared to the first midshot it’s a complete different

location. This midshot is located in a park/football court, which suggests that as linked to the above shot, the characters are very childlike and young. A park or a football court is usually associated with fun and enjoyment, which is linked with children/teens, which tells the audience that the atmosphere is happy. The lighting is high-key which also shows that there is a positive attitude in the air which links with the characters and how they are both smiling and happy which reveals that they are very close and may also be in love – just like how two young teens would act when they hang out at the park. The female character in this scene is wearing a white, short, frilly dress, which reveals that she is very girly, and is portrayed as pretty - the colour white also suggests that she is innocent. However, the male character is seen without a top which can imply that he is very cocky, arrogant and the typical stereotype of a man.


‘When I’ve got my number one’. These lyrics also link to what is going on in the music video as he is her ‘number one’ and she looks very happy.


Fast cuts to show how time is passing quickly as she is happy.

Shot type and camera movement



This long shot is used so that all of the four characters can be seen and so the audience can see the setting also. They’re sat on the stairs of which looks like a dance floor showing that the girls are young and are enjoying their life which again, is a pop genre convention. The way they’re sat with their hand on their knee portrays them as strong women who are there to catch someone’s eye or trying to impress someone that they can see. It could also show that they are very upper

class and posh as they are sitting like proper women. The outfits of the girls say a lot about the character. For example, they are all wearing some sort of dress that has been thought about properly and will definitely catch someone’s eye. Two of the girls are wearing white, sparkly, puffy dresses, which portray them as very pretty, sweet, angels and innocent - the other two girls are wearing a red dress and a black dress, which is a complete contrast to the white. Black and red are seen as strength; aggression and desperate which portrays these two girls are strong independent women who are desperate to catch a man’s eye. The woman wearing the black is not wearing a full dress – it is a two-piece, which reveals her stomach just a little. This can be linked to the female gaze where men look at men in a sexual manner.


‘I lay in bed so blue’


Fast cuts again to show that the time is passing. It cuts to one of the girls meeting the man.