Social meda e giornalismo - workshop formazione giornalisti



Le slide del corso di formazione per giornalisti che ho tenuto a Torino il 29 novembre.

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Social media e giornalismo:esempi, strumenti, criticità

Ripensare le forme, gli strumenti, le competenze del giornalismo

Verification Fundamentals

● Put a plan and procedures in place for verification before disasters and breaking news occur.● Verification is a process. The path to verification can vary with each fact.● Verify the source and the content they provide.● Never parrot or trust sources whether they are witnesses, victims or authorities. Firsthand

accounts can be inaccurate or manipulative, fueled by emotion or shaped by faulty memory or limited perspective.

● Challenge the sources by asking "How do you know that?" and "How else do you know that?"● Triangulate what they provide with other credible sources including documentations such as

photos and audio/video recordings.● Ask yourself, "Do I know enough to verify?" Are you knowledgeable enough about the topics

that require understanding of cultural, ethnical, religious complexities?● Collaborate with team members and experts; don't go it alone.

Here are his tips for verifying user-generated video:

● Review of the uploader’s history and location to see whether he/she has shared useful and credible content in the past, or if he/she is a “scraper”, passing other people’s content off a their own (location is a big clue: don’t trust uploaders in Japan to post video from Syria).

● Use of Google street view/maps/satellite imagery to help verify the locations in a video.

● Consultation of other news sources or validated user content to confirm events in a video happened as they were described.

● Examination of key features in a video such as weather and background landscape to see if they match known facts on the ground.

● Translation of every word that comes with a video for additional context.● Monitoring social media traffic to see who is sharing the content and what

questions are being asked about it.● Develop and maintain relationships with people within the community around the


Tips from the Hub in the BBC Newsroom on how to verify video content:

- Referencing locations against maps and existing images from, in particular, geo-located ones.

- Working with our colleagues in BBC Arabic and BBC Monitoring to ascertain that accents and language are correct for the location.

- Searching for the original source of the upload/sequences as an indicator of date.

- Examining weather reports and shadows to confirm that the conditions shown fit with the claimed date and time.

- Maintaining lists of previously verified material to act as reference for colleagues covering the stories.

- Checking weaponry, vehicles and licence plates against those known for the given country.

Basic guidelines about social media verification:

- How long has the account existed? If it’s only existed since a relevant story broke then it’s likely to be opportunistic.

- Who did the person first ‘follow’ or ‘friend’? Who first followed them? Likewise, it should be their friends and colleagues.

- Who has spoken to them online? Ditto.- Who has spoken about them? Here you may find friends and colleagues, but also people who have

rumbled them. But don’t take anyone else’s word for their existence unless you can verify them too.- Can you correlate this account with others? The Firefox extension Identify is a useful tool here: it

suggests related social network accounts which you can then try to cross-reference. For companies the Chrome extension Polaris Insights does something similar for companies.

- For Twitter you might also try other tools including PeerIndex and Klout, both of which use algorithms to give extra information on the ‘human-ness’ and content of particular accounts. On Facebook there is the social commenting plugin which attempts to give a credibility score to commenters.

- Finally, of course, you should try to speak to the person.


Update: Looks like the IsLeaked tool is having some trouble due to unusually high traffic—if you get an

error message, try reloading the page or checking back later.

Update 2: We still aren't sure how these passwords were leaked or when—but some folks over on

Reddit discovered that these may not, in fact, be Gmail passwords, as original reports claimed. Instead,

it looks like these are passwords leaked from other web sites over the years that were associated with

Gmail addresses. But, as we know, many people used the same password for multiple accounts—which is

why some of you may find that your old Gmail password was leaked (while others are seeing passwords

not from Gmail).

We still don't know the full details, but the lesson remains the same: use secure passwords and enable

two-factor authentication on all of your accounts!

Update 3: We've replaced the original link the password checker tool with one from a known, trusted

company, due to some controversy surrounding the original tool (which, while mostly speculation, has

caused a small stir).

Whois e ricerche storiche


● WayBack Machine

Cercare informazioni: gli hashtag

Strumenti anche molto mirati: quando un profilo è stato aperto?

Essere avvisati se un sito si aggiorna

Risorse per il giornalismo digitale

(h/t: @postoditacco)

Quale ruolo per i giornalisti?

“Negli anni c’è stata una crescente separazione dei giornalisti dalle loro comunità. Questo allontanamento è stato anche intenzionale, specie dopo che la nozione di obiettività è diventata la strategia dominante”.

Joy Mayer, professoressa alla Missouri School of Journalism

Social media manager o public editor?

Come gestire i social media?

1. Le tradizionali regole etiche valgono ancora 2. Dai per scontato che tutto ciò che pubblichi online diventerà pubblico. 3. Usa i social media per interloquire con gli utenti, ma in modo professionale 4. Dai la notizia prima sul sito, non su Twitter 5. Sii consapevole delle percezioni (Retweet not endorsement) 6. Autentica in modo indipendente quanto trovato sui social media 7. Identificati sempre come giornalista 8. I social sono strumenti, non giocattoli 9. Sii trasparente e ammetti quando hai torto10. Mantieni riservato il dibattito interno alla redazione

Gestire l’errore

Great website for debunking fake news:
