Show & tell - Who is Hugo?


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Who the heck is ?

Hugo is a static site generator


> Install & use Hugo > via the command line > There’s no GUI :-(


Dynamic site Static site


Website Website


PerformanceStatic assets are super quick and super robust

How fast can Hugo compile a page?

Pretty darned fast actually…


* Milliseconds

We use Hugo at the end of our publishing process to turn structured content into HTML.

Save your content in the CMS editor,

click publish & Hugo goes to work…

Initially a lot of the front end work was

to be done with Hugo.

But Hugo can be a frustrating beast…

Templating with Hugo

- Inconsistent documentation

- Rigid & inflexible templates

- Repetitious structure

- Reliance on Markdown

It was tricky to really do what we wanted…

So what’s wrong with Hugo?

The Dev & Design contingent

Tom Trentham

Tom Natt

Kelvin Gan

Phil Wilson

Liam McMurray

Dan Dineen

So, in the

we iterated...

Spirit of Agile

We now play directly to its strengths &

simply use Hugo to compile the site at

the end of everything else…

> Oh, and Liam > the -w flag at the end > of the hugo server -w > command tells Hugo to > watch files and recompile > the site if any files change