Iran In Prophecy



Jer 49:34 The word of the LORD that came to Jeremiah the prophet concerning Elam, in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah. Jer 49:35 Thus says the LORD of hosts: "Behold, I will break the bow of Elam, the mainstay of their might. Jer 49:36 And I will bring upon Elam the four winds from the four quarters of heaven. And I will scatter them to all those winds, and there shall be no nation to which those driven out of Elam shall not come. Jer 49:37 I will terrify Elam before their enemies and before those who seek their life. I will bring disaster upon them, my fierce anger, declares the LORD. I will send the sword after them, until I have consumed them, Jer 49:38 and I will set my throne in Elam and destroy their king and officials, declares the LORD. Jer 49:39 "But in the latter days I will restore the fortunes of Elam, declares the LORD."

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The Prophecy Of ElamPersia & Elam = IranElam is at the southern site of Iran.The Bushehr Nuclear Facility is at the site of Elam.

Jer 49:34 The word of the LORD that came to Jeremiah the prophet concerning Elam, in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah.

Jer 49:36 And I will bring upon Elam the four winds from the four quarters of heaven. And I will scatter them to all those winds, and there shall be no nation to which those driven out of Elam shall not come.

Jer 49:35 Thus says the LORD of hosts: "Behold, I will break the bow of Elam, the mainstay of their might.

Iran’s Double Trouble in the End Times

- Elam prophecy will come to happen prior to Ezekiel prophecy.- Elam prophecy are now imminent as you see the escalating war in Gaza.- Jeremiah predicted the fate of Iran’s nuclear program - "Behold, I will break the bow of Elam, the mainstay of their might…” .- Ezekiel 38 commentaries are many, but Jeremiah 49:34-39 commentaries are very few.- Jeremiah predicts a disaster in Iran that could adversely affect many nations.- Jeremiah predicted today’s spiritual showdown in Iran. They worship the pagan god called “Allah”

Jer 49:37 I will terrify Elam before their enemies and before those who seek their life. I will bring disaster upon them, my fierce anger, declares the Lord. I will send the sword after them, until I have consumed them, Jer 49:38 and I will set my throne in Elam and destroy their king and officials, declares the Lord.Jer 49:39 "But in the latter days I will restore the fortunes of Elam, declares the Lord."

The Foremost Of Their Might

God Break The Bow Of ElamAt The Foremost Of Their Might

The fierce angers of the Lord against Iran – a great disaster at the Bushehr nuclear facility, that caused a radioactive fallout in wide scale.The prophecy predicts that there will be “no nations where the outcasts of Elam will not go.” This worldwide dispersion may have the makings of the magnitude of a humanitarian crisis.“Attack against Bushehr nuclear reactor could kill hundreds of thousands” – Examiner 9/6/12

I will bring upon Elam the four winds from the four quarters of heaven. And I will scatter them to all those winds, and there shall be no nation to which those driven out of Elam shall not come

There is a wide-scale expulsion of Iranians out of the affected area. This worldwide dispersion may have the makings of the magnitude of a humanitarian crisis because the prophecy predicts that there will be “no nations where the outcasts of Elam will not go.” This is necessitated by radioactive fallout coming from the Bushehr nuclear plant located in the area of ancient Elam. This disaster at this nuclear facility could create an epic catastrophe.

This nuclear fallout will cause Elam to be dismayed before their enemies And before

those who seek their life.Israel No.1 enemies is Iran

The GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council of Arab states), which includes Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UnitedArab Emirates (UAE) and Oman, are deeply concerned about Iran’s rogue regime, unchecked nuclear program, and attempts to spread its hegemony throughout the entire Middle East. This is one of the primary reasons the GCC is forming its own combat coalition and formed a committee to study the potential dangers of the Bushehr nuclear plant. The Al Arabiya headline and accompanying paragraph below illustrate this genuine GCC concern.

“Iranian Radiation a Threat to GCC Water Security?” – Al Arabiya 7/24/13“The risk of radiation from Iran’s Bushehr nuclear power plant, if there is an accident, is extremely high to the GCC states. Studies and analyses suggest that any leak from the plant will affect the GCC’s water supplies especially desalinization plant operation. In the event of a radiation leak, clouds of radioactive material will drift to the GCC states in just 15 hours. While the radiation would affect only about 10 percent of the Iranian population, in the GCC states, 40 to 100 percent of the population would be affected.”

• The international community might be considered a third enemy of Iran. Many world leaders are concerned about Iran’s nuclear program, state sponsorship of global terrorism, and threats to choke off Middle East oil supplies by closing off the narrow Strait of Hormuz. Iran’s international ring of terror is acknowledged in the headline below.

• “Iran Terror Network Prolific, US Report Says” – Jerusalem Post 5/1/14“State Department annual report focuses on Iran’s expansive efforts to fund and funnel arms to Islamist organizations, including Hamas and Hezbollah.”

US 'Iran attack plans' revealed

US contingency plans for air strikes on Iran extend beyond nuclear sites and include most of the country's military infrastructure, the BBC has learned.

It is understood that any such attack - if ordered - would target Iranian air bases, naval bases, missile facilities and command-and-control centres.

The US insists it is not planning to attack, and is trying to persuade Tehran to stop uranium enrichment.

The UN has urged Iran to stop the programme or face economic sanctions. But diplomatic sources have told the BBC that as a fallback plan, senior officials at Central Command in Florida have already selected their target sets inside Iran.

These are the three primary enemies of Iran today, and any or all of them could be used as instruments of the Lord to execute His judgment upon Elam. Although their motives all differ, preventing Iran from developing or acquiring nuclear weapons unites them in a common cause.

Why God bring disaster upon Iran?

Jer 30:16 Therefore all who devour you shall be devoured, and all your foes, every one of them, shall go into captivity; those who plunder you shall be plundered, and all who prey on you I will make a prey.


They will say, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance” (Psa. 83:4). –Israel’s enemies will oppose God by agreeing to destroy the nation of Israel. –They will plan a total destruction of Israel so no one will ever think of Israel again. –That will be their plan. –But God won’t allow them to do it."Ho, Zion!...he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye" (Zechariah 2:8).

Iran funnel arms to Islamist organizations, including Hamas and Hezbollah to wipe out

Israel out of the map.

God loved the innocent Palestinians too!

• God's "hot anger," "zeal" and "fiery wrath" unleashes the very elements against Iran (nuclear fallout) by shattering earthquake or by the three enemies today. And embarrasses them, for the prophecy predicts that there will be “no nations where the outcasts of Elam will not go.” .

God’s Throne

Lastly, Jeremiah concludes with good news for the Iranians. He proclaims that the Lord will set His throne in Elam, and surviving Iranian refugees will be restored to their homeland in the latter days. On an interesting side note, Jerusalem in Jeremiah 3:16-17, and Iran in Jeremiah 49:38 are the only two earthly locations identified in the Bible for the whereabouts of the Lord’s throne.


Jer 3:17 At that time Jerusalem shall be called the throne of the LORD, and all nations shall gather to it, to the presence of the LORD in Jerusalem, and they shall no more stubbornly follow their own evil heart.

Jeremiah’s prophecy concerning Elam probably precedes Ezekiel 38, Gog & Magog Invasion

• In Jeremiah 49:39 the Lord promise to “bring back the captives of Elam.”

• The refugees of Jeremiah 49:36 survive the Ezekiel 38 prophecy by being exiled in other countries, and out of harm’s way from Iran’s defeat in Gog & Magog invasion.

• All Iranian males of military service age, even those dwelling in the territory of ancient Elam, would be drafted to fight in Ezekiel 38 to their death. Presently, Iran has a mandatory military service law in place.

• Thus Jeremiah’s prophecy about Elam occurs before Iran(Gog & Magog) invades Israel in the Ezekiel 38 prophecy.