10 proven Stratigies to Increase Blog Traffic [Updated Version]


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15 Proven Stratigies to Increase Blog Traffic

Article By :- BloggingRush.com10 Proven Stratigies to Increase Blog Traffic

1) Share Each Post Multiple Time In Social MediaI know that many bloggers share their blog article only once in Social Media and then never think to reshare that post again. If you are one of them then there is the possibility that you are not getting too much traffic in your blog. To get more traffic to your blog you have to share your blog post multiple time in social media.

Ex: After sharing your blog post 1st time, reshare it in social media after one hour, then again after 10 hours, then after 10 days, then after 20 days and so on.

2) Write Guest PostI think you may hear the word Guest Post. It is the quick way to increase your blog traffic and also it help you a lot to increase your Subscribers list in little time. Is is the best method ever to get the huge amount of traffic.

3) Write MoreResearch show that Google gives higher priority to websites with fresh and longer content, so if you want to get more traffic from the search engines, then write longer post. It is the easiest way to get more traffic from search engine.

Remember, Google uses very intelligence system so never try to copy other blog article content otherwise, Google stops indexing your website.

4) Join Facebook Groups Do you ever notice that there are many groups in Facebook in which Millions of Member are available. If you share your blog post in Facebook Group in which Millions of member are available then there is a chance that you get at least 50,000 Page View. Therefore, it is the biggest source of getting Millions of Page View.

But remember join only those groups which are related to your blog to get thousands of view in your post just after publishing the post in the group.

5) QuoraIf you want the huge amount of traffic for your blog then Quora is the best place. In Quora, you just need to find the question related to your blog post and then give the answer to that question and at last line share your blog URL so that whenever anyone read your answer then at last line when he see your blog URL then there is a chance that he visit your blog. It will give you at least 30,000+ page view in one month.

6) Try to Improve Your Alexa rank

If you have a good Alexa Rank then there is possibility that after watching your Alexa Rank more and more readers attract towards your website. This will lead you to give more and more traffic daily. Because good Alexa Rank indicate that your website is very popular and professional. So I suggest you to always focus on improving your Alexa Ranking.

Read this:- 8 Secrets to Improve Your Alexa Raning within 1 month.

7) Blog Every Day

If you dont upload at least one post every day in your blog then it will cause your blog readers to leave your blog and switch to another blog which can decrease your average blog traffic. So, I suggest you upload at least one cool post every day.

8) Use POP UP Email Newsletter

As we know Subscribers are the main source of getting the huge amount of traffic because they read all your blog post immediately after you publish it in your blog. So, to get more subscriber you should use POP UP Email Newsletter.

If you are using Feedburner, then you should Read below article:-

3 Most Attractive Google FeedBurner Newsletter Plugins

9) Comment On Other Blogs

It is the easiest way to get the backlink from famous websites. Because you only have to comment on the popular blogs. Whenever anyone click on your profile pic in the comment they will be redirected to your blog. For This, you have to specify your blog URL in Website Field which is below comment box.

Your can also comment in BloggingRush.com to get Backlink.

10) Upload Video With Post

This is the best method to attract people to visit your blog again and again. If you upload video at the end of your blog post then people more attract towards your blog and become the regular reader and subscriber to your blog.

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