Permission To Pray


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  1. 1. Permission to Pray Presented by Dianne Timmering, Signature HealthCARE Vice President of Spirituality
  2. 2. All Are Free Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Employers must provide an accommodation for all aspects of religious observance and practice, as well as belief. -Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 -First Amendment to the US Constitution
  3. 3. Departmental Tenets Founded on the emotional and spiritual healing well of unconditional love for diverse cultures and faiths. Non-proselytizing culture One of education and un-watered-down spirituality, embraced by choice Speaking for those who cannot speak for themselves
  4. 4. We Believe Perhaps most precious to our people is the collective power of prayer--it is most simply love, one to another, in the trenches of life when brokenness needs the hope of someone else, where faith is sewn into the distresses of others, lifting them up in prayer for the bounty of healing. At Signature, we do believe in miracles.Dianne Timmering Vice President of Spirituality
  5. 5. The Freedom to Be A signature component of the Spirituality program is that we do not water down spirituality but make available a path specific for individual discovery while respecting the journey of others. At Signature, one can choose to worship or not to worship but has the freedom to be.
  6. 6. You are FREE to PRAY with a beloved resident, family member or fellow stakeholder . . . Freedom
  7. 7. . . . If You Choose. Choice
  8. 8. Take Notice . . . YOU have the freedom to see those in need and those who are hurting inside . . . . . . and offer both HELP and SPIRITUAL COMFORT
  9. 9. YOU CAN Everyone is EMPOWERED to . . . STOP, LOVE and PRAY Sometimes to hold a hand and sit is enough . . .
  11. 11. You Are Valued and You Offer Value STOP, LOVE and PRAY . . .. . . Because you can.
  12. 12. Partnering for better care and better lives for all.
