X protein meal Presentation


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125.7 Pounds Lost!

Kimm Johnson – 12.4 Lbs

Pat Parsons – 20 Lbs

Teresa Pachelli – 28.8 Lbs

Jacob Carter – 37.5 Lbs

Judy Kanoff – 10.5 Lbs

Ned Kanoff – 16.5 Lbs

At the end of 6 Weeks

In fact, 63% can’t accurately estimate the number, 25% won’t even venture a guess and

only 12% can nail it.

“People need to know numbers,” says registered dietitian Wendy Kapsak of the International Food

Information Council Foundation.

Having some frame of reference could be an important first step in tackling your weight, she



What’s it going to take to wake up America?

Calorie requirements are unique to each person, and how many you need depends on your gender, age, height and physical activity.

Your output must equal your input or you will gain weight, 58% of respondents say they don’t try to balance the calories they consume with

those they burn.

The majority of the people don’t know how many calories are in the foods that they consume


What’s it going to take to wake up America?

Childhood obesity rates are triple what they were only a generation ago.

Experts are expressing their belief that today’s generation of children will be the first to have a shorter life expectancy than

their parents.

Most scary is that many experts feel that obesity is approaching heart disease as the

number-one killer disease in America.


What’s it going to take to wake up America?

Free Radicals and Obesity - & The Science Behind It

Multiple studies confirm that free radicals can lead to weight gain.

For instance, researchers from the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University found a

direct correlation between oxidative stress (Free Radical Damage) and increased obesity.

Free Radicals and Obesity - & The Science Behind It

Antioxidants to the Rescue:

Luckily, Nature created an instant free radical fix to the free radical problem------- Antioxidants!

Antioxidants disable free radicals by donating electrons to replace those lost during oxidation, thereby protecting our cells and

slowing the aging process.

And to get the antioxidants we need, all we have to do is eat a wide variety of plants, fruits and other foods. Antioxidants are the superheroes to the top 21st century health threats – heart disease, obesity, aging, and so forth – that all have ties to free

radical damage.

Antioxidant Content:

We have talked about how to get the antioxidants we need.

That all we have to do is eat a wide variety of plants, fruits and other foods.

On this slide, you will see a comparison of the amount of fruits and vegetables you would have to consume to equal the antioxidant content of 1 X-Protein Meal Shake.

X-Protein Meal Shake

The X-Protein Meal Shake boasts an amazing Total

*ORACfn score of 56,500 per serving.

You can significantly boost your antioxidant intake and

ORAC consumption – and lose weight at the same time!

*ORAC: Acronym for “oxygen radical absorbance capacity” and refers to the levels of antioxidant

nutrients in a specific food

What’s in the Xocai X-Protein Meal Shake:Cacao: Real, true cacao-based product – not simply chocolate

flavored. One of nature’s top antioxidant super-foods.Proven to help promote weight loss.

Cocoa Fiber: The only product with cocoa fiber as a primary source. Promotes satisfaction, suppresses appetite.

Whey Protein Isolate: Can help promote healthy blood sugar levels.

stimulates production of two appetite suppressinghormones.

Blueberries: Delivers powerful antioxidant protection. Protects eyes, brain and other body systems.

Vitamins and Minerals: 12 Vitamins, including B vitamins for brain and appetite

control. 13 minerals, including chromium, manganese and zinc for weight control.

19 Amino Acids: The building blocks of protein. Assist in energy metabolism.

Xylitol: An effective alternative sweetener to standard sugars. Promotes healthy glucose / insulin levels.

Fruit Sweet: A low-calorie, potent sweetener alternative. Does not elevate blood sugar.

Acai Berry: A recognized antioxidant super fruit – Boasts extremely high ORAC score. Apple Fiber: Helps promote feeling of satiety – promotes healthy digestion and elimination. Supports Healthy blood sugar / insulin levels.

Sunflower Oil: Contains no cholesterol – Provides 3 essential fatty acids.Balsamic Vinegar: Is an effective cleanser. China Seed Oil: Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids – Helps promote cleansing.

What’s in the Xocai X-Protein Meal Shake - continued

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