Waspada Kolesterol dan Bahayanya


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Welcome to this month’s Safety Meeting

Welcome to this month’s Safety Meeting HSE Team of SQ

Proudly Presents

Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016Wednesday, 2/9/2017

Kolesterol danbahayanyaSafety Meeting, 6 Januari 2017

Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016Wednesday, 2/9/2017



Kolesterol itu apa?

Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016Wednesday, 2/9/2017

Kolesterol adalah ……......……..................... apa?

Senyawa lemak berlilin yang sebagian besar diproduksi di hati dan sebagian

lainnya didapatkan dari makanan

Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016Wednesday, 2/9/2017

•Maks. 200 mg/dl kolesterol•>55mg/dl (P) dan >65 mg/dl HDL•<100 mg/dl LDL

Kandungan Normal






Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016Wednesday, 2/9/2017

Perbedaan HDL dan LDL

Click here to play the video

Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016Wednesday, 2/9/2017



High-Density-LipoproteinIkatan kolesterol dan lemak BAIK yang berfungsi untuk menyalurkan kelebihan lemak dari saluran darah ke hati untuk dihancurkan

Low-Density-LipoproteinIkatan kolesterol dan lemak JAHAT yang berfungsi untuk menyalurkan lemak dari hati ke organ yang membutuhkan

Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016Wednesday, 2/9/2017

• 70-80% Kolesterol dibuat sendiri oleh hati manusia

Dalam sehari, manusia membutuhkan 1.100 mg kolesterol

Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016Wednesday, 2/9/2017

QUIZ TIMEa. Kuning Telur

b. Putih Telurb. Cumi-Cumi

Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016Wednesday, 2/9/2017



Kolesterol itu apa?

Kolesterol adalah kandungan zat gizi yang dibutuhkan dalam tubuh sebanyak 1.100 mg dan 80%nya sudah dibuat oleh hati


Apa yang terjadi kalau

kelebihan kolesterol?


Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016Wednesday, 2/9/2017

Akibat Hiperkolesterolimia

Click here to play the video

Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016Wednesday, 2/9/2017

Pembuluh darah yang tersumbat

akan pecah

25 dari 1000 pria meninggal akibat kolesterol

Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016Wednesday, 2/9/2017



Kolesterol itu apa?

Apa yang terjadi kalau

kelebihan kolesterol?

??Kolesterol yang berlebih dalam pembuluh darah akan menempel

di dinding pembuluh darah dan menyumbat pembuluh darah. Pembuluh darah bisa pecah apabila sumbatannya sudah parah

Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016Wednesday, 2/9/2017



Kolesterol itu apa?

Apa yang terjadi kalau

kelebihan kolesterol?

??Bagaimana cara menanggulangi



Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016Wednesday, 2/9/2017

Cara Mengendalikan


DietKurangi berat badan

Perbanyak konsumsi sayur dan buah-buahan

Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016Wednesday, 2/9/2017

Kurangi alkohol. Maksimal 100cc per hari

Kurangi rokok

Olahraga 30 menit sehari Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016Wednesday, 2/9/2017

Makanan Yang Dapat Mengurangi Kolesterol

Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016Wednesday, 2/9/2017

Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016Wednesday, 2/9/2017



Kolesterol itu apa?

Apa yang terjadi kalau

kelebihan kolesterol?

??Bagaimana cara menanggulangi



Pola hidup sehat dapat mengurangi komplikasi hiperkolesterol

Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016Wednesday, 2/9/2017