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Are Cigars Safer Than Cigarettes?

You will find claims that cigars are safer than cigarettes but seriously speaking are there any facts to support these claims? In most cases, cigar smokers are only occasional smokers and they don't usually inhale (but some do over time) and the majority of smokers are into cigarettes thus the level of comparison is not so clear. Cigar lovers may find cigars as the best tasting thing on Earth but when cigar smoking becomes an addiction, and usually does, cigar smokers need to be aware of the negative side effects. Cigar smoking is as bad if not worse than cigarette smoking.

Smokeless Cigarettes

Many cigar smokers have this misconception that there are far less dangers of cigar smoking as compared to cigarette smoking, and the possibility of cancer is not as high and that cigar smoking is not as addictive as cigarette smoking. How wrong can they be?

Some cigar contains as much or even more tobacco than a pack of cigarettes and the nicotine level is also equivalent to a smoked pack of cigarettes. Nicotine is also absorbed from unlit cigars, kept in the mouth with just contact with the tobacco leaf at the end.

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Smoking five cigars (inhaling moderately) or a pack of cigarettes a day has the same lung cancer risk. The amount of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) produced is also higher. Erectile dysfunction and sterility problem has also been linked to cigar smoking and so does premature tooth loss too.

These are just some of the harmful effects of cigar smoking and how harmful it could be compared to cigarettes. So are cigars safer than cigarettes? The answer is obvious. The fact is, smoking is not beneficial to anyone be it cigar or cigarettes.