Stop Smoking with Vitamin C By http://2stopsmokingtips.c om

Stop smoking with vitamin c

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Discover how to use vitamin c to quit smoking and stay smoke-free.

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Stop Smoking with Vitamin C



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• There is no doubt about the fact that Vitamin C plays a pivotal role during smoking cessation. The big question however is; how exactly does Vitamin C help quit smoking? I discuss the answer in this slide. Enjoy it!

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What is Vitamin C?

• Vitamin C is an essential water-soluble vitamin found in foods including fruits and vegetables. It’s called a water-soluble vitamin because it dissolves in water and cannot be stored in the body. Unlike most animals and mammals, human beings do not have the capacity to create their own vitamin C. It must therefore be obtained through our diet for the body to gain access to it.

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Rich Sources of Vitamin C

• Black Currant• Kiwi Fruit• Peppers• Lemon• Broccoli• Sweet Lime• Sweet potatoes

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Rich Sources of Vitamin C(2)

• Guava• Avocado• Spinach• Blackberry• Cranberry• Grape• Mango• Pawpaw

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How is Vitamin C Beneficial to the Body?

• Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is beneficial to the body in many ways. It’s a powerful antioxidant with progressively more varied uses in health and well-being as well as disease prevention.

• This was attested to by a recent study co-ordinated by Mark Moyad, of the University of Michigan and made available in Seminars in Preventive and Alternative Medicine.

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How is Vitamin C Beneficial to the Body?(2)

• The study, which examined over 100 researches in the space of 10 years, concluded that Vitamin C is useful in defending our health, from cancer, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, eye diseases and protection to live longer and healthier.

• For starters, we require vitamin C for the maintenance and formation of bones, skin and blood vessels. This is because Vitamin C is involved in the formation of Collagen, an important protein that joins the skeleton in one piece, connecting bones to muscles and holding organs in place. Collagen also helps to keep the skin smooth and without wrinkles. Experts say collagen makes up 1% to 2% of muscle tissue.

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Fights Common Cold

• There is overwhelming evidence that Vitamin C fights and prevents common cold. Since the days of Linus Pauling, a double Nobel Prize winner, who discovered that Vitamin C could prevent and treat colds, till now, Vitamin C has been indicated for the treatment and prevention of common cold.

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Improves Mood

• Recent research links vitamin C to an improved mood. In a study of intensely hospitalized patients that have vitamin C deficiency, researchers observed an improvement in their emotional state after they received vitamin C.

• Even though more research is needed to establish this claim, it’s understandable that Vitamin C can lead to an improved mood as people who have Vitamin C deficit regularly feel exhausted or dejected.

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Prevents scurvy

• A lack of vitamin C in the daily diet can lead to scurvy. Scurvy is a form of avitaminosis that is characterized by surface bleeding, shaky teeth, weak blood vessels, poor healing and immunity as well as a mild form of anaemia. Avitaminosis, according to Wikipedia, is “a condition resulting from a deficiency of one or more particular vitamins.”

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Facilitates the Absorption of Iron

• Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is utilized in many tissues of the body. It facilitates the absorption of iron, a nutrient required for the production of red blood corpuscles and the movement of oxygen throughout the body. It also helps in regulating the body’s capacity to soak up, convey, and stock up iron.

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Helps in Fighting Cancer, Regulating Diabetes and Asthma

• Vitamin C has also been indicated to assist in fighting cancer, diabetes and asthma. This is attested to by Life Extension Magazine which states matter-of-factly that “additional research is discovering that vitamin C can be helpful in preventing asthma, protecting against cancer, and supporting healthy blood sugar levels in diabetics.”

• It therefore urges that vitamin C be given a pride of place in individual diets to perk up cardiac health and avoid degenerative diseases or disorders (any disease in which deterioration of structure or function of tissue occurs).

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Boosts Immunity

• Vitamin C leads the pack of immune boosters. Immune boosters operate by increasing the number of white cells in the body and training them to fight better. Boosters also assist to get rid of the dead cells in the immune system as well as elements that drag the body down. They (immune boosters) are able to achieve this by stimulating the production of disease-fighting white blood corpuscles and antibodies, which prevent the entry of viruses or illnesses into the body.

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Prevents Cardiovascular Diseases

• Vitamin C also lessens the threat of cardiovascular disease according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Even though outcomes of scientific researches on the role vitamin C plays in preventing heart attack or stroke are diverse, the fact still remains that Vitamin C plays a vital role in the prevention of heart or cardiovascular diseases.

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How Does Vitamin C Help Smokers?

• Smoking depletes the body’s supply of Vitamin C even though it’s needed to repair the damage caused by smoking. A research even indicated that smokers have lower amounts of vitamin C in their bodies than non-smokers. The recommended daily dosage is somehow controversial as it’s not unified but the best thing is to talk to your doctor.

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Vitamin C and Smokers

• Vitamin C has the capacity to decrease the harmful effects of poisonous cigarette smoke. A study conducted in year 2000 attests to this but concludes that “whilst vitamin C might offer protection against some of the detrimental effects of occasional acute cigarette smoke exposure, the possibility that it might benefit chronic smokers, awaits investigation.”

• * Vitamin C is has also

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Vitamin C and Smokers(2)

• Vitamin C is has also been indicated to protect blood vessels, which might have become damaged by years of smoking. Cigarette smoking is identified as one of the causes of damage to the blood vessels and this damage can lead to stroke and heart disease. But scientists have been working around the clock and discovered that increasing the levels of vitamin C in the blood might perk up function and capacity in blood vessels that have been ravaged by years of smoking.

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Vitamin C and Smokers(3)

• Vitamin C prevents the oxidative stress or damage occasioned by smoking and contact with tobacco or cigarette smoke. Oxidative stress occurs when the body has too many free radicals and not enough antioxidants in the body.

• Free radicals are molecules produced by the body to assist the metabolic processes, like digestion and the conversion of food into usable energy. Even though useful for natural processes, an abundance of free radicals in the blood stream can cause health problems.

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Vitamin C and Smokers(4)

• Antioxidants, on the other hand, are used by the body’s defense or immune system to reverse the damage caused by free radicals.

• Cigarette smoking or tobacco-chewing, simultaneously, accelerates the production of free radicals and the depletion of vital antioxidants in the body. This is not good for smokers as it leads to oxidative stress and they are robbed of the health benefits of antioxidants. This is said to be the reason smokers contact a whole lot of diseases, including cardiovascular disease and cancer.

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Vitamin C and Smokers(5)

• If you know the benefits of exercise for smoking cessation and have chosen to engage in it as a substitute for your smoking habit, Vitamin C will help you gain more from exercise and decrease exercise-induced oxidative damage or stress. Combination of Vitamins C and E Can Protect Smokers from Cancer. To bring down their risk of contacting lung cancer, smokers have to quit, but Vitamin C supplements may help.

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Vitamin C and Smokers(6)

• This is according to investigators at Oregon State University who discovered that ingesting a thousand mg of vitamin C daily boosted defensive levels of vitamin E in smokers’ lungs. In a research available in the February 15, 2006 edition of Free Radical Biology and Medicine, the Oregon researchers claimed that vitamin C could decrease the running down of one form of vitamin E by 45%. They also established that vitamin C assisted to protect the capacity and amount of vitamin E found in other parts of the body.

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• From the above, the role of Vitamin C in smoking cessation can be said to be incontestable, so eat lots of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C. I really think it’s best to get the nutrient through natural means but if you feel like taking supplements, talk to your doctor first.

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