Sinus infection home remedies that are proven to WORK!


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Sinus Infection Home RemediesThat are proven to work

Sinus infection (sinusitis) can keep you up at night

Visiting a doctor is NOT always the best way forward

Because you can save money on a doctor's visit and prescription and keep your body from building resistance to live-saving antibiotics.

Next are some of the tips I can share with you after searching the internet extensively


Some of the essential oils I recommend include: Oregano essential oil – a few drops in water or drink Peppermint essential oil (mixed with olive oil) - massage

the sinus areas Eucalyptus essential oil – add a few drops to your


Use essential oils

All links to these oils and where to find them are on the website:

No humidifier? No Problem Boil some water Add your favorite essential oil Place a towel over your head Lean over the bowl of hot

water Breath as normal Enjoy! ;)

Inhale Steam

Use a Neti pot A device that looks like a bowl with a spout Can be used to direct the water up the nostrils so that it

enters the lower sinuses.

Rinse with salt water

Use 2 tablespoons of ACV 8-ounce glass of water Drink it 3-4 times a day

Consume apple cider vinegar

Do it the same away as a cold lemonade Use the best quality lemons Preferably organic

Fix a hot lemonade

The Oregon Grape Root is very helpful because it is a natural antibiotic that instantly kills bacteria

WARNING: Like many other herbal treatments, consult your physician before using it, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or suffering from a chronic condition. 

Take oregon grape root

Dampen a cloth with warm water Place it across the eye and nose area Pro tip: Apply a cold compress afterwards to help reduce

swelling and relieve the sinus pain

Apply a warm compress

Spicy dishes with curry or chili Hot foods such as

◦ Turmeric◦ Ginger◦ Horseradish◦ Wasabi◦ Garlic◦ Onions◦ Mustard

Enjoy a spicy meal

Grapefruit seed extract, and an extract from pineapple stems known as bromelain, are known to be good natural sinus remedies.

Grapefruit seed extract can be used in a nasal spray to clear out mucus and as a mild antibacterial.

Bromelain is a well-known anti-inflammatory, used by some boxers and other fighters to reduce swelling.

It is taken as a powder; however, it is known to interact with some medications, so you should check with your doctor before using this natural sinus remedy.

Use fruit seed extracts

Prevention is better than cure Exterminate dust mites Remove mold anywhere Use bedding with allergenbarriers Wash them regularly on a high temperature. Keep away from things that you know trigger your allergies.

Reduce allergens

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