Diapos ingles physiotherapy's techniques


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Physiotherapy's Techniques



¿ What is?

Is the use of electrical energy as a medical treatment

In medicine, the term electrotherapy can apply to a variety of treatments, including the use of electrical devices

Electrical stimulation devices:Several different electrical stimulation devices exist, each producing

different frequencies, waveforms, and effects. Electrical modalities


Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve

Stimulation (TENS)

Interferential Current (IFC)

Galvanic Stimulation (GS)

Use of electrotherapy:


Pain managem

ent Treatment of neuromuscu

lar dysfunction

Improves range of

joint mobility

Tissue repair

Acute and chronic edema

Peripheral blood



Urine and fecal


Ozone Therapy

Ozone Therapy

It is the use of the ozone in the human organism, by means of different technologies, with therapeutic purposes.

What medical equipment is used?

For example


It is the equipment of ozonoterapia

The charitable effects that this gas produces in the organism:

Also it increases the liberation of oxygen, increasing his transport towards the cells and improving this way the cellular function and the traffic general.

The ozone acts like antirust and inmunomodulador, that is to say, it increases the defenses of the organism before external aggressions.

It is in addition the powerful germicidal one since, to the contact, it produces elimination of fungi, bacteria and virus.

Ozone therapy in dentistryIt is possible to use in treatments periodontales, surgeries, stomatitis, dental decay

The generator of Ozone in plasma in cold offers a wide spectrum of indications in the Odontologic therapy. One works of sure form, without pains, of rapid form and without side effects.

Other benefits of ozone therapy

• It regulates the compounds of the blood• Sedative

• It increases the blood irrigation. • Action desintoxicante.

• It stimulates the cicatrization of the wounds, which they treat more fast. It is specially useful for serious burns and of sores.


The ozone therapy also drives to a significant general improvement of many physiological processes of the organism, improving the quality of life and capacity of work, especially in cases where they begin to notice these effects.

Equally it compensates and retards the deterioration that is taking place in the organism with the aging. His effects are also lasting in the time.

Ultrasonic therapy

What is it ?

Ultrasound therapy is a treatment modality used by physical therapists to treat pain conditions, and to promote tissue healing.

The ultrasound therapy is used for?

While ultrasound therapy is not effective for all chronic pain conditions, it may help reduce your pain if you have any of the following:

☻ Osteoarthritis ☻ Myofascial pain ☻ Bursitis ☻ Carpal tunnel syndrome ☻ Pain caused by scar tissue ☻ Phantom limb spain ☻ Sprains and strain

Will I Feel Anything During the procedure?

Some people feel a mild pulsing during ultrasound therapy, while others may feel slight warmth in the skin.

Is Ultrasound Therapy Safe?

Over the abdomen in women who are menstruating or pregnant

Over lesions, broken skin or healing fractures

Around the eyes, breasts or sexual organs

Over any areas with plastic implants

Over or near areas with malignant tumors

Ultrasound therapy should not be used on these body parts:


Lumbar disc hernia (L5 - S1) extruding

SYMPTOMS:Severe lumbosacral pain radiating to right leg

Treatments with Negative results:

kinesiology. Antineuríticos. inflammatoryHerniated disc



Significant pain relief

. Remission of symptoms

. better Mobility

End result: Patient painless after completion of treatment resumed his normal activities.

Cure disc

Herniated disc

Cure disc


Patient: 63 years old


Diagnosis: cold paralysis

The diagnosis was wrong because within twenty-four hours following a spill on her nose and is twenty-two blood pressure.

Facial paralysis was due to a cardiovascular problem and not cold.


On the second day of passing the electrode through the affected area and the other side of the head begins to be sensitive in the facial area paralyzed

The plate can be applied to the neck, but always in session not exceeding 20 minutes at low intensity.