Back Pain



Helpful Guidelines for preventing back pain.

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Preventing Back Pain

Helpful Guidelines

Introduction Lowback/ Bad back is so common that 4 out of 5 adults above 18 years experience it some time during their life. The spine is complex structure, which provides both mobility & strength to the body. Almost all activities you do in your day to day life require the proper functioning of the spine. Pain in the lower back can restrict your activity and affect your quality of life and working capacity.

Proper understanding of your back, and a few preventive measures can ease the pain in majority of the people. Preventive techniques coupled with lifestyle changes that can help avoid and manage backache.

Know your BackYour spine is made up of 24 bone blocks called vertebrae, stacked on each other. It rests on your pelvis (hips) and has the skull on the top……

Between each vertebrae are tough and spongy cushions called discs, which act as shock absorbers of the vertebrae and give the spine its flexibility.

Structure of your backStrong elastic ligaments hold all the vertebrae firmly together in a column. Muscles are attached to them by rubbery connections called tendons. Contraction & expansion of muscles…

Produce the movements of your back and upper body. The spine also provide protection to spinal cord, which runs from the base of the brain into a hollow canal down the vertebrae. This is the main communication cable between brain and rest of the body. So keeping your spine healthy is very vital if you want to live an active life and enjoy. The spine branches of into 31 pairs of nerves as communication channels.

The normal spine is shaped like an ‘S’ when viewed from a side. This shape will allow the distribution of weight to withstand stress. The lower portion of your spine holds most of the body’s weight. There are 3 segments of the spine as follows.Cervical (7 vertebrae)Thoracic (12 vertebrae)Lumbar (5 vertebrae)Rely on the strength of the others to function properly with coordination.

CausesBack pain is caused by no of factors that will add to stress & strain of back. List is very long and not complete.

Irreversible Factors:

Age-Middle ageSexFamilial (family history)PregnancyCompression Fractures

Reversible Factors:

Lack of exerciseOccupational HazardsSmokingOver weightBad postureStress & StrainChronic DepressionProlonged CoughLong term use of steroids

Some Diseases can cause back pain and are likely to need long term treatment and expert care. LikeOsteoarthritis Inflammatory Joint DiseasesOsteoporosisProtruding disc (herniated disc)Spinal Anesthesia during surgeryLow back pain is classified as follows1.Acute(sudden fresh attack)2.Sub-Acute(continuing for weeks)3.Chronic(continuing for years)

How to avoid back pain?Most backaches are avoidable. Correct techniques while lifting objects, sitting, sleeping and standing to a great extent, help avoid back pain. Following are some of the tips.

In Children:One of the main reasons for backache in school children is carrying a heavier school bag. This has become a point of criticism from parents & others.

•Using a hip strap•Using a back pad•Bag should be 2” above the waist•Regular exercise to the muscles•Pack heaviest items close to your back•Correct posture while lifting the

weight.(bend both knees when picking up heavy backpack)•Avoid high heel shoes•Use back supporting firm chairs

Avoiding Back pain in adults:Good posture will help a lot While lifting objects bend both knees Use firm supporting chairs to your lower back while sitting Stand straight without slouch. Avoid hunching Adjust your seat while driving, support your lower back with small cushion and take regular breaks. Use firm mattress to sleep which will not sag. Pillow supporting neck.

While using computers take 5 min. break for every hour get up from the chair and massage your back gently.Reduce your stress level through techniques like walking/ cycling/ breathing/ gardening/ swimming/ listening to good music/ yoga/ dhyana/ reading good books etc.While getting up from the bed role to a side and get up slowlyUse western commode to reduce stress on your back.

Try periodic hot water fomentation for pain relief/ a hot shower also helps. Avoid too much.Eat food which will not cause gas formation. Excess gas also cause pressure and pain on the back.Avoid constipation and train bowels with natural foods and adequate fluids to evacuates regularlyDon’t be in the same posture for more than 1 hour.Read humarology with family & friends

Usually the back recovers naturally if allowed to do so and in most people, the pain settle down in 3-4 days. If pain lessens try and get moving again avoiding stress & strain. Avoid lifting, bending, twisting for few days to avoid recurrence. Avoid the activity which caused the pain. Gradually build up your exercises with an expert advise to develop the resistance and elasticity of the muscles and activities day by day. Stop smoking.

Try some of these exercisesYou can minimize the back pain with exercises that make the muscles in your back, stomach, hips, and thighs strong and flexible. They are stretch and strengthen your back muscles for better functioning. Before starting them take your doctors advice. Do them either morning/evening on empty stomach in a calm place. Do 25-30 deep breaths before for warming up.

*Lie on your stomach. Tighten the muscles in one of the legs and raise it from the floor, hold it till you count 10 and bring it back slowly to rest. Take a deep breath it for 5 times. Repeat the same for other leg.

*Stand with your back against a wall and feet, shoulder width apart. Slide down into a crouch with knees bent about 90°. Count 5 and slide back up the wall. Repeat 5 times.

*Lie on your back with your arms at your sides. Keep one knee bent and the foot flat on the ground raising the other leg. Do it 5 times for each leg.

*You can also sit upright in a chair with legs straight and extended at an angle to the floor. Lift one leg waist high. Slowly bring back your leg to floor. Do the same with other leg. Repeat each leg 5 times.

*lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on floor. Slowly raise your head & shoulders off the floor and reach with both hands towards you knees. Count 10, repeat 5 times.

*Stand behind a chair with your hands on the back of the chair. Lift one leg back and up while keeping the knee straight. Return slowly. Repeat 5 times with each leg.

*Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Raise your knees towards your chest. Place both hands under your knees and gently pull your knees close to your chest. Don’t raise your head. Do not straighten your legs as you lower them. Start with 5 times and gradually increase to 20 times a day.*Stand with your feet apart. Place your hands in the back. Keep knees straight. Bend backwards hold 2 sec.

What to do when you have back pain?

1.Maintain a comfortable posture as for as possible. Don’t stay in one posture for very long.

2.Apply hot/cold fomentations alternatively to improve circulation and relaxation of muscles to relieve pain.

3.Take a pain killer for a while in acute pain under medical supervision.

• Relax by various techniques like yoga, dhyana, reading, listening to good music, talking to friends,watching humorous TV programs, cards, chess etc.

• See the doctor if the pain is increasing, no relief even after 3-4 days or if there are any other new symptoms like difficulty in passing urine, numbness, pins & needles & shooting pain in legs, unsteadiness.

What your doctor can do?•Check that you have a serious problem.•Prescribe a suitable medicine•Refer to a specialist if situation warrants.He may ask you the following probable questions when consultedWhen did the pain start?What were you doing at that time?Any past similar episodes?

1.Where is the exact location of pain?2.Is the pain dull/piercing/shooting?3.Does it stay in the same place?4.What makes the pain better/worse?

5.Any other symptoms?6.How your work is hampered?7.What are the contributing factors?8.What to do and what not to do?

Diagnosis of acute back painThere are many ways, tools and tests for a doctor to diagnose your back pain.X-Rays: painless, noninvasive and very useful in diagnosisCAT Scan (computer axial tomography scan): Also called as CT Scan painless procedure. Helps in more accurate diagnosis.MRI (magnetic resonance imaging):Non invasive technique, most helpful test..

In diagnosis of back pain and various other problems.Bone Scan: the procedure involves injecting radiographic marker in to the patient and then run the scanner. It is done when there is a suspicion of bone tumor, infection and hair cracks in the bone. Helps in diagnosis.

Ayurveda is having good remedies in chronic pains

related to rheumatism including back pain/sciatica

For More InfoBellavistan Kovur

Wellness Consultant

