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BacillinumBacillinum is a nosode of tuberculosis named

and first described by Dr. Burnett, for whom it was prepared from tuberculosis sputum by Dr. Heath.

Bacillinum and tuberculinum are not same.

BacillinumDr. Burnett has shown that ringworm of the scalp

and pityriasis versicolor on the body are indications of tubercular diathesis and they respond to this remedy.

He cured a case of insanity with ringworm. Tuberculosis patients are better in dry sunny

climates in mountains areas and in the pine forests. Sunlight helps to prevent tuberculosis, also there has been many cures of tuberculosis via sunbathing and the milk diet, which these patients crave.

BacillinumBacillinum has been used for the treatment of

tuberculosis. Its good effects seen in the change of the sputum, which becomes decreased and less purulent.

Tubercular meningitis.

It has a disposition to catch colds and sore throats.

Chronic reoccurring sore throats and coughs.

Bacillinum Glands of the neck are enlarged and tender.


Bacillinum is indicated for weak lungs of elderly people and for children with chronic catarrhal conditions and attacks of suffocation at night with difficult cough.


Bacillinum Addison’s disease.



Coughs. Colds.

Growth, defective.




Joints disorders.


Bacillinum Pityriasis.



Scrofulous glands.

Sore throats.

Teeth, defective, pitted.







Constitutions• Tubercular constitutions. For cases stemming

from a tubercular inheritance with extreme soreness of affected parts,

• Patients of rheumatic tendencies with syphilitic taints in the bloodstream,

• General muscular soreness.

BacillinumTaciturn, sulky, snappish, fretful and irritable.

Morose, depressed and melancholic even to insanity.

BacillinumTendency to be frightened.

Fear of dogs.

Great weakness, did not want to be disturbed.

Bacillinum RubricsAnxiety about businessAnxiety about money mattersBitingChange desire for, ConstantlyChange desire for, his doctorDespair recoveryMental development arrestedFear of black dog

Bacillinum RubricsFear of diseases, cancer etcImpulse to moveObstinate childrenSquander moneyStriking his head against wallTravel desireWell says , when very sick

G.I.T. Abdominal pains, enlarged glands in groin.

Tabes mesenterica,

Indurated and swollen glands

Spleen region bulging out.

Inguinal glands indurated and visible,

chronic diarrhea.

Back Glands of neck enlarged and tender.

Sensation of damp clothes on spine.

Very sharp pain in left scapula, worse lying down in bed at night, better by warmth.

Ear, Eye, FaceEars - Otitis after sore throats.

Eyes - Eczema of eyelids.

Face - Indolent, pimple on left cheek, breaking out from time to time and persisting for many weeks.

Food - Appetite poor.

Respiratory Weak lungs. Humid asthma. Colds with sore throats. Hacking cough. Hard cough, shaking patient, more

during sleep but it did not waken him. Muco-purulent expectoration of bronchitis.

Congestion of the lung. Tuberculosis. Easy expectoration,Expectoration of non-viscid

easily detached, thick phlegm from air passages.

Skin & SleepSkin - Ringworm. Pityriasis. Eczema. Glands enlarged and tender.

Sleep - Absolute sleeplessness. Talks in sleep. Drowsy during day, restless at night. Many dreams.

Teeth Pyorrhea.

Favors falling off of tartar of teeth.

Aching in teeth, especially lower incisors, very sensitive to air.

Grinds teeth in sleep.

Imperfectly developed teeth.

Fever Fever, with emaciation, abdominal pains and

discomfort, restless at night, glands of both groins enlarged and indurated, cries out in sleep, strawberry tongue.



Worse at night and early morning

Worse from cold air.

Bacillinum/Tubercullinum A chilly patient  More acute in nature 

 Transudative, rather dryness is more marked. 

Patients sweat negligible 

Less expectoration 

A hot patient  More chronic in

nature Exudative in


Patient is sweaty one 

More expectoration 

Bacillinum/TuberculinumGood looking &

backward in nature,

frightened particularly by dogs (Dr.J.H.Clarke)

A case of insanity with pityriasis yielded rapidly to the remedy (Dr.J.H.Clarke) 

Patient is blond(Phos, Puls) intelligent, sharp, aggressive, irritable fretful. Malicious, selfish,

prefers any artistic activity like classical and melodious music drawing, painting, drama etc.

cosmopolitan i.e. wants to travel (Calc. P, Merc.S)