3 lies your nutritionist likes



An extract of my blog post of nutritionists' lies on the Food and Nutrition Forum: http://foodnutritionforum.blogspot.com/2013/09/5-lies-your-nutritionist-likes-to-tell.html

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3 Lies your nutritionist

likes (so much)

Gianluca Tognonwww.gianlucatognon.se

Do you really trust


Proteins, Carbohydrates

and weight

Carbohydrate-restricted diets work better than other weight reduction diets, but only in the short term

Low fat diets work too

Both are difficult to maintain for very long periods

Replace high-energy foods and empty calories (sodas, creams, junk food) with low-energy foods (fruit & veg.) and water

Replace refined cereals (white bread) with wholegrain products and legumes

Replace (refined) carbohydrate with (unsaturated) fats can help, but no need to make extreme choices

Increase physical activity


The concentration of antioxidants from food reaches very low levels in the organism (much lower than glutathione)

Not all oxidative processes happening inside the body are necessarily negative

Bioactive substances in fruit and

vegetables might work through mechanisms other than protection from oxidation and at low concentrations: no need to use supplements and supplemented foods!

Dairy Products &

Bone health


Milk contains a lot of sulphur aminoacids, which could generate sulfur acid inside the body

A more acidic body pH causes release of calcium from bones and its excretion with urine

Dairy products should not be recommended to people with osteoporosis

Dairy products do not cause bone decalfication


The consumption of dairy products should be limited

Calcium can be obtained from vegetable sources including cabbages and broccoli, nuts, legumes

The Mediterranean diet

