FSD's 2014 Projects: Latin America



The Foundation for Sustainable Development supports projects in 6 countries around the world. Check out some highlights from our 2014 funding cycle!

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Occidental College12 December 2013

FSD achieves community-driven goals through asset-based development and international exchange in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.


FSD envisions a world where all people have the opportunity and capacity to direct economic, social, and environmental resources toward sustainable outcomes that improve their lives and communities.


Start With Assets, Not ProblemsMotivate Community OwnershipGenerate Enduring Results and ImpactFocus On The Site Teams

Build CapacityBe A BridgeChange PerspectivesPromote Reciprocity



Caroline Yarborough, FSD intern, worked with Fundación Tejiendo Sueñosto address unemployment in the community by forming a permanent marketplace for entrepreneurs to sell their goods. Capacity building workshops were also created to strengthen financial management and cooperation among local entrepreneurs.

Economic Development in Salta, Argentina

FSD Partner Organization:

Fundación Tejiendo Sueños

Instituto para el Desarollo Humanorecognized a connection between lack of HIV diagnosis and transmission to others. With the support of FSD, they developed an HIV Rapid Test Diagnosis Program to increase the availability of confidential screening services and mobilize at-risk groupsto obtain free-of-charge testing and counseling.

FSD Partner Organization:

Instituto para el Desarollo Humano

Health in Cochabamba, Bolivia

“Getting Down to Beesinuss” is a project funded by FSD and facilitated by intern, Jacqueline Bruns, to expand the organization’s beekeeping business and generate profit. Critical to this initiative is also the development of a training program for community members in the honey producing process.

FSD Partner Organization:

The Association for Sustainable Development of Limon 2

Economic Development in Tola, Nicaragua

FSD funded a grant for Intern Allison Smith and MASINFA to address both malnutrition and unemployment. Community members mobilized to construct 10 community garden beds with training in bio-intensive gardening for improved access to nutritional foods and generating income by growing and selling their own crops.

Appropriate Technology in Ciudad Sandino, Nicaragua

FSD Partner Organization:


In an effort to introduce a new habit of recycling, FSD intern Daniela Lopezand Colegio Nancimi were awarded an FSD grant to develop a project to provide training to youth in developing skills to turn “trash” into handicrafts. This, in turn, also serves as a source for youth to generate income.

FSD Partner Organization:

Colegio Nancimi

Environmental Sustainability in Tola, Nicaragua

The “Sustainable Salta” project funded by FSD with Intern Sabrina Kerin supports sustainable entrepreneurs to grow their businesses while strengthening their social and environmental impact through the creation of aprofessional network, educational workshops, and a formal certification process.

Economic Development in Salta, Argentina

FSD Partner Organization:

Fundación Impulsar

FSD Partner Organization:


Human Rights in Ciudad Sandino, Nicaragua

As a result of extreme poverty in Nicaragua, many families depend on child labor for their survival. FSD supports Alternativa’s programs to curb such dependency by providing small loans and workshops on financial management to provide families with the skills and tools necessary to acquire and manage income.

The “Libros for Literacy” program was funded by FSD and facilitated by intern Jane Finocharo to provide access to education for orphaned and abandoned children. AldeasInfantiles SOS constructed a small library at their center supplemented by books from a local seller.

Youth Development in Cochabamba, Bolivia

FSD Partner Organization:

Aldeas Infantiles SOS

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