Kobe Sizzler restaurant franchise kit

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Kobe Sizzlers is the oldest Sizzler specialty restaurant chain established in 1975. With signature dishes mastered in our kitchens in the 70’s and innovative concepts, This franchise can be managedby all, even franchisees with no restaurant experience. Our team will provide all the ingredients for a sizzler business start-up. All you need is a hunger for success! This package is the rst glimpse for a new rrelationship us and you. The cornerstone of our business philosophy is to bring a well designed operations to the “restaurant business”, providing good food, great service in a family environment.

Our experienced management and kitchen personnel treat each customer as a friend who is welcome to enjoy our surroundings at their leisure. We have been the oldest sizzler restaurant chain, stastarting our initial operations in 1975 from Mumbai. Good food is the most important part of our food service operations, it brings customers back time and again. Our goal with the following information package is to offer insight into our business and this amazing franchise. We take a different stance in this competitive business when it comes to franchising; we actually provide the franchisee services with a foundation of support in addition to a supesuperior product. Our culture is based on some principles, that stand on a goal- Customer's satisfaction. We see our Franchisee’s as happy as possible through their successfully ran business’s, as well as to witness the Kobe Sizzler brand spreading across the globe.

You and us… The ingredients of a success story.

Kobe Sizzlers in brief

Table of Content

Once upon a time, in Mumbai, nearly four decades ago, a journey began. Our journey.

It was 1975, in a modest 600 square feet area, near India’s oldest surviving Opera House a brand was born. One that sizzles till date. It was christened, KOBE. Kobe sizzlers has witnessed rapid growth and fafantastic interest since its origination with the future looking incredibly promising. More than Forty years hence, with a footprint of national and international locations, they tell us, we are a pioneer. An icon.

We vow to sizzle. Always. Everywhere.

About Us

What Makes Us Superior Kobe Sizzlers is a sizzler joint and steak house brand specialising in the creation of high quality sizzlers. Our philosophy is really very simple: Quality sizzlers. A warm and welcoming atmosphere. Good

food and great personal service.


AAt the heart of our existence are sizzlers. We strive, every day, to achieve, improve and improvise on what we have been passionate about, since the time we dished out our rst sizzler – bellowing steam – in 1975.Our ardent endeavour is to make you smack your lips and lick your forks with every sizzler that nds its way out of our kitchen, on to your table and into your hearts.WWe have a near obsessive dedication to quality and hygiene and take pride in being the early pioneers of sizzlers in the country. We try to make our sizzlers as much home grown and authentic as possible; using the best of ingredients, like we get the nest black pepper from Kerala for our pepper sauce, while all the sauces (pepper, garlic, mushroom, schezwan) are made in house. WWe are aware that we are bringing to you something that is niche, something that involves a great deal of culinary innovation. Hence our creative juices – or should we say sauces – are forever owing.

Though Sizzlers are our signature meal, we have an assortment of oofferings to suit varied palates. Our extensive menu, designed by our highly experienced food experts, features a widespread range of salads, pastas, soups, rolls, pizzas, sandwiches, breakfast. And more. But we are best known for our sizzlers. As they say, it’s our bread and butter. If meat of the red and white kind is what you savour, then our famed Chicken Shashlik, or any one of the large selection of our Steak and Lamb Sizzlers would be more than sufficient to satiate one rravenous appetite.

We could replace the Steak for you with a slab of Paneer if a wholesome Vegetable Sizzler is what you are looking at. And if it is Seafood that allures your taste buds, then voila! Amongst the Seafood Sizzlers in our listings, Fish & Prawns Shashlikis what we have seen our long-time sea food enthusiasts swear by. All of this, laced with the choicest, traditional homemade sauces, the subtle avors of which have been passed down generation to generation. Recipes of which are akin to well-kept trade secrets. You might want to top it all off with some of the beverages we tender. Hot, cold or inviting iced tea or coffee. There is a Japanese saying about Kobe, the fth largest Japanese city, famed for its cosmopolitan spirit; “If you can't go to Paris, go to Kobe”

AAlas, alcohol is the only thing we do not proffer. We are family after all.


We radiate warmth and offer personalized service which is pprofessional, yet casual. Once you’ve stepped in, we want you to feel snug and comfortable. While you are here, we want you to leave the world behind you and immerse yourself in good food. We are a family restaurant which means we like the ambiance to be convivial and welcoming where you can let your hair down with your loved ones. We are there to help you out with suggestions, and prescribe items on the menu to tickle your taste buds.

It goes without saying that any customer who comes to Kobe sizzlers is excited by the atmosphere, the food and even more so by the quick service. Our food is made of the best quality ingredients and its sizzling experience burst the foods avour into the atmosphere , indeed an unique experience! With nearly four decades of experience and dishing out more than Five million sizzlers our brand has become the synonym for great food.

Pioneer of sizzler restaurant chain

Something for everyone- classical menu + innovative dishes

Four decades of experience in business

More than ve million sizzlers dished out

Our brand name is not just a name, it's an Icon for sizzlers

Very famous among the people with Indian origins.

PPresence in Eight countries

An opportunity to get into restaurant business for yourself,

but not by yourself!

Liberalized rules in business operations.

no prior restaurant business experience required

intensive support

The Kobe sizzler advantage

Franchising – A Quick Overview


A franchise is the agreement or license between two legally independent parties which gives:

• A person or group of people (franchisee) the right to market a product or service using the trademark or trade name of another business (franchisor) •• The franchisee the right to market a product or service using the operating methods of the franchisor • The franchisee the obligation to pay the franchisor fees for these rights • The franchisor the obligation to provide rights and support to franchisees


Owns trademark or trade name Provides support: Training Receives Fees


Uses trademark or trade name Expands business with franchisors support Pays Fees



A single-unit (direct-unit) franchise is an agreement where the franchisor grants a franchisee the rights to open and operate ONE franchise unit. This is the simplest and most common type of franchise. It is possible, however, for a franchisee to purchase additional singladditional single-unit franchises once the original franchise unit begins to prosper. This is then considered a multiple, single-unit relationship.


• Area development • Master franchise (sub-franchising)

A multi-unit franchise is an agreement where the franchisor grants a franchisee the rights to open and operate more than one unit. AREA DEVELOPMENT FRANCHISE

Under an area development franchise, a franchisee has the right to open more than one unit during a specic time, within a specied area. For example, a franchisee may agree to open ve units over a ve year period in a specied territory. The franchisor grants the ffranchisee exclusive rights for the development of that territory


A master franchise agreement gives the franchisee more rights than an area development agreement. In addition to having the right and obligation to open and operate a certain number of units in a dened area, the master franchisee also has the right to sell franchises to other people within the territory, known as sub-franchises. Therefore, the master franchisee takes over many of the tasks, duties and benets of the franchisor.

Some Franchise Facts:

• More Franchised business’s succeed and continue to operate over a similar time period in comparison to privately owned businesses. The explanation? Franchise’s offer SUPPORT to their franchisee’s!

• Franchise’s have proven systems and products that allow the FFranchisee to focus on operating the system, and work with a proven product

Franchise Industry Pitfalls

As with any industry, there are pitfalls to the Franchise industry. Some of these pitfalls are:

• Inadequate Franchisor Support • No operational or product improvements • • Inconsistent Interaction with Franchisee’s • No audits of stores so the product is inconsistent from store to store • Setting up Franchisee’s in locations that are sub-par and result in lower sales • Limited advertising to promote the brand inefficiency in supply of human resource form the franchisor

Franchisee Support

Kobe sizzler Franchising – We Focus On Support

We, as a Franchisor, is interested in one thing: the success of every store we open. In order to do this we must provide constant support to their Franchisee’s. Our support is unique in the Franchise industry.

Pre-opening support:

• Site selection • • Design and construction • Training equipments • Grand-opening program marketing plan

Ongoing support:

Training • Ope• Operating procedures and operational assistance • Ongoing supervision and management support • Access to bulk purchasing• Supply of skilled staff• Supply of equipments

Kobe sizzlers gives the freedom to the franchisee to scout and choose a restaurant location. All you need to ask yourself a few questions and take some advice from our experts.

• Is there easy access to the parking lot? The store may look great but people need to be able to get to the front door quickly• How much parking is there for our store? Can people park at all hours of the day?•• What type of foot traffic is there?• Can the site be seen from the street?• What is the Square Footage of the site? We ideally look for 1500 – 2 000 sqft, but consider each location seriously.• Can the Signage on the storefront be seen from high traffic areas?• Who are the other stores in the location? Do they seem protable? • Are they doing a strong business?•• What type of competition is surrounding the location.

Few Tips To Success

“Making your restaurant reach its full potential takes talent.”

Make sure you have enough money

• Determine how much you have to invest, how much you’re willing to risk and how much you will need to live on for at least 12 months. • Make sure you understand the initial investment required.

FFollow the system

• Franchisees often get their business up and running and then begin to change, add or modify existing products, advertising, hours, services and even the quality and consistency they are licensed to deliver. This violates the franchise agreement and puts you in jeopardy of having your franchise terminated!

By following the system, you: • • Preserve the brand • Protect your investment and that of your fellow franchisees

Don’t neglect your family and friends.

• Be prepared to work long hours, but also make sure to budget time for your family and friends. • Don’t forget to acknowledge the sacrices your family makes. • Allow your family and friends to share in your new life.

Be an enthusiastic franchisee.

The success of any business is linked to the level of enthusiasm you bring to the job.Enthusiasm brings a level of excitement and energy to the operation that everyone can feel—including your customers and staff.Let your staff in on the fun. Acknowledge their good work with rrecognition or a raise.

Recruit the best and treat them with respect.

• Good help is hard to nd—great help is essential.• To keep the good staff you’ve hired:• Rotate routine and boring jobs. • Be fair. Don’t show favoritism. • Work with your staff to develop the schedule. •• Treat your employees with respect. Don’t allow employees to be disrespectful to any other employee. • Keep employees informed of new marketing and other promotions. • Remove hassles—ask employees which procedures are working and which aren’t. • Make their workdays challenging. • Provide timely performance reviews and wage or salary increases.

TTeach your employees.

• In franchising, training should be continuous. Employees are your front line. • Training classes are a good way to show your employees that they matter to you. • Get all the training you can from the franchisor. • Regularly train and retrain all your employees. • Hold • Hold refresher and advanced classes on a regular basis. • Alert your franchisor when you need additional training. • Take advantage of every training opportunity, whether it’s offered by the franchisor or by local schools, trade associations and other sources

Give customers great service.

The most important thing you can do is to get everyone to smile! Let the customer know you’re happy they chose your business.

Get involved with the community.

Customers like to shop in places that support them:

• Sponsor Little League team • Suppo• Support a civic or youth group • Set up a kiosk at community events

Stay in touch with your franchisor and other franchisees:

• Stay in communication with the franchisor: letters, newsletters, emails, phone calls, faxes, training classes, regional meetings, conferences and conventions

Watch the details.

• • At Kobe Sizzlers our goal is to serve good food.• Keep our staff full of energy.• Accept our mistakes and move forward. • Be open to advice from almost everyone. • Minimize costs and maximize sales.• Work hard every day. • And smile.

Steps To Success

You and us… The ingredients of a success story.

Generally, the steps to success is as follows:

WEEK 1 - 2

• Interested party lls out the franchise enquiry form at http://www.kobesizzlers.co/• The application is reviewed by our corporate executive team. This can include a c include a credit check of the applicant.• The interested party is contacted by us and a meeting is arranged.

WEEK 2 - 4 Application

• Application is approved and the potential franchisee meets the criteria that Kobe Sizzlers looks for in a franchisee.• Franchisee agreement is given to the potential candidate for review. A 14-day period must elapse before the agreement can be signed. This is to protect Franchisee from rushing to a decision before considering all aspects of the project.

WEEK 4 - 6

• Franchisee looks for locations.• Potential franchisee begins to secure nancing.

Steps To Success

You and us… The ingredients of a success story.

WEEK 6 - 8

• The franchise agreement is signed and executed. The franchisee pays the franchise fee to Kobe Sizzlers & Co.• The location is secured and lease is signed.

Possession Date of Space

• • Store opening after 12 - 16 weeks of construction

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the initial franchise fee?

• There is an initial franchise fee of 1000000/- which is due at the time of signing the franchise agreement.

How much is the royalty fee?

• The royalty is 7% of gross sales.

How much is the initial investment?

•• Your estimated initial investment to construct a new restaurant varies depending on the type, size, location & country.• Typically to open a new store would cost 10000000/-• The specic breakdown of the costs will be provided as your intentions to open a store increase.

How much is the approximate area required?

• Approximately 1,600 ft2 .

WhWhat about staff?

• Staff of the kitchen will be provided by us, under your payroll, and prior to the opening of the restaurant opening provided staff shall be there for a good period of time, till your restaurant does settle down. (Expenses Of Air ticket & Boarding arranged by you)

What will be my main job?

• Just manage, we will take care of most of the things to set the business business for you.
