100 days after nargis



100 days after nargis

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100 days after NARGIS at Taw-Cheik village


Rice Contribution through Sangha



Journey from KwamChanGone to Tawcheik

2.5 hr water way

►Bent trees along river-lets of delta and straws hanging over that show where the tide-crest once reached

Victims( Cattle & Childeren)

► Gazing handicapped buffalo showing no mood to work, suffering suffocation with muddy lungs

► Weeping school girl showing no mood to go to school without pocket-money due to her disable father’s joblessness

First bridge of the village

► Palm-plank road approaching to first bridge, near jetty

►The bridge built by villagers with assorted palm-planks (betel & coconut) that once drifted along the crick

The second bridge of the village

► A road approaching to the Village made of bran-bags and single palm-planks

► The bridge connecting monastery & primary school more bumpy now an NGO's offer to reconstruct is allowed to accept, when its application letter of reconstruction needs to submit to a concerning ministry of the State

Schooling children ► Students from state

primary schools who got bags and hats from UNICEF, carrying Tiffin carriers from their homes

► Those of a monastery, no modern education, no bags & hats of UNICEF, no lunch box by the parents but survive with monks’ food & lessons provided and satisfied with donated hats by the local donors (EQUITY)

Rice and Hats Contribution

► Although people afraid of doing direct contribution to victims, but some do it through monks

► Scene of hats and rice contribution done by the local donors (EQUITY group) at the leading monastery of the community

Embankment & man-made cannel by the Sea

► A bridge of bamboo & betel

plank connecting between Rice fields & Sea-side where dead bodies of cyclone victims are once drifted overwhelmingly

► Carcass of a woman and a child hugging tightly was found and buried in-situ by their owners, now it reappears by the continuous monsoon rain-wash

Demanding stronger & bigger community-building

► Soft huts made by thatch roofs & bamboo, built urgently on Sea side as a usual way

► Strong buildings in religious compound that proved to rescue victims by providing shelters but having no enough room so new bigger ones of same type are being demanded in a long run

Difference bet. Actual boat size & that of state delivery

► Drifted ordinary boat-shed with wide keel showing that kind of shape and size actually fit for the region delta

► State provides boats of narrow keels (carried in groups by ordinary ones) with contracts; not allow to change its shape and form by owners, within some years onwards

Urgent need: Rice !!!!!!!!

► Unsuccessful nurseries (new-plantation) with empty spots

► People need rice as staple food till new crop collected (Dec 2008 and Jan of 2009)

► They are eagerly waiting for rice-contribution through monks’ administrations